Ten Steps To Sales Letter Glory Flashcards
How many points do you have to make in the lead?
Lead: Point One
Call Out The Problem
Lead: Point Two
Promise solution to pain point + promise to save time and money
Lead: Point Three
Tease emotional discovery story
Lead Point Four
Tease unique mechanism behind solution
Lead point Five
Tease contrarian nature of mechanism (This flies in the face of what you have been told before)
Lead point six
Working in fascinations as an incentive for continuing with the copy (I’ll answer this riddle for you)
Lead point seven
briefly mention credibility builders
Lead point eight
Qualifiers - Who this works for. Is it for everyone? Is it for a certain subset? Speak to your market
Lead point nine
Briefly address scepticism
Lead point ten
include a few broad testimonials if available about benefits but don’t give away product)
how many points in the background story?
Background story point one
Who am I+credibility builders when appropriate (doctor or expert)
background story point two
“me or someone close to me was just like you (in pain) - here’s the emotional story about it
background story point three
Traditional stories and advice not working
background story point four
trigger event - problem or pain point escalated to where avatar realizes something MUST change
background story point five
search for truth / answers
background story point six
Optional: meets sensei type who promises to reveal the truth that’s been hidden
How many points in the mechanism of the problem
MOP point 1
Explaining the real cause of the problem, you have had 99% of the answer but this is the missing 1%
MOP point 2
Should be surprising, possibly even counter-intuitive
MOP point 3
Backed by credibility and proof elements
How many points in the mechanism of the solution
MOS point 1
now that you know the real cause of the problem, this is the real solution on a MACRO level
MOS POint 2
MACRO level solution should be logically connected with the problem: for example if bad bacteria is causing your weight gain, the solution is a novel way to rid your gut of bad bacteria
MOs point 3
Once they have the MACRO solution (a theory) - they dig deep to prove the theory (and get into the micro)
Mos point 4
Backed by credibliity and proof elements and citations and science
How many points in the product build up?
Product build up point one
Now that the avatar knows the solution, he looks for an “out of the box” version; something that will end his quest and solve the problem right there
Product build up point two
… but he discovers the out of the box solution is flawed
Product build up point three
He has to do it himself and create a new and novel solution
Product build up point four
starts testing it or working on it. There are problems and set backs
Product build up point five
… but eventual success/breakthrough
Product build up point six
Proof product works
Product build up point seven
Others asking for it
Product build up point eight
Product is born
How many points in the close?
Close point one
Product details (what’s included, what makes it special, uSP
Close point two
Discuss and dismiss other alternatives (expensive, ineffective, side-effects, poor quality, unproven)
Close point three
Keep building up value of the product
Close point four
Adding testimonials
Close point five
how to use the product
Close point six
optional urgency - powers that be may want to stop me from sharing this at any time
Close point seven
scarcity: demand is high, supplies are limited, out of stocks are common
Close point Eight
personal mission of avatar to make things better - tied to emotion
Close point nine
price justification and reveal other solutions are more expensive and consequences of inaction are costly (can be either material or immaterial)
Close point ten
This solution is better and will save you money, it’s normally $X which is a bargain, but right now you can get it for just $Y
Close point eleven
First call to action
Close point twelve
What happens after you click the button
Close point thirteen
optional: valuable free bonuses revealed
Close point fourteen
guarantee - you’ll most likey have a great experience but if for any reason you don’t, no risk and no hassle
Close point fifteen
second call to action
Close point sixteen
Two choices - you can go on suffering, or you can take action today and change your life forever, the choice isyours
Close point seventeen
urgency 2 - but you really must hurry as this is the endo f the presentation
Close point eighteen
third call to action
Close point nineteen
Thank you for watching
how many points in the fAQ
FAQ point one
BAck to being their friend, helping to clear up confusion they may have
FAQ point two
Reminding them of what the product is, what it’s used for , importance of taking action today, terms of guarantee and how to buy