Temporary Flight Restrictions Flashcards
A flight data center (FDC) Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) is issued to designate a (Temporary Flight Restriction, Temporary Flight Prohibition)
TFR temporary flight restriction
The NOTAM begins with the phrase (FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS, FLIGHT PROHIBITIONS) followed by the (location, status) of the temporary restriction, effective time (period, length), area defined in statute (feet, miles), and altitudes (affected, not affected).
FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS; location; length; miles; affected
The NOTAM also contains the FAA (approval, coordination) facility and telephone number, the (reason, guidelines) for the restriction, and any other information deemed appropriate.
coordination; reason
The pilot should check the NOTAMs as part of (flight coordinating, flight planning)
flight planning
A Purpose for establishing a TFR: Protect persons and property in the (air, routes) or on the (surface, base) from an existing or imminent hazard.
air; surface
Purpose for establishing a TFR: Provide a safe (airfield, environment) for the operation of (hazardous, disaster) relief aircraft
environment; disaster
A purpose for establishing a TFR: Prevent an unsafe (congestion, airfield) of sightseeing aircraft above an incident or event, that may generate a (high, low) degree of public interest
congestion; high
Purpose for establishing a TFR: Protect declared (natural disasters, hazardous disasters) for humanitarian reasons in the State of (Hawaii, Alaska).
Natural disasters; Hawaii
Purpose for establishing a TFR: Protect the (President, Citizen), (Vice President, Pilots), or other public figures.
President; Vice President
Purpose for establishing a TFR: Provide a safe environment for (space agency, environment agency) operations
space agency
The use of TSR has become more common since (9/11, Jan 6)
There have been a number of incidents of (aircraft incidents, aircraft incursions) into TFRs have resulted in pilots undergoing security (investigations, policies) and certificate (suspensions, updates).
Aircraft incursions; investigations; suspensions
It is a pilot’s responsibility to be aware of TFRs in their proposed (area of flight, area of landing).
area of flight
one way to check of TFRs is to visit the (FAA website, EDA website) and verify that there is not a TFR in the area.
FAA website