Ten of Swords Flashcards
Greet the approaching dawn while honoring lessons learned from the past. There is a new beginning within each end.
Endings, new beginnings
Delayed endings, hanging on to the past
Message from the ten of swords
A bright new dawn is depicted in the Ten of Swords card. The darkness of night gives way to a beautiful sunrise, casting its rays onto distant mountains and a body of water that lies between the sun and a man with ten swords in his back. The energies of both death and rebirth imbue this card, reminding us that a cycle of pain nearly always gives way to a new dawn. The man will rise again, but the swords haven’t disappeared completely. He is aware of their presence and does not see them as burdens. Rather, he honors the experiences that have shaped his journey and what he has learned along the way.
10, complete cycle
The Ten of Swords signifies the end of a cycle of pain and struggle. Transformation occurs when you accept this ending and allow yourself to see that everything you’ve experienced has served its purpose. This level of surrender creates a feeling of peace and gratitude for what has left your life, creating space for a new cycle to begin.
Caponi, Stefanie. Guided Tarot (p. 179). Zeitgeist. Kindle Edition.
The end of a relationship or relationship pattern is leading you toward a wonderful new beginning. Or it may be that a cycle is completing within your current relationship, so it’s important to make peace with the past to make way for new energy. In this cycle, the worst is behind you, and you look at that time as a learning period; you look forward to the next phase of romance.
Job loss or financial constraints will soon be in your past, making way for a new, more prosperous time. Everything you went through was teaching you how to fail forward, take rejection as a learning point, and become stronger in your career. Accept that the end of the current cycle is clearing the way for even better financial or career opportunities.
Caponi, Stefanie. Guided Tarot (p. 179). Zeitgeist. Kindle Edition.
After completing a painful cycle, you are moving forward with a new understanding of the past. You’ve cultivated gratitude for lessons learned and are starting a new chapter. Focus on overcoming stress and anxiety holistically through journaling or counseling. Continue on your healing journey through gentle healing modalities like acupuncture or Reiki.
Caponi, Stefanie. Guided Tarot (p. 179). Zeitgeist. Kindle Edition.
The reversed Ten of Swords in your reading can signify a refusal to let something come to an end. Remind yourself that it is perfectly fine to let go and move on. Clinging to the past prevents the emergence of a new beginning. Try not to delay the abundance that awaits you.