Ten Codes Flashcards
Call your quarters or other unit. (A unit is to call its quarters or other unit by telephone)
Return to Quarters
Call dispatcher by telephone
Repeat message
Standby (a short pause in transmission will follow)
Verify address/location
In service by radio (A unit leaving the scene of an incident where it had either operated or stood fast is on the air and available. This signal is also used when the AT/SP or PC/ATS is not in service and a unit is leaving quarters. This signal is not used when unit is leaving quarters for non-emergency response.
10-8 code 1
used only by a Division or Battalion to indicate it is in-service by radio when leaving a quarters other than its own at which it had been off the air and to which its alarms had been routed
10-8 code 2
Used by any unit t indicate it is on the air outside its response area. When the unit returns to its response area, the dispatcher must be notified again using 10-8.
Off the air. (a unit will be out of radio contact) A 10-8 is to be transmitted, with code if necessary, when radio contact is re-established
Unit location. (a request is made for a unit’s location)
Radio test count (count from 1 to 11 for test purposes)
Preliminary report. (request by a chief for a preliminary report by the first arriving unit)
Roster Staffed Engine Company
Return all units, except 1 engine AND 1 ladder.
Return all units, except 1 engine OR 1 ladder.
Proceed at reduced speed.
Brush fire.
Outside rubbish fire. (fire in outside rubbish that has not extended to a building)
Abandoned/Derelict Vehicle fire (ADV). (A fire in a vehicle that has no value other than salvage and no owner can be located).
Auto Fire. (a fire in a vehicle with plates or in any vehicle having a value greater than that of salvage)
Manhole or Transformer Fire or emergency.
10-25 without code
Manhole or transformer fire or emergency, situation other than as described in codes 1, 2, 3, 4
10-25 code 1
Fire has extended from a manhole, conduit, or transformer into a building. (Utility company will dispatch emergency crew immediately upon receipt of a code 1 or code 4.)
10-25 code 2
fire has blown one or more manhole covers, or smoke is issuing from a manhole under pressure
10-25 code 3
Smoke is seeping from a manhole
10-25 code 4
Fire or smoke condition from a transformer at any location (i.e. pole, vault, room, etc). (Utility company will dispatch emergency crew immediately upon receipt of a code 1 or code 4.)
Food On the Stove (or other form of cooking carelessness)
Compactor or Incinerator Fire (fire has not extended from compactor or shaft)
Subway or Railroad System- Fire Emergency or Smoke condition
10-28 code 1
Structural fire
10-28 code 2
Non-structural fire (e.g. train fire, rubbish on the tracks etc)
10-28 code 3
Emergency (non-medical)
Assist Civilian (all calls for assistance other than medical assignments, including a unit assigned to protect EMS by diverting or blocking traffic at a highway incident, good intention calls, calls handled by other agencies, any type of investigation, searches and complaints, elevator emergencies, and lock-outs)
Defective oil burner. (fire has not extended from the firebox)
Odor Condition
10-33 code 1
Odor of smoke.
10-33 code 2
Any other type of odor (besides an odor of smoke, which is a 10-33 code 1)
Sprinkler system emergency
10-34 code 1
Defective sprinkler device or system (defective alarm valve, broken pipe etc)
10-34 code 2
Unwarranted sprinkler alarm- not defective (surge in pressure, people working on the system etc)
10-34 code 3
Sprinkler has been activated by heat source but not associated with an accidental fire
Unwarranted or Unnecessary Alarm Activation (any alarm system activation that is unwarranted or unnecessary, EXCLUDING a sprinkler system alarm (use 10-34 code 1, 2, or 3)or an alarm system activation resulting from a utility power fluctuation (use 10-40 code 2)
10-35 no code
Unwarranted alarm. (alarm system activation caused by the DEFECTIVE CONDITION of alarm device, equipment, or system. (e.g. low battery condition, alarm activations without a known cause or when no condition is found warranting an emergency response)