Techniques used in film Flashcards
Ambient sound
Background noise or surrounding sound in a scene
Camera angles
Specific located at which the movie camera or video camera is placed to take a shot
Close up
A photograph or movie shot taken at close range
What a performer wars on - stage
video editing technique of switching back and fourth between scenes
Diegetic sound
Any sound that comes naturally from the world of the video
Head on frontal view
Often used as a subjective shot, where we see the person as if we’re looking through the eyes of another character
Direction, quality, source or colour of light
Long shot
A view of a scene that is shot from a considerable distance, so that people appear as indistinct shapes
Master shot
The principal camera shot that a direction and cinematographer use then filming a particular scene
Match cut
an edit in cinematography that uses elements of one scene in the transitioned to the next one
Mies en scene
Everything Infront of the camera
e.g. set, design, lighting and actors
(introducing a new setting)
The technique of film editing that combines a series of short shots or clips into one sequence
Optical effect
special visual effects
Non-diegetic sound
Any type of sound that does not specifically exist within the world of the film itself