Tempest Vocab Flashcards
Fen (n.)
A low and marshy or frequently flooded area of land
Solipism (n.)
The belief that the only thing that can possibly be proved real is the self
Auspicious (adj.)
Favorable and suggestive of good things to come
jocund (adj.)
Having high spirits and lively displays of happiness
dissemble (v.)
To tell a lie by taking on a false appearance or behavior (can be both transitive and instransitive)
Palimpsest (n.)
A written record which has had the original writing erased and overwritten, but which is still visible in places
Sinecure (n.)
A job or position that requires little or no actual work
Perfidious (adj.)
Deceitful and untrustworthy; devoted to treachery
Prerogative (n.)
An exclusive or special right, power, or privilege
upbraid (v.)
Find fault with someone; scold; criticize
Abstemious (adj.)
Not self-indulgent, especially when eating and drinking
Chastise (v.)
Rebuke or criticize harshly and severely; punish (dated)
Sinew (n.)
a piece of tough fibrous tissue uniting muscle to bone or bone to bone; a tendon or ligament; the part of system that gives it strength
Vapid (adj.)
A lack of substance, empty of thought or meaning
Inviolate (adj.)
Protected from any sort of interference or physical attack