Technology and War Flashcards
What significant public health changes occurred due to the Crimean War in 1855?
The Sanitary Commission was set up, leading to improved hygiene standards in hospitals and a reduction in the death rate.
What was Florence Nightingale’s contribution to nursing?
Nightingale turned nursing into a respectable profession.
What did Pasteur prove in 1862?
Pasteur proved that microorganisms could be killed by heat.
What process did Pasteur invent?
He invented pasteurization, a method to kill bacteria by heating liquids between 60 and 100° C.
When did Pasteur complete his first successful test of pasteurization?
Pasteur completed the first successful test on April 20, 1862.
What did Koch contribute to microbiology in 1882-1883?
Koch used agar jelly and chemical dyes to study microorganisms and understand disease causes.
What discovery did Rontgen make in 1895?
Rontgen discovered that passing an electric current through gases at low pressure created X-rays.
What was the significance of antitoxin serum developed in 1892?
Von Behring developed antitoxins against diphtheria and tetanus, which could protect against and cure these diseases.
What did Ehrlich research in 1896?
Ehrlich researched treatments for syphilis using dyes and antitoxins.
What public health changes occurred due to the Boer War (1899-1902)?
The government realized 1/3 of troops were unfit to fight, leading to Liberal Reforms like Free School Meals in 1906.
What advancements in surgery occurred during WWI (1914-1918)?
Improvements included skin grafts, amputations, and the Carrel-Dakin method of using salt solution in wounds.
What did Fleming discover in 1928?
Fleming discovered penicillin from a contaminated Petri dish.
What was the contribution of Florey and Chain in 1939?
They worked on penicillin, producing a stable brown powder that was safe for use.
What impact did penicillin have during World War II?
Penicillin saved many lives by treating bacterial infections in minor wounds.
What advancements in plastic surgery occurred during WWII (1939-1945)?
Archibald McIndoe developed saline baths and further improved the pedicle tube.
What was the outcome of the guinea pig club during WWII?
It improved mental health and contributed to the establishment of the NHS.