Tenement Fires - Ladder 3 Flashcards
1st due Roof man upon completion of duties on roof?
The Roof FF shall descend the rear fire escape and team up with the OV to VEIS
Team up - Fire in front and 3 to 4 apartments per floor?
LCC and OV team up in front
1st Roof and 2nd Roof team up and VEIS floors above the fire.
Tower Ladder Chauffeur
Stays at the pedestal
Tower Ladder Roof FF
Officer may request Roof FF to perform outside vent of fire apartment from fire escape after preliminary duties are completed. May VEIS with 2nd due Roof FF or other available member.
2nd Due Truck Inside Team
Door of apartment directly above the fire apartment.
2nd Dur Can Man Top floor fire
Adjacent apartment with 2 6ft hooks instead of can.
2nd Due LCC
Front of fire building. If not needed then go above the fire if teamed up with 2nd OV or other available member.
2nd Due OV - fire in the rear
If there is only a rear fire escape or the fire apartment is in the rear the 2nd due OV and 2nd due Roof or other available member team up and VEIS.
2nd Due OC - fire in the front
When there is a front fire escape and the fire is in the front, the 2nd due OV and 2nd due LCC team up (or other available member) for apartment directly over the fire apartment.
2nd Due Roof
To Roof. Team up with 1st due Roof or 2nd due OV to VEIS floors above.
2nd Due Truck Interior Team - top floor fire
roceed to the top floor to assist first Ladder Company in entry and search of all top floor apartments. This permits deployment of 6 firefighters (2 officers and 4 firefighters) in a critical top floor area.
2nd Due Roof - Top Floor Fire
proceed to roof with power saw. Assist First Roof Firefighter on venting roof as ordered and commence opening with saw if required. Assist venting top floor windows from roof level as ordered.
2nd Due OV - Top Floor Fire
Vent Fire apartment from fire escape. Get permission from 1st due Ladder Co. Officer. If already vented then vent adjoining apartment. This position is reached via the fire escape from below.
2nd Due LCC - Top Floor Fire
To front of building. Not needed? Then to Roof
Engine Company - Fire in the shaft
Controls fire in the room exposing the shaft then directs line in to shaft for a knockdown before final extinguishment of the fire room.