Technology Management Flashcards


67.A health care consulting company has almost quadrupled in size in the last 5 years, from 68 employees to 220 employees. The chief HR officer decides to implement an HRIS system to provide key leaders with better data for use in making strategic decisions. What HR functions can an HRIS effectively handle?

A. Benefits administration.

B.An HRIS can support most HR functions with data.

C. Payroll processing and employee self-service.

D.An HRIS handles administrative HR functions only.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (pp. 1226-1227). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


67.B is correct. A human resources information system (HRIS) is able to handle data collection and reporting for all HR functional areas. It is left to the HR professional to interpret the raw data for management to aid in decision making.

A, C, and D are incorrect. They are incorrect because they describe limited HRIS capability.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1265). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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68.A financial services company expects 30 percent growth each year for the next 5 years, which means an increase in staff by 200 percent. Which of the following is the key consideration in selecting a human resource information system (HRIS) in this case?

A. Scalability

B. Cost

C. Usability

D. Extensibility

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1227). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


68.A is correct. In this case, scalability is central to the selection of an HRIS. The organization is expecting rapid growth, so any IT solution has to be able to grow efficiently and economically along with the organization.

B, C, and D are incorrect. They are incorrect because they are all considerations that need to be weighed when making a decision regarding the selection of an HRIS but are not primary for this company, whose biggest challenge is the rate of growth.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1265). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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69.One of the competitive advantages of a small marketing company is its highly capable IT department. The company has been able to leverage the IT competencies to secure additional client business and has a dozen projects on the horizon. HR in collaboration with IT has determined that it is time to implement an HRIS. At this stage of development, the organization’s needs are relatively standard. Which of the following would be the best choice in this scenario?

A. Outsource the project

B. Build an HRIS in-house

C. Customize an off-the-shelf solution

D.Build portions of the system and outsource the rest of the work

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1227). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


69.C is correct. It would be cost-effective and efficient to customize an off-the-shelf solution in this case. While the company does have the expertise in-house, the IT staff is of more value focusing on the many new accounts the company has acquired because of their skill. Also, since the needs for the HRIS are relatively standard, an off-the-shelf solution will meet the company’s needs, and the areas that need a bit of customization can be handled by the company’s IT staff.

A, B, and D are incorrect.

A is incorrect because outsourcing would be best if there was a high degree of specialization or customization needed to fit the company’s needs. Outsourcing is also more costly than an off-the-shelf solution.

B and D are incorrect because while the company has a highly skilled IT staff that could take on this project, that staff is already stretched thin with the number of projects related to newly acquired business. Also, since the company needs are relatively standard, there are multiple off-the-shelf solutions that will meet their needs.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (pp. 1265-1266). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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70.An employee of a national coffee reseller was recently denied a promotion. Since then he has made several negative statements about the company culture, pay, and promotional opportunities via multiple social media web sites. The facilities manager wants HR’s support in discouraging this type of communication by other employees. As the HR director, how would you address this concern?

A.Train supervisors on the provisions of the Electronic Communications and Privacy Act

B.Develop a company privacy policy that clarifies what is expected of the employee in regard to social media

C.Train staff on the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974

D.Develop a company privacy policy that details Internet use

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (pp. 1227-1228). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


70.B is correct. A good social media policy details what types of communication both on and off the job made via social media are acceptable. A company with a policy like this in place that was signed/acknowledged by employees helps to negate or discourage undesirable employee behavior with regard to social media.

A, C, and D are incorrect.

A is incorrect because ECPA makes no mention of social media. The act establishes that employers can monitor the creation of electronic communication prior to it being sent or after its receipt if it occurs during the course of business and employees have consented.

C is incorrect because the Privacy Act of 1974 is not applicable in this scenario. It governs the collection and use of personally identifiable information. It provides that employees can request their records and have to be granted access to their records and given the opportunity to request a correction to them.

D is incorrect because an Internet use policy addresses how an employee accesses the Internet on company time.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1266). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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71.Which of the following describes a social network that a company might use to engage their clients or other people who are seeking answers to a variety of questions?

A. Training and development

B. Academic

C. Professional

D. Informational

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1228). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


71.D is correct. A social network categorized as informational is one that is used to provide information to clients and other people seeking information about a company.

A, B, and C are incorrect.

A is incorrect because training and development refers to a social network that allows users to access course content and share information with classmates.

B is incorrect because academic refers to a social network where academics converse with other academics, experts, and like-minded individuals.

C is incorrect because professional refers to networks that help participants advance their careers. LinkedIn is an example of a professional social network.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (pp. 1266-1267). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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72.Which form of groupware is reliant on Voice over Internet Protocol as well as presentations and social media?

A. Telepresence

B. Teleconference

C. Web conference

D. Multifaceted groupware

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1228). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


72.D is correct. Multifaceted groupware relies heavily on VoIP and other features. For example, a presenter may integrate chat, microphones, and web cams into their presentation.

A, B, and C are incorrect.

A is incorrect because a telepresence is a sophisticated form of groupware that is highly integrated with multiple monitors, microphones, and channel speaker systems that produce lifelike-quality video images. It closely simulates actually being present at a physical location for a meeting.

B is incorrect because a teleconference is a simple groupware form that requires only one telephone connection and allows users to receive information at multiple sites via audio.

C is incorrect because a web conference is a form of groupware that facilitates real-time interaction over the Internet.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1267). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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74.There has been an increase in inappropriate web sites being accessed from company computers in the past year. This has resulted in several worms and viruses circulating throughout the company network, which has cost thousands of dollars to replace. The IT director would like to upgrade the firewall and install tracking software on all company computers. What should HR consider in this case?

A.HR should advise IT to select and install the monitoring software.

B.HR should restrict employee access to any company computer.

C.HR should warn the IT director that monitoring the web sites employees visit directly violates the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.

D.HR should develop an appropriate computer use policy, train employees on the policy, and require employees to sign and acknowledge the new policy before IT installs the tracking software.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1229). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


74.D is correct. Employees should be made aware of any policy that could violate their privacy before it is implemented.

A, B, and C are incorrect.

A is incorrect because HR should not encourage implementing this software before notifying employees of the change and how it affects them.

B is incorrect because restricting access to company computers is counterproductive.

C is incorrect because the ECPA allows the monitoring of electronic communication by the employer when done during the normal course of business.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1268). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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75.Janice is an administrative assistant at a real estate company. She spends approximately 30 percent of her day browsing social media sites and shopping online. This has significantly impacted the quality and quantity of work she completes daily. When she started with the company, she signed a policy that prohibits surfing the Internet during work hours. What is HR’s best next step? Her supervisor brings the concern to the HR director and asks for guidance.

A.HR should advise the supervisor to meet with Janice and review the Internet usage policy, adherence to it, and potential consequences.

B.Janice should be terminated because she is in direct violation of a company policy.

C.HR should provide training for all employees on the Internet usage policy.

D.HR should provide training for the supervisor regarding how to finesse a termination conversation.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (pp. 1229-1230). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


75.A is correct. HR should advise the supervisor to meet with Janice and review the Internet usage policy, adherence to it, and potential consequences.

B, C, and D are incorrect.

B and D are incorrect for similar reasons. While it is a best practice to continually provide supervisors with training on how to handle a conversation where an employee will be terminated, actually terminating Janice for this violation is drastic and results in lowering employee morale for the people still employed with the company.

C is incorrect because it simply doesn’t solve the issue presented.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1268). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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76.Customers of West Indian Auto Trader (WIAT) opt in to sharing information on their automobile buying needs and patterns in order to receive exclusive discounts at member companies. The management of WIAT has reviewed this data in multiple report formats and has made the decision to explore the possibility of an international online auction for buying and selling cars. This change will impact staffing, retention, and succession planning models. Which of the following best describes how HR should use “big data” in this case?

A.As part of a SWOT analysis

B.As part of a PEST analysis

C. Improved strategic analysis

D. Improved data collection

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1230). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


76.C is correct. HR should use “big data” primarily for strategic analysis of the current workforce and the company’s future staffing needs if there is a change in the business model.

A, B, and D are incorrect.

A and B are incorrect because SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) and PEST (political, economic, social, technological) are components of a wider strategic look for a company’s business climate.

D is incorrect because data collection is simplistic. HR needs to utilize the data to make decisions and set a strategic direction.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (pp. 1268-1269). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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77.Mobile Enterprise Consulting (MEC) reviewed sales data for salespeople employed with the company for the past 10 years. The goal of this exercise was to determine what qualities top salespeople for the company possessed in an effort to recruit salespeople who will drive growth for the next 3 years. An analysis of the data found that successful salespeople graduated from college, had error-free résumés, had experience selling cars or insurance, could multitask, and demonstrated success in positions where they received only vague instructions. MEC then used this data to revise where and how they recruited new salespeople. This is an example of what kind of analytics?

A. Predictive analytics

B. Strategic analytics

C. Reactive analytics

D. Proactive analytics

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (pp. 1230-1231). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


77.A is correct. Predictive analytics is the process of using existing data to determine patterns and predict future outcomes. The case, as presented, uses sales data over the past 10 years and the characteristics of the most successful salespeople to determine what patterns existed among the group and from that predict the future profile of a successful salesperson in the organization.

B, C, and D are incorrect.

B is incorrect because strategic analytics uses data primarily to determine causes of a problem and determine possible actionable solutions.

C is incorrect because reactive analytics primarily uses data to measure efficiency and compliance.

D is incorrect because proactive analytics uses data primarily to benchmark and aid in decision making.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1269). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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78.Which of the following facilitates employees learning by doing?

A. Blogging

B. Social media

C. Gamification

D. Mobile learning

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1231). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


78.C is correct. Gamification promotes the idea that you learn by doing or, in this case, playing. Gamification components of learning and development activities are fun and increase the learner’s chance of being able to apply the learning after the training session is complete.

A, B, and D are incorrect.

A is incorrect because a blog is a published online article (post) that enables the poster/blogger to share opinions and interact with other posters who follow the blog.

B is incorrect because social media refers to the online environment used to collaborate through building community and engaging in social activities.

D is incorrect because mobile learning refers to the ability to take your learning experience with you anywhere via apps on all devices (laptops, iPhones, tablets, etc.).

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1269). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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79.As a manager, why would a dashboard be of value to you?

A.Dashboards contain a repository of all key information you need to do your job well.

B.Dashboards provide you with one place you can go to for all your reporting needs.

C.Dashboards provide you with a quick overview of all relevant KPIs and other metrics.

D.Dashboards contain all relevant employee performance data.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1231). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


79.C is correct. Dashboards are a form of reporting that provides managers with a display of all metrics and KPIs that are being tracked at a glance. Dashboards relatively quickly facilitate analysis of data.

A, B, and D are incorrect.

A is incorrect because data warehouses are a centralized repository of information. In addition, there is no one place a manager can access that will ensure they have all the tools to do their jobs well.

B is incorrect because your dashboard is unlikely to cover all of your reporting needs. It is a higher-level overview/snapshot. For additional detail, a manager needs to review full-blown reports.

D is incorrect because your dashboard is unlikely to be all inclusive of any data. It is not meant to provide significant detail but rather a snapshot of where the metrics the manager is tracking are in relation to their goals.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (pp. 1269-1270). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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80.With the understanding that it is virtually impossible for an employer to prevent employees from using their personal devices to access the company network, which of the following organizational perspectives supports a realistic bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy?

A.Establish a BYOD policy that provides employees with the parameters for using the company network

B.Establish a BYOD policy that restricts employees from using the company Wi-Fi

C.Establish a BYOD policy that provides employees with liberal access if they identify themselves as an employee when they first log on to the network

D.Establish a BYOD policy that restricts employees from using the company Wi-Fi during work hours

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1231). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.


80.A is correct. It is unrealistic to think that employees will not use the company Wi-Fi or network for personal reasons. It is best for an employer to define the parameters for use rather than prohibit use.

B, C, and D are incorrect because all choices are different ways of restricting employees from using the company’s network or Wi-Fi, which the question has already established is virtually impossible.

Willer, Dory; Willer, Dory; Truesdell, William H.; Truesdell, William H.; Kelly, William D.; Kelly, William D.; Simon-Walters, Joanne; Simon-Walters, Joanne. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Bundle (All-In-One) (p. 1270). McGraw-Hill Education. Kindle Edition.

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