Tenses and Moods Flashcards
Le subjonctif / The Subjunctive: uses
When the subjects of the two verbs are different.
Uses ‘que’
Il faut que…
Il est nécessaire que vous…
Je veux que …
The next verb will be in the Subjunctive
The Subjunctive: Formation
ROOT = Present tense indicative with: Je + 'e' Tu + 'es' Il + 'e' Elle + 'e' On + 'e' NOUS + 'ions' VOUS + 'iez' Ils + 'ent' Elles + 'ent'
The Subjunctive: POUVOIR
eg. Nous puissions
The Subjunctive: SAVOIR
The Subjunctive: VENIR
Vienn- (je, tu, il, elle, on, elles, ils)
Ven- (nous, vous)
The Subjunctive: FAIRE
The Subjunctive: ALLER
Le gérondif: The present participle
Replace the ‘nous’ form’s ‘-ons’ ending with ‘-ant’. irregular:
être → étant
avoir → ayant
savoir → sachant.
The imperfact past. Ongoing past state and talking about what used to happen. Often used to talk about state.
J-ais, T-ais, I/E-ait, N-ions, V-iez and I/Es-aient
Le Passé Composé
Expresses a well defined punctual event that is in the past. Can express a change of state.