Tendons Flashcards
Tendonitis/ Tenosynovitis is
acute inflammatory response to injury that results in inflammation: heat swelling and pain
Tendinosis- a degenerative pathological change in a tendon (not inflammation) tendon tissue become micro fragmented
a degenerative pathological change in a tendon (not inflammation) tendon tissue become micro fragmented
Risks for tendonitis
- Over 35
- high intensity work or sports over 30 mins 3+ times a week
- demanding technique or posturing
- sub par level of fitnesss
Teaching guildlines
Good posture all times
Proximal UE exercise + aerobic help lympthatic flow and promote circulation to distal UE
Good body menchics during activity
Good body menchics elbow close to side forearms + wrist in neutral 2 handed activities in front of an close to body
elbow close to side
forearms + wrist in neutral
2 handed activities in front of and close to body
Pain at rest worsens w ROM/Daily activities what phase
Acute Phase
≠ pain at rest or with ROM/
Resorative phase
Emphasis accute phase
reducing pain/ promote healing
Superficial heat, continuous wave ultrasound ice DA emphasis ^ flexibility strength + endurance+ high voltage pulsed current reduce pain (heat w/care if swelling is present)
Splinting + light compressive help rest tissue + reduce pain
AROM + gentl isometric exercises in pain free rangemin-
More forceful contractions w/isometric exceercise
Progressive resistive concentric exercise
Cautious eccentric exercise IOJOOPJPO
Superficial heat, continuous wave ultrasound ice DA emphasis
^ flexibility strength + endurance+ high voltage pulsed current reduce pain (heat w/care if swelling is present)Splinting + light compressive help rest tissue + reduce pain