Tema 11, Ordenar, Resumir Y Concluir Flashcards
En suma
In short, basically
En resumen
To sum up, in summary
En conclusión
In short, in conclusion, to sum it up
En pocas palabras
In a nutshell
En síntesis
In short, to sum up
Por una parte
On the one hand, on one side
Por otra parte
On the other hand
Por un lado
On one hand
Por otro lado
On the other hand, furthermore
En primer/segundo/tercer lugar
In the first/second/third place
A continuación
Next, and now
Por último
Finally, lastly
Finally, at last, eventually
In addition to, also, moreover, what’s more
Además de
Besides, in addition to
Respecto a
Regarding, with respect to
Antes de empezar
Before starting
Para finalizar
To end
O lo que es lo mismo
Or what is the same
Es decir
That is to say
En cuanto a
As for, as to