Techniques Words Flashcards
What is emotive language
Words that have conversations which are designed to convey to or stir up emotions in.
Often the words has either a strong and or positive connotation
What is portmanteau words/neologisms
This is when many words in the English language are made by combining two existing words.
(Breakfast + lunch =brunch )
These are called portmanteau words
Made up words- neologism
What is jargon
Words or phrases which have specific meanings within a particular category
(I got a 404 on my browser because I hadn’t enabled cookies. I IMd tech support, emptied my cache and rebooted”
What is dialect
This is a form of language specific to a particular region or social group
(Different words.grammar or pronunciations )
what is colloquial language
This is everyday,natural or informal language. Sometime referred to as chatty language
(Including idioms and contractions)
What is idioms
A well known phrase it saying which are in common parlance
What is contractions
Words shortened by missing letters out
What can word choice convey
Attitude and tone
- writers choose words which have connotations that suit their overall purpose
What is incongruity
These are words that don’t match there context or don’t fit well together.
*they are used in colloquial and or very formal language often to create humour
What is a juxtaposition
Is placing two words/phrases or ideas next to one another to highlight differences
What is an oxymoron
This is the combination of words which are contradictory
What happens if you have a juxtaposing words which are incongruous
This creates an oxymoron
What are the imagery techniques
Extended metaphor
What is a simile
A comparison between two things (one literal and one figurative )
What is a metaphor
A comparison between two things where one is said to be the other
-design to make the description of the subject more vivid by transferring across an idea from the literal roots, can be used to create tone/humour or emphasis a particular quality in what is being described-
What is personification
A specific metaphor where an inanimate object (not living) is given human or animal qualities
What is an extender metaphor
When a writer uses a simile or metaphor to make an initial comparison and then continues the same idea through several lines
What are the sentence structure techniques
Repetition Lists Tricolon Climax Anti -climax Parallel structure Antithesis Inversion Linking phrases Minor sentence Simple sentence Complex sentence Statement Question/rhetorical Exclamation Imperative Inverted commas Parenthesis Ellipsis Colon Semi colon Dash Tyypography
What is repetition
Using a word or phrase more than once for emphasis
What is a list
A series of words of phrases
- can be separated by commas or semi colons
- often used for emphasis the variety or extend if something
What is climax
The highest degree of tension/humour/drama/ etc
-when the sentence builds up towards its highest point-it’s called a climactic sentence)
What is anti climax
A sentence which builds in intensity. Power towards a climax but which ended with an unexpected disappointment or humorous twist
What is parallel structure
Phrases or sentences which follow the same grammatical construction and shape
- often beginning in the same way it using punctuation in the same way- creates a feeling of balance between the sentences and is used to emphasis the similarities
What is incongruity
These are words that don’t match there context or don’t fit well together.
*they are used in colloquial and or very formal language often to create humour
What is a juxtaposition
Is placing two words/phrases or ideas next to one another to highlight differences
What is an oxymoron
This is the combination of words which are contradictory
What happens if you have a juxtaposing words which are incongruous
This creates an oxymoron
What are the imagery techniques
Extended metaphor
What is a simile
A comparison between two things (one literal and one figurative )
What is a metaphor
A comparison between two things where one is said to be the other
-design to make the description of the subject more vivid by transferring across an idea from the literal roots, can be used to create tone/humour or emphasis a particular quality in what is being described-
What is personification
A specific metaphor where an inanimate object (not living) is given human or animal qualities
What is an extender metaphor
When a writer uses a simile or metaphor to make an initial comparison and then continues the same idea through several lines
What are the sentence structure techniques
Repetition Lists Tricolon Climax Anti -climax Parallel structure Antithesis Inversion Linking phrases Minor sentence Simple sentence Complex sentence Statement Question/rhetorical Exclamation Imperative Inverted commas Parenthesis Ellipsis Colon Semi colon Dash Tyypography
What is an antithesis
It’s basically a juxtaposition of contrasting or opposite terms in a balanced way
What is inversion
When the normal order of a sentence is turned around (so subject,verb,object )
What is a linking paragraph/sentence
A phrase or sentence which links back to the previous point and then introduces and leads the passage into a new direction or point
What is a minor sentence
A sentence without a verb
-sounds informal
What is simple sentence structure
A sentence made up from only one main cause
- a grammatical chunk smaller than a sentence
What is complex sentence structure
A sentence that is containing subordinate (extra clauses.
-subordinate clauses are related to Amin clauses and give more information about it
These don’t make sense on their own
What is a statement
A simple sentence with puts forward information as a fact
What is a question/rhetorical
A question is a sentence worded so as to invite an awnser
- a rhetorical question is a stamens disguised as a question- the awnser is implied it obvious
What is an exclamation
A sentence or a phrase expressing emotion usually ending with an exclaimation mark.
What imperative ?
A sentence which tells it commands
What is an inverted comma
Around words spoken they are called speech marks
- around words quoted they are called quotation marks and are usually doubled
Are used to indicate the titles of books/plays and films and are usually singles.
-also in indicate sarcasm or irony
What does parenthesis mean
This represents the commas, dashes, and it brakes used to insert and explanation or comment (added information
What is an ellipsis
Three full stops are used to indicated either a missing word or a pause it that a new sentence is incomplete
What is a colon
They are two dots above each other
-they are used to introduce a quote or a list or an explanation
What is a semi colon
A dot above a comma
- can separate items in a list when each item is a phrase of sentence of its own
What is a dash
In pairs dashes mark off a parenthetical comment or explanation
-single dashes can be used to Introduce further explanation or develop and idea
What is typography
Typography refers to the way print has been formatted
- writes may use bold,italic,underlining it capitals to emphasis a particular word.
- often to suggest time or stress or shouting