Temptation Bible Study Guide 9/12/23 Flashcards
What does 2nd Corinthians 11:14-15 tell us?
Sometimes Satan masquerades as an angel of light. That is the reason some things seem so good at first, only later proved to be very wrong.
What does Romans 7:18-19 tell us?
Just as we all do, Paul struggles with sin.
What does Matthew 4:4,7,10 tell us?
Know and use God’s Word to resist temptation.
What does 1 Corinthians 15:33 tell us?
Resist situations and people that corrupt character.
What was Satan’s first tactic with Eve?
To question God or to create doubt
What was his 2nd tactic with Eve?
Tell 1/2 Truths
- 1/2 truth = You will be like God knowing right from wrong
- lie = You will not die
What does Matthew 26:41 tell us?
Watch and Pray so that we don’t fall into temptation
What is the definition of Temptation?
An enticement or invitation to sin, with the implied promise of benefit to be gained, from choosing the path of disobedience.
What is the Key Verse?
1 Corinthians 10:13
What does the Key Verse say?
- God is faithful
- He won’t allow you to be tempted beyond what you can handle
- He always provides a way of escape
- Every Temptation you face is normal
Name 2 ways of escape.
- Quote Scripture
- Use my own legs and leave
What does James 4:7-8 tell us?
Submit, Resist, Purify
What does 1 Peter 5:8-9 tell us?
The devil is a roaring lion seeking to devour.
What does Submit mean?
Follow Authority
What does Resist mean?
Stand your ground
What does Purify mean?
Clean up
What 3 reasons did Eve give for eating the fruit?
Good Food, Looking Good (pleasing to the eye), Desirable for Wisdom
The Chart
Good Food-Lust of the Flesh-Turn the stones to bread-His power for personal gain
Looking Good (pleasing to the eyes)-Lust of the eyes-Bow down and worship Satan-No other gods but God
Desirable for Wisdom-Pride of life-Jump from the pinnacle-Don’t test God