Temperament Flashcards
Of good demeanour
Gay, assertive, but chary of strangers.
Lhasa apso
Noble and affectionate at home with those close to him, at the same time lively and alert; he might be wary of strangers and is a good watch dog.
Peruvian Hairless dog (large, medium,small)
Calm, independent, very affectionate, and devoted to people.
Share Pei
Amenable, intelligent and faithful.
Alert, intelligent, bold and lively
Japanese Spitz
Bold, alert, friendly with marked guarding tendency
The ……… is a friendly and lively dog. The breed has an excellent disposition and a high degree of intelligence, which makes the ………. an incomparable companion.
Boston Terrier
With proud dignified bearing; loyal yet aloof.
Chow Chow
Outgoing, alert, intelligent and game; neither fierce nor pugnacious. Sparing of affection to strangers.
Tibetan Terrier
Friendly and independent.
Shih Tzu
The ………. is a silent and calm dog, cheerful, alert and intelligent, he might be suspicious toward strangers, he is a good watchdog and an excellent companion. He is never aggressive. The coated variety should be equal in every aspect.
Kindly without nervousness, friendly and outgoing.
Great Dane
Loyal, fierce in appearance, but extremely outgoing and affectionate in nature. Very stable and predictable. Enjoys activity, however a lot of exercise is not necessary for health and mental stability. The breed craves human attention. Some may not tolerate aggressive overtures by other dogs.
Australasian Bosdog
Happy, equable disposition, showing confidence, with no sign of nervousness or aggression.
German Spitz (Mittel & Klein)
Good temperament. (Also refer to Characteristics).
Poodle Standard Miniature Toy
Eager hunter; very independent, yet works co-operatively to game, marking game by barking. The senses, especially of smell, are sharp, thus the breed is suitable for big game hunting. Very good sense of direction. Balanced, courageous and persistent. Highly developed spirit for game. Very self-confident, may be territorial towards other males, never aggressive towards people. Slightly reserved.
Karelian Bear Dog
Self assured, calm, even tempered with high resistance to provocation. Watchful and alert without being noisy. Very strongly developed link to his family. Reserved towards strangers without being aggressive. No hunting instinct. For the full development of these qualities, the Eurasier needs constant, close domestic contact with his family and understanding yet consistent training.