Tectonics Flashcards
Structure of earth
Crust: Continental crust and Oceanic crust
Outer core
Inner core
A thin layer of solid rocks around the outside of the earth.
2 types of crust:
* Continental crust is a crust made up of land and is mainly composed of Granite.
* Oceanic crust is a crust made up of oceans it is composed of Basalt.
* The earth’s crust is broken up into large slabs of rock called tectonic plates
A layer of semi-molten (melted rock)
* The thickest layer.
* Heat currents called convection currents to rise and fall in the mantle.
Outer core
A layer of molten (melted) rock.
* Average temperatures of 3000 degrees C.
* Composed of iron / nickel.
Inner core
The centre of the earth
* Temperature of about 2700 degrees C
* Described as a solid ball of iron and nickel
* It is in a solid state due to pressure from the other layers.
Major tectonic plates
- The Pacific
- The Eurasian.
- The African
- The American
- The Indo Australian
- The Nazca Plate
- The Antarctic plate.
What are tectonic plates?
Tectonic plates are sections of very thin crust.
* They float like rafts on the semi-molten material that makes up the earth’s mantle.
* These plates move on top of the mantle by a series of heat (convection) currents.
* The movement is very small at less than 1 cm per year, but it can result in volcanic
eruptions and earthquakes.
* Earthquakes and volcanoes are found near plate boundaries. They can happen on the
seabed as well as on land.
Different plate movements and why they happen
There are 4 ways in which the plates can move due to the convection currents:
Destructive/convergent plate margin
Constructive/divergent plate margin
Conservative/transform margin
Collision (convergent/destructive)
Destructive/convergent plate margin:
- This happens when oceanic and continental plates move together.
- The oceanic plate is denser (heavier) than the continental one and is forced down (subducted).
- The continental plate is forced up (Fold Mountains).
- When the oceanic plate reaches the mantle, it melts forming magma.
- The heated magma is less dense and so rises through cracks to the surface, it erupts forming a volcano.
- Plates can become locked together, pressure builds up as the plates are trying to move and earthquakes occur when the tension is released.
Constructive/divergent plate margin:
- Convection currents at a constructive margin are pulling plates apart.
- The sea floor spreads, and magma wells up to fill the gap.
- The magma erupts forming a volcano.
- New crust is created by the rising magma, this creates mid–ocean ridges – chains of submarine mountains and volcanoes
E.G the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. - New crust is continually being made a constructive boundary and over a long period of
time it can rise forming volcanic islands e.g., Iceland. - Minor earthquakes occur as the plates pull apart.
Conservative/transform margin:
- Convection currents cause two plates slide past one another.
- Plates can become locked together, pressure builds up as the plates are trying to move and earthquakes occur when the tension is released. E.G. Turkey-Syria Earthquake 2023.
- No crust is created or destroyed, and no volcanic
eruptions take place.
Collision (convergent/destructive):
- Continental plates converge (move towards each other).
- Since two plates of land are of a similar density neither is subducted.
- Instead, plates are buckled and pushed up to form Fold Mountains (e.g., Himalayas).
- There is no subduction and so no volcanoes.
- However, violent earthquakes can occur. As plates push together pressure builds and earthquakes occur when the tension is released. E.G. Nepal Earthquake 2015.
Volcanic Hotspots
- Hotspot volcanoes can be found both along and away from plate boundaries.
- Hotspots are unusually hot magma plumes that rise in the mantle and erupt through the crust.
- This creates seamounts which are volcanic mountains beneath the sea.
- Seamounts can rise above the ocean surface to create islands.
- The Hawaiian Island chain formed as the Pacific crustal plate moved over a stationary source of magma or hotspot.
- There are many volcanoes on the Hawaiian islands, however, only a few are active.
- When volcanoes move off the hotspot they lose their source of magma and become extinct.
Volcanoes at the Hawaiian hotspot include:
- Loihi – a submarine volcano that is continuing to grow in size.
- The Big Island of Hawaii is at the hotspot and has several active volcanoes e.g. Mauna Loa and Kilauea.
Types of volcano
Shield volcanoes
Composite/strato volcanoes
Volcanoes are classified as:
- Active – if they have erupted recently
- Dormant – resting – have not erupted recently
- Extinct – will not erupt again
Shield volcanoes
- Shield volcanoes have very runny lava (non-viscous); because of this they do not have an ‘explosive’ eruption.
- Lava spreads quickly across the landscape.
- With each eruption a new layer of rock is built on the previous one.
- Gradually a wide dome of rock is built up.
- It is called a shield volcano because it looks like a curved shield lying on the ground (or an upside down dinner plate).
- The slopes of a shield volcano are very gentle.
- The Hawaiian islands are a chain of shield volcanoes
Composite/strato volcanoes
- Composite volcanoes are the most common type of volcano.
- When you think of a volcano you are probably picturing the classic cone shape of the composite volcano.
- They are formed by hardened layers of lava and ash from successive eruptions.
- The lava is viscous (therefore thicker than with shield volcanos) and it cools and hardens before spreading very far, therefore the volcanoes are steep-sided.
- The eruptions tend to be very violent, capable of producing deadly pyroclastic flows.
- Mount Vesuvius in Italy is an example of a Composite Volcano.
Features of a volcano
Ash, Dust and Gas
Magma Chamber
Prediction for volcanoes erupting
Volcanic eruptions can destroy people and the environment. We need to predict and plan for the
eruption. This helps reduce the loss of life and damage. Some of the methods scientist use to
predict are:
* Lasers to detect the physical swelling of the volcano
* Chemical sensors to measure the increases in sulphur levels
* Seismometers to detect the large number of earthquakes that occur due to the magma rising up
* Satellite images to record the warming of the ground surface as the magma edges towards the ‘breaking through point’.
Some of the methods scientists and local authorities use to plan for eruption are:
- Have an evacuation plan, e.g,. supplies of food and water, medical facilities, face mask to prevent inhaling ask and temporary homes (tents).
- Be ready to establish exclusion zones if needed. For example, in Montserrat in 1997 an exclusion zone covering 2/3 of the island was established to protect lives.
- Government agencies such as the police organise the evacuations. These need to be practiced and publicized (in the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010 800 people who were at risk of flooding were evacuated).
- Have plans to manage lava flows if they threaten valuable areas e.g., in Sicily Mount Etna regularly produces lava flows, the authorities may use powerful jets of water to attempt to divert the flow away from valuable areas.
Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic Eruption (2010)
Location: Southern Iceland
Date of eruption: April 2010
Location of the volcano Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic Eruption (2010)
The mountain lies within the country’s East Volcanic Zone.
Its name originates from an Icelandic phrase meaning “the island’s mountain glacier,” and the
volcano itself lies beneath Eyjafjallajökull (Eyjafjalla Glacier).
Its highest point rises to 5,466 feet (1,666 metres) above sea level.
Causes of the eruption Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic Eruption (2010)
Iceland has formed at a divergent plate boundary due to the North American and Eurasian plates moving apart. In addition, Iceland also lies over a hotspot or mantle plume – an upsurge of abnormally hot rock in the Earth ́s mantle.
As the plates moved apart, excessive eruptions of lava constructed volcanoes and filled rift valleys.
This has created the Mid Atlantic Ridge, a ridge of mountains and volcanoes that are mostly below sea level.
However, there are also volcanic islands along the ridge, with Iceland being the largest because of
the additional volcanism caused by the hotspot under the country.
The plates are moving apart at a rate of 1cm to 5 cm per year.
This has created a chain of volcanoes along the SE Rift zone of Iceland, which runs from NE to SW across Iceland, even passing underneath some of the countries ice caps.
Effects of the eruption Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic Eruption (2010)
800 people had to be evacuated due to glacial outburst floods.
Travel was severely disrupted as many flights were cancelled between 14 and 21 April 2010
The eruption produced 0.3 cubic kilometres of ash, which resulted in the disruption of 95,000
flights across Europe and economic losses of 5 billion euros.
Businesses lost trade.
Air operators lost millions of pounds each day.
Perishable foods were wasted as they could not be transported.
People were not able to get to work because they were stranded.
The timing of the disruption was during the Easter holidays when levels of tourism are high.
Management (Prediction) Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic Eruption (2010)
The Iceland Volcanic Observatory employs a range of methods to monitor volcanic activity so that
accurate predictions can be made. For example:
* Gas sampling: changes in gas composition indicate the activity levels of magma underground.
* GPS technology: used to monitor any significant changes on the volcano so that the risk of
activity e.g. pyroclastic flows can be assessed.
* Seismic monitoring: any minor earthquake activity is detected using seismographs and is recorded. Rising blobs of magma can cause earthquake activity and so this may be a sign of an eruption.
Management (Prevention) Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic Eruption (2010)
- Glacial outburst floods, caused when heat from the volcano melts glacial ice, are a real
risk in Iceland. 800 people were evacuated when the volcano flooded as they were in a
flood risk zone. - Aircraft were prevented from flying into/out of northern Europe for 6 days as there were
concerns that the ash cloud could cause safety risks.
Why do people live in Iceland, despite the risk?
Volcanic activity can create opportunities for people:
- Icelandic people feel relatively safe from the risk of volcanic eruptions as volcanoes in Iceland are closely monitored. Since volcanic eruptions tend to be very predictable people feel that they will be safe if an eruption occurs. Volcanic activity is monitored on a daily basis, for example GPS technology is used to monitor any significant changes on the volcano so that the risk of activity can be assessed.
- Today, there are a growing number of opportunities for jobs in the tourism industry in
Iceland. Interest in Iceland’s volcanoes peaked after the 2010 eruption and this has led to a huge growth of tourism. For example, tourists enjoy visiting the geothermally heated blue lagoon, as well as the Lava Interactive Centre is a museum about Iceland’s volcanoes. It is also possible to take tours in lava tunnels and hike on glacier-covered volcanoes. - Geothermal energy: Iceland produces 66% of its electricity from geothermal sources. Helishedi is Iceland’s largest geothermal power station. Geothermal energy uses steam to produce electricity. The steam comes from reservoirs of hot water found a few miles or more below the earth’s surface.
- Another benefit of volcanoes is that the ash from previous eruptions creates fertile farmland. Iceland also use their geothermal energy to heat greenhouses, meaning they are able to grow enough fruits and vegetables to meet 60% of consumption.
An earthquake is the shaking and vibration of the crust due to movement of the Earth’s plates
(plate tectonics). Earthquakes can happen along any type of plate boundary.
The strength of an earthquake
The point underground that shock waves travel out from
The point on the ground above the focus where the vibration is the greatest
a weak point in a tectonic plate where pressure within the crust is released
How to measure an earthquake
It is measured using the Richter scale, which
works logarithmically. The higher the number
the stronger the quake.
Prediction of earthquakes
Whereas volcanic activity is often the end result of a slow build up of magma pressure within the
earth’s crust, an earthquake is a sudden, violent event. Although the pressure gradually builds as
two plates temporarily ‘lock together’, its release is not a slow or steady movement but rather a sudden lurch forward.
Some methods of prediction are –
* Historical records can be used to assess the level of frequency of large earthquakes e.g. southern California experiences a large earthquake once every 150 years on average.
* Using GPS technology to monitor the stress build-up on faults
* Monitoring an increase in the escape of radon gas, which may suggest the approach of an earthquake
* Checking water levels in wells, which may fall before an earthquake as the water seeps into small tension cracks
* Using seismographs to detect small fore shocks
Earthquake Prevention
Some of the methods scientists and local authorities use to plan are:
* Construct buildings and infrastructure (bridges, roads etc.) that can withstand the earth-shaking. Techniques include using strong materials e.g., concrete and flexible materials e.g., steel. Use of base isolation (explain its use), use of counterweights (explain their use).
* Plan for rescue, restore essential services and arrange for temporary evacuations.
* Evacuation routes must be practised, and individuals need to have emergency kits with
things like food, water, torches etc.
* Doing emergency drills e.g., in schools. Earthquake-prone cities have also practised city
wide earthquake drills e.g., in cities such as Los Angeles, Tokyo & Mexico City.
Earthquake Case Study: Turkey-Syria 2023
Where, When?
Location: SE Turkey, close to the border with Syria
Date: 6th Feb 2023
Cause of the earthquake: Turkey-Syria 2023
- Transform/conservative plate boundary - Anatolian plate is sliding past the Arabian plate.
- Tension had been building up for a long time on the East Anatolian fault.
- Pressure was released and the plates slipped along a strike slip fault.
- Shockwaves were sent out causing severe shaking of the crust.
- The earthquake measured 7.8Mv.
- As is the case with many earthquake events the mainshock was followed by many aftershocks, including three above magnitude 6.0.
- Aftershocks represent minor re-adjustments along the portion of the fault that slipped at the time of the mainshock.
Impacts: Turkey-Syria 2023
- 47,000+ deaths across SE Turkey and NW Syria.
- 6500 buildings in Turkey collapsed across 10 cities, including a 2000-year-old castle in the city of Gaziantep.
- Hundreds of thousands left homeless across SE Turkey and NW Syria.
- People were left to fend for themselves with many camped out in makeshift shelters in supermarket car parks, mosques, roadsides or amid the ruins, often desperate for food, water and heat.
Why were the effects so bad for Turkey-Syria 2023
- It was a major earthquake, measuring 7.8MV which resulted in intense shaking of the ground.
- Many strong aftershocks (including one of 7.5) toppled even more buildings after the mainshock.
- The earthquake struck close to large urban settlements, such as the city of Gaziantep. This
area also has large numbers of Syrian refugees making the area more densely populated. - Cold winter weather hampered relief efforts and the cold meant that people trapped
under rubble had less chance at survival. - There had not been an earthquake of above magnitude 7.0 in the region since the 1800s and the area lacked proper preparation.
- Turkey has seismic building codes but many buildings pre-date the codes and buildings had not been retrofitted.
- In some cases, it also seemed that proper building codes had not been followed due to corruption - this was seen in the many new apartment buildings that collapsed.
- Despite residents paying an earthquake tax for years, the emergency response to the earthquake was found to be poor - people complained of a lack of equipment, expertise and support to rescue those trapped under rubble.
- Relief to Syria was complicated by the ongoing civil war in the country.
Prediction: of Turkey-Syria 2023 earthquake
- Seismologists use GPS technology to analyse stress built up on faults. It had noted that there was a lot of stress on the East Anatolian fault and this could give way at any time, including a large earthquake above magnitude 7.0.
Prevention: of Turkey-Syria 2023 earthquake
- Turkey introduced a seismic building code after a large earthquake in 1999. However, many buildings pre-date the codes and some recent buildings have also not been built to code due to corruption (developers paid money to officials and got a certificate saying the building was safe)
- People in SE Turkey paid an earthquake tax - this is meant to help with relief efforts; however, the efforts were found to be poor with people complaining of a lack of equipment, expertise and support to rescue those trapped under rubble.
- Countries, such as the USA, deployed search and rescue personnel to Turkey (the US sent 150 specialists).
- UN aid convoys were not permitted access to Syria to provide assistance until 3 days after the earthquake.
- The international community pledged aid to Turkey and Syria.
The Impact of Tectonic Activities
There are variations in the effects and responses to tectonic activity between
1. MEDCs and LEDCs, and
2. Rural and urban.
The variations occur mainly due to the differences in the:
* Population Density
* Building Materials
* Emergency services
* Quality of the communication network
* Relative wealth
The comparison of MEDC to LEDC building materials
a. Quality materials
b. Enforcement of planning
a. Poor in general but better in the city.
b. Little enforcement
The comparison of MEDC to LEDC Emergency Services
Good and available to help
Virtually none existence
The comparison of MEDC to LEDC Medical
Usually readily available
Mostly in the cities and very limited in the countryside
The comparison of MEDC to LEDC Quality of the
communication network
Good throughout the country, and easy to reach the affected areas
Poor especially in the countryside and sometimes impassable roads during the rainy seasons
The comparison of MEDC to LEDC Relative wealth
Can provide most of the resources themselves and other rich countries are willing to help
Cannot provide the resources themselves and helpers are slow to act and may respond when it is too late.
The comparison of URBAN to RURAL Population Density
High and a lot of damage caused by electricity, gas and pipes etc
Sparse and usually fewer loss of lives
The comparison of URBAN to RURAL Building Materials
Good to withstand weak forces even
No difference in MEDCs but a big difference
in the LEDCs
The comparison of URBAN to RURAL Medical facilities
Relatively good in the urban areas.
very limited in the countryside
The comparison of URBAN to RURAL Emergency services
Better to deal with the situation than in the rural areas
very limited in the countryside
Why do people live in tectonic zones? Volcanoes
- People live close to volcanoes because they felt that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
- Most volcanoes are perfectly safe for long periods in between eruptions
- Today, about 500 million people live on or close to volcanoes.
- We even have major cities close to active volcanoes. Popocatepetl is a volcanic mountain
less than 50 miles from Mexico City in Mexico. - The main things that attract people to live near active volcanoes are minerals, geothermal energy, fertile soils and tourism.
Why do people live in tectonic zones (VOLCANOES)? Geothermal energy
- Geothermal energy means heat energy from the earth.
- The heat from underground steam is used to drive turbines and produce electricity, or to heat water supplies that are then used to provide household heating and hot water.
- Where steam doesn’t naturally occur, it is possible to drill several deep holes into very hot rocks, pump cool water down one hole and extract steam from another hole close by.
- Countries such as Iceland make extensive use of geothermal power, with approximately 26% of Iceland’s electricity comes from steam-powered turbines. Reykjavik is said to be “the most unpolluted capital in Europe.”
- Iceland has over 200 volcanoes and 800 hot springs
Other uses of geothermal energy: - Geothermal energy is also used for recreational purposes. For example, the Blue Lagoon in Iceland. The Blue Lagoon is a natural hot spring in the middle of a huge lava field, the water is naturally heated by the geothermal activity below the surface. It is very popular with tourists who visit Iceland, who enjoy bathing in the warm waters in the scenic surroundings.
Why do people live in tectonic zones (VOLCANOES)? Fertile soils
- Volcanic rocks are rich in minerals, but when the rocks are fresh the minerals are not available to plants.
- The rocks need thousands of years to become weathered and broken down before they form rich soils.
- When they do become soils though, they form some of the richest ones on the planet.
- The Naples area, which includes Mount Vesuvius, has such rich soils thanks to two large eruptions 35,000 and 12000 years ago. Both eruptions produced very thick deposits of ash and broken rocks which have weathered to rich soils.
Why do people live in tectonic zones (VOLANOES)? Tourism
- Around the volcano may be warm bathing lakes, hot springs, bubbling mud pools and steam vents.
- Geysers are always popular tourist attractions, such as Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park, USA. Old Faithful is such a popular tourist feature that it even has its own 24-hour Old Faithful webcam.
- Iceland markets itself as a land of fire and ice, attracting tourists with a mix of volcanoes and glaciers, often both in the same place.
- The wild, raw and barren volcanic landscapes also attract tourists who want to see what the early planet may have looked like.
- Locals economies can profit from volcanism throughout the year, whereas skiing, for example, has only a limited winter season.
- In Uganda, a country trying hard to increase its tourist industry, the volcanic region around Mt Elgon is being heavily promoted for its landscape, huge waterfalls, wildlife, climbing and hiking and its remote ‘get away from it all’ location.
Why do people live in tectonic zones? Earthquake
The main reasons why people continue to live in earthquake zones are:
* Large earthquakes do not occur that frequently and so people are not aware of the risk or they do not believe it will happen to them.
* People feel protected against earthquakes due to disaster preparedness measures e.g. earthquake resistant buildings, earthquake drills, disaster preparedness education and advice.
* The benefits of living in earthquake zones may outweigh the risks e.g. due to employment opportunities or it being a pleasant place to live.
Mercalli scale (1906)
-This is one of the earlier scales for the measurement of earthquakes, developed in 1906 and updated in the 1930s (when it became the Modified Mercalli Scale)
-It classifies the size of an earthquake based on the observed effects.
-Not seen to be very scientific as it does not use any scientific equipment to measure the earthquake, but rather relies on the subjective observations of people.
-Can be useful for studying earthquakes that occurred before we had technology available take scientific measurements. It is also useful for understanding the effects that large earthquakes can have on people and property.
Richter scale (1934)
Measures the strength of earthquakes
Logarithmic scale – with each point on the scale being 10x stronger than the last and the amount of energy released being 30x greater
Measures size of the largest seismic wave
Uses a seismograph to detect the largest surface wave and later body waves
Is inaccurate for larger earthquakes above magnitude 8 as the scale saturates meaning all earthquakes appear to be the same magnitude.
This is because the surface waves increase in duration rather than amplitude. Here more energy is released but this goes undetected because the Richter measurement uses a seismometer that only measures the first 5 seconds of the quake.
The Moment Magnitude Scale 1979
In 1979, American and Japanese scientists introduced a new and more precise scale for measuring the magnitude of earthquakes: the moment magnitude scale.
This is the scale most scientists use today.
Its ratings are based on physical evidence, particularly the geometry of the earthquake.
To determine each earthquake’s assigned number, scientists compare the area of the rupture along a fault to the amount of energy released.