Tectonics & Geological Events Flashcards
The crust is the _______ layer of the Earth.
Beneath the crust, the _______ is a layer of __________-like material that is slowly moving.
Mantle, plastic
The outer core is __________ liquid because of the high temperature and _________.
Molten, pressure
The center layer of earth, which is ________ due to extreme ___________, is the inner core.
Solid, pressure
Convection currents occur when heated material ____________ inside Earth’ mantle.
Cooler material ____________inside Earth’s mantle.
Convection currents cause the ________ of tectonic plates.
The theory of plate tectonics states that the Earth’s crust is _______into huge pieces called tectonic ______.
Divided, plates
The plates move slowly on ________ of Earth’s upper mantle due to __________ currents.
Top, Convection
The plates _______ each other as they move _______ the mantle.
Bump, across
The plates move at approximately the _______ rate that our fingernails _______.
Same, grow
The place where tectonic plates meet one another are called plate __________.
There are _______ types of interactions between tectonic plates.
The three types of tectonic plate boundaries are:
Divergent, Convergent, and transform(?)
The root word div in divergent means “to ___________.”
Tectonic plates at divergent boundaries separate or move _______
New crust is created at ____ plate boundaries
Mid ocean ridges occur _________ at divergent plate ________. The mid Atlantic ridge is an example.
Underwater, boundaries
Ocean _______ also occur at divergent plate boundaries. They are ___________ formed when two tectonic plates move apart from one another, creating new _______ crust.
Basins, __________?, oceanic
Divergent oceanic boundaries are responsible for ______ spreading
Sea floor
Sea floor ________ occurs when two plates slowly ________ away from each other. Molten magma ______ to fill this opening.
Spreading, move, rises
This creates underwater mountain ranges called ______-_________ ridges.
Mid Ocean
The ______ floor crust moves ______ on both sides of the ridge.
Older, away
______ crust is located near the magma _______
Younger, ridge
On _______, divergent plate boundaries can ______ rift valleys.
_____?, produce
Land is pulled apart, making long, ________ depressions or __________
Narrow, trenches
In the word convergent the prefix con means ________ and the word verge means to turn ________.
Together, __________(?)
Tectonic plates at convergent boundaries _______ toward one another or _______ with one another.
Push, collide
Earths crust is ________ at convergent plate boundaries
_________ building occurs when two plates ______ or push together such as the Himalayas or the _____ Mountains.
Mountain, converge, Andes
When ______ crust and _______ crust push together the ocean plate ________, or slides under, the continental plate, and volcanic mountains form (such as the _____ of fire).
Continental, ______, _________, RIng
_________ can also occur at convergent boundaries.