Temples Flashcards
Man working in temple looking after temple and sacrifices to a god
Women working in temple looking after temple and sacrifices to god
Greek soothsayer who read entrails of animal or bird sights to predict the outcome of the future
A person who reads the flight of birds to predict the outcome of future events
A Roman priest in charge of protecting temples, regulating religious law and overseeing the religious calendar
Vestal virgins
Female priests in charge of the cult of the goddess Athena
A Roman priest who read omens of entrails
What is a temple?
Consecrated place or area dedicated to the gods and their purpose is to house the cult statue of which the temple was dedicated to.
Where is the temple located?
In a sanctuary
Location of alter
Outside the temple so the public could take part in sacrifices
Who can go inside the temple
Only priests/ priestess can go into the temple but you were allowed if you wanted to see the cult statue
How is the goddess Vesta represented in Rome
As the a flame
What 2 things does the flame represent
Continuing of Romes power
Continuing virginity of vestal virgins
How many vestal virgins were there
Roughly what age would a vestal virgins be chosen
Between 6 years old and 10 years old
What criteria would she have had to fulfil to be a vestal virgin ( 4 things )
Both parents alive
Between 6 and 10
Fit and healthy
Elite and powerful family
For how many years would a vestal virgin have to serve
At least 30 years
What would happen in the 1st 10 years of being a vestal virgin
What would happen in the 2nd 10 years of being a vestal virgin
Carry out duties
What would happen in the 3rd 10 years of being a vestal virgin
Carry out duties
Name 4 duties of the vestal virgins
Tending to flame
Collecting water
Learn the religious calendar
Make the mola salsa
What Would be the punishment of the vestal virgins if the flame went out and who would carry the punishment out
Pontifex maximus - chief priest
What would be the punishment if a vestal virgin was accused of incestum
Buried alive
Why were the punishments so severe
Given a lot of benefits in society and they believed if the flame went out Rome would fall
4 privileges of a vestal virgin
Write a will
Own property
Sit front view at certain games
How big was the Parthenon
69.5 m in length and 30.9 m wide
What direction did the Parthenon face
Orientated east to west
How big was the base of Parthenon
Stood on a 3 stepped base
What surrounded the Parthenon
A colonnade
What was in the naos in the Parthenon
13 metre statue of Athena
What is Athena statue made out of
Ivory and gold
Who designed the Parthenon
Why would a sacrifice be made
To either thank the immortal for help received or to ask for help in the future
What could be used as a sacrifice
Anything - but mostly food such as cakes or fruit milk or wine and on very special occasions an animal
What was the most important type of sacrifice
Blood sacrifice- animal
Most expensive type of sacrifice
Hecatomb - 100 bulls cost 8000 drachmae
Order of sacrifice- scene 1
Wash thoroughly and wear clean or new clothes and adorned themselves with a garland woven from twigs
Order of sacrifice- scene 2
Choosing of animal! Had to be most physically perfect in herd and be willing to be sacrificed. Would decorate animal adorned with ribbons horns gilded ( thin layer of gold)
Order of sacrifice scene 3
Participants Escorted animal to alter
What would the maiden carry
Basket filled with barley to hide knife
Who would be the participants
Priest / pontifex if roman
Water carrier
What would a Roman priest do to show respect
Veil head with yoga before begging sacrifice
Scene 4 of sacrifice
Musicians played to soothe the animal
Scene 5 sacrifice
Circle of barley was sprinkled around alter, animal and participants. Showed who was involved and therefore who to bless
Scene 6 of sacrifice
Fire would be lit on the alter and then each participant would purify themselves indicating the sacrifice has begun
Scene 7 sacrifice
Victim sprinkled with water- animal would jerk it’s head would be seen as a nod ( animals consent to be sacrificed)
Scene 8 of sacrifice
Each participant took a handful of barley from sacrificial basket to show they were taking part. And silence then descended
Scene 9 sacrifice
Raise arms to sky the sacrificed recited a 3 stage prayer
Scene 10 sacrifice
After the prayer each participant tossed a handful of barley onto the alter and the victim
Scene 11 sacrifice
Knife removed from basket and cut a few hairs of the victim as a “taster” for the gods
Scene 12 sacrifice
Victim raised over alter and popa would cut the animals throat and women would present a high pitched scream to marking passage from life to death
Scene 14 sacrifice
The blood of the victim was collected into basin and sprayed over the top and sides of the alter and finally the victim was skinned and butchered
Wrapped in fat and burnt on alter - smoke feed the gods
Animals entrails
Cut off and haruspex examined if were healthy or not if we’re good the gods were pleased
Inner organs
Reserved for most important participants
Rest of meat
Boiled and shared amongst the participants
Scene 15
Remains of victim were laid out on alter - animals life can be remembered and skin was given to sanctuary
Scene 16
Cakes, broth and other food burned as an offering to the gods
Scene 17
Sacrificer poured wine over the fire. Bright purple flame was thought to signify that the god was present.
Where is the temple of Zeus located