Temples typologies: church, mosque and synagogue Flashcards
What is an aisle?
In a basilican church, the portion set parallel to the nave, generally separated from it by columns or piers
What is an apse?
The termination of the nave of a basilica or the choir in a basilican church
What is a basilica?
- A rectangular building that has a central section with a higher roof (the nave if a church) flanked by lower aisles on both long sides.
- A semi-circular projection, the apse, was often set at one or both of the shorter ends.
- Early Christians adapted the form as a basis for church design, replacing one apse with the main entrance and establishing a processional axis the length of the building. The altar was placed in the apse at the end.
What is a baptistery?
a building, generally octagonal, used for the Christian rite of baptism
What is a chancel?
The east end of a church, in which the main altar is place
What is a choir?
The eastern end of a basilican church, where the divine service was sung
What is the crossing?
In a basilican church, the space where transepts, nave and choir intersect
What is the Greek cross plan?
A plan in the form of a cross having arms of equal length
What is the Latin Cross Plan?
A plan in the form of a cross having one longer arm (normally the western one) that creates a nave, i.e. a basilica with a cross-shaped plan
What is the nave?
The Western arm of a Basilican Church
St Peter’s Basilica
Rome, Italy

- Built during reign of Constantine
- Located on the traditional burial site of St Peter the Apostle
- Uses typical Roman basilica format
- Piered basilica with nave and two aisles
Dome of the Rock
Jerusalem, Israel

- Shrine located on the Temple of the Mount
- Octagonal plan
- Wooden dome, mounted on an elevated drum
- Place where Muhammad the prophet ascended to heaven the Gabriel the Angel
- Elaborately decorated mosaics adorn the exterior
- System of columns support arches in the interior
Great Mosque of Cordoba
Cordoba, Spain
784‐6, 833‐988

- Hypostyle hallway
- Horse-shoe arches
- Reminiscent of Corinthian capitals with impost blocks
Friday Mosque of Isfahan
8‐16th centuries

- Personifies the changes in design and from the 8th to 16th centuries
- At the centre of the old city
- Previously, several paths of access leading to the mosque
- Intimate ties with urban landscape, shared walls with other buildings
- ‘Four-iwan’ design
- an iwan is a vaulted space that opens on one side to a courtyard
- Courtyard at the centre links the four iwans