Telephone Phrasal Verbs Flashcards
Break up
Become inaudible over the phone, usually because of bad connection
Call back
To telephone someone again or to return a call
To phone someone after they phoned you or to return a call
Call up
Call someone on the phone
Cut off
When a telephone call finishes because of a bad connection
Get through
To be connected to a place by telephone
Hang on
Wait for a short time (informal)
Hang up
End a telephone call by putting the phone down
Hang up ( on someone)
End a call abruptly, rudely
Hold on
Wait for a short time
Pick up
Answer the telephone call
Put through
Connect by phone / to transfer the call
Put on
Give somebody the telephone so that they can talk to the person at the other end
Speak up
Speak louder
Get back to someone
Telephone someone later
Get off
Finish talking on the phone
Turn off
Disconnect using the power button
Turn on
Connect using the power button
Pass on
(A message) - To communicate (to convey) a message to someone else
Phone in
Call in by telephone to a central person or central point.