Tenta Flashcards
Abiotic resoure depletion potential. Midpoint impact assessment method for abiotic resources such as minerals and metals. Digging the ore up compared to leaving it in the ground.
Surplus ore potential. Mid-point impact assessment method for the impact of digging up yet another unit of ore.
Ozone Depletion Potential. Mid-point impact for the depletion of stratospheric ozone.
Acidification Potential. Mid-point indicatior for acidification.
Freshwater Eutrophication Potential. Mid-point indicator for eutrophication.
Human Health Ozone Formation Potential. Mid-point indicatior for photochemical ozone.
Availability Water Remaining. Mid-point indicator for water availability.
(indirect) Land Use Change. Alterations of land that can cause environmental impacts.
Disability-adjusted life years. A measure of overall disease burden, expressed as the number of years lost due to ill-health, disability or early death. End-point indicator.
Potentially damaged fraction of species. End-point indicator for the natural environment.
Global Warming Potential. Characterization factors for the climate change impact category.
Area of protection. The endpoints/safeguard subjects of an LCA, specifically human health, the natural environment and natural resources.
Restriction of hazardous substances. EU directive prohibiting the use of heavy metals and other chemicals in electric and electronic equipment.
End of life vehicles directive. The first EU-directive with producer responsibility. Aims to reduce the content of hazardous substances in vehicles, design for disassembly and increase the use of recycled materials.
Renewable Energy Directive. The EUs goal the fulfil at least 20% of its total energy need with renewables by 2020. RED 2 has set the goal of 32% renewable energy by 2030.
Functional Unit. Unit that expresses the function of a product system quantitatively and serves as a basis for product comparisons.
Consequential life cycle assessment. Change oriented type of LCA that quantifies the environmental consequences of an action.
Data quality requirement
Inventory table
table showing life cycle inventory analysis results in terms of inputs and outputs per functional unit.
Cradle-to-grave study
LCA study covering the whole life cycle, from raw material extraction to the end of life.
A package of impact assessment methods covering midpoint, endpoint and weighting.
Actor-based LCA
Quantification of environmental impacts within an actor’s sphere of responsibility/influence
Consideration of environmental issues in product development to minimize environmental impact over life cycle without compromising other essential criteria.
Energy labelling directive
makes the product’s energy use visible to consumers. E.g. vacuum cleaners, fridges and tumble dryers.
The aggregation of all environmental and resource impact into one single score.
Open-source software for LCA modelling.
Type I environmental label
Third-party verified labels telling that a product fulfils certain environmental criteria.
Pedegree matrix
Table with criteria for assessing inventory data quality in LCA.
Design for environment. The act of designing products taking environmental issues into account.
Environmental product declaration. Standardised, third-party certified LCA results for a product, communicated on the market.
international reference life cycle data system. handbook for LCA + Data network for LCA data, published by the EU.
Life Cycle Management. Managerial practices and organisational arrangements ina company or product chain that are expressions of life cycle thinking.
Life cycle inventory analysis. Phase in the LCA procedure where the model of physical flows is constructed, according to the goal and scope definition, to quantify the input and output flows
Life cycle impact assessment, Stage in LCA procedure. Assessment and evaluation (translation) of inventory results into metrics for potential environmental impact.
product category rules. Rules and gidelines for LCAs for specific product category, in a type III /EPD and/or PEF context.
Product environmental footprint. Latest LCA guideline from the EU
Waste electrical and electronic equipment. Class of waste subject to regulation under WEE directive (in the EU)
Well-to-wheel study
LCA study of a vehicle fuel, from extraction to combustion.
Abiotic resource
Non-living, non-organic material resources, for example metals, minerals, land, fresh water, air and sunlight.
Elementary flow
Inflow to a product system from the natural system without previous technical transformation or outflow from a product system to the the natural system (emission)
Nitrogen fixation
Process by which nitrogen (N2) in the earth’s atmosphere is converted nitrogen species that are available to living organisms.
Carbon footprint
LCA study with respect to greenhouse gases only. (can also mean greenhouse gas emissions from other types of entities, using other system boundries, e.g. the carbon footprint of an organisation).
Characterisation Factor. Scientifically based indicators that are quantative measures for environmental impact. Used to “translate” inventory results to LCIA results.
Open loop recycling
Recycling of a product into some other type of product, often implying a quality degradation.
Cradle-to-gate study
partial LCA study from resource extraction to factory gate, thus omitting the phases of retail, use and end-of-life.
Dominance analysis
Analysis of LCA results to determine what parts of the life cycle give rise to the greatest (dominant) environmental impact.
Reference substance
the substance included in the unit of the characterization factors.
Midpoint impact categories
- climate change
- stratospheric ozone depletion
- acidification
- Eutrophication
- Water Use
Endpoint impact categories
corresponds to areas of protection (AoP):
- Human health
- Natural Environment
background system
Part of the LCA model, which consists of those processes that are not under direct influence of the decision maker.
Foreground system
Part of the LCA model, which consists of those processes based on which measures may be taken as a result of decisions based on the LCA study.
Cut-off criteria
Criteria for simplifying the LCA model, includes possibility to leave out negligible environmental impacts and up-stream production minor components
Person or organisation initiation and paying for an LCA study
term used both in the inventory analysis and the impact assessment to indicate relation to a reference value. Normalisation of collected data or normalisation of the impacts.
Stand-alone LCA
Type of LCA in which a single product or service is studied.
Attributional LCA. An accounting LCA which answer what type of environmental impact that can be associated to the product.
A way to construct a toxicity impact assessment method. Establish factors (fate, intake fraction, ecotox effects etc.). Calculates CFs for human and ecotoxicological impacts of chemicals.
Tool for assessment of toxicity. Uses CFs such as PEC PNEC, PCR and RCR.
Prospective LCA. Studies of emerging technologies in early development stages, when there is still opportunities to use environmental guidence for major alterations.
Ecoindicator 99 - Endpoint impact assessment method