Techniques Flashcards
Did Obama used a long sentence in his speech?
Obama did use a long sentence in his speech.
Did Martin Luther King use an imperative in his speech?
Martin Luther King did use an imperative in his speech.
Did Obama use Repatition in his speech?
Obama did use Repatition in his speech.
How many times did Martin Luther King repeat “I have a dream” in his speech?
Martin Luther King repeated “I have a dream.” in his speech 8x.
What was the Metaphor Obama used in his speech?
The Metaphor Obama used in his speech is “It’s our beating hear of our American idea-our bold experiment in self government.”
What was the contrast Martin Luther King use in his speech?
The contrast Martin Luther King used in his speech is “little black boys and black girls will be abled to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers…”
Did Obama use a contrast in his speech?
Obama did use a contrast in his speech.
What was the contrast Obama used in his speech?
The contrast Obama used in his speech is “For now, whether you’re young or young at heart…”
What is an example of Repatition Martin Luther King used in his speech?
An example of Repatition which Martin Luther King used in his speech is “I have a dream.”
What is an example of a direct address Obama used in his speech?
An example of a direct address Obama used in his speech is “My fellow Americans…”
Why did Obama use an Alliteration in his speech?
Obama used an Alliteration in his speech to so people could remember the places he said.
What was the Alliteration Obama used in his speech?
The Alliteration Obama used in his speech “factory floors…”
Why did Martin Luther King use an Anaphora in his speech?
Martin Luther King used an Anaphora in his speech to show how dedicated he was to making his dream happen.
Why did Obama use short sentences in his speech?
Obama used short sentences in his speech so that the listeners could follow and rememer his powerful message.
What was the example of an Anaphora Martin Luther King used in his speech?
An example of an Anaphora Martin Luther King used in his speech is “I have a dream.”
Why did Obama use an Anaphora in his speech?
Obama used an Anaphora in his speech to make the listeners feel like they made the biggest impact on his political career.
Why did Obama use Repatition in his speech?
Obama used Repatition in his speech to encourage people to work together to make America a better place and get involved.
Why did Obama use a direct address in his speech?
Obama used a direct address in his speech to make the audience feel like they are in a conversation with him.
What is an example of Martin Luther King short sentence used in his speech?
The example of Martin Luther King short sentence used in his speech is “I have a dream.”
Why did Martin Luther King use an imperative in his speech?
Martin Luther King used an imperative in his speech show his wisdom and how powerful his words are.
Why did Martin Luther King use a direct address in his speech?
Martin Luther King used a direct address in his speech to show that he was happy to work with these people at these rough times.
What was the Anecdote Obama used in his speech?
The Anecdote Obama used in his speech is “I first came to Chicago…”
What was the Alliteration that Martin Luther King used in his speech?
The Alliteration Martin Luther King used in his speech is “Symbolic shadow…”
Did Obama use Anaphora in his speech?
Obama did use Anaphora in his speech.
Did Obama us an imperative in his speech?
Yes, Obama did use an imperative in his speech.
What was the imperative Martin Luther King used in his speech?
The imperative Martin Luther King used in his speech is “Let us not wallow…”
What was the Anaphora Obama used in his speech?
The Anaphora Obama used in his speech is “You made me…”
Did Martin Luther King use a direct address in his speech?
Yes, Martin Luther King did use a direct address in his speech.
Did Obama use short sentences?
Yes, Obama did use short sentences.
Why did Martin Luther King use a Metaphor in his speech?
Martin Luther King used a Metaphor in his speech to compair the suffering of blacks in America to war heros.
Another very powerful pitch.
What is an example of a direct address Martin Luther King used in his speech?
An example of a direct address in his speech is “I am happy to join with you today…”
What was the List of three Obama used in his speech?
The List of three Obama used in his speech is “are what have kept me honest, kept me inspired, and kept me going…”
Why did Obama use a List of three in his speech?
Obama used a List of three in his speech to show that the people of America kept him going and is the reason why he is such a great president and person.
He made the listeners feel like they made the biggest impact on his life both personally and proffesionally.
What was the Metaphor Martin Luther King used in his speech?
The Metaphor Martin Luther King used in his speech is “You have been veterans of creative suffering.”
What is an example of Obama using a long sentence in his speech?
An example of Obama using a long sentence in his speech is “Wheter we’ve seen eye - to - eye…”
Did Martin Luther King use a Metaphor in his speech?
Martin Luther King did use a Metaphor in his speech.
Why did Obama use an imperative in his speech?
Obama used an imperative in his speech to talk directly to the audience.
Did Obama use an Anecdote in his speech?
Yes, Obama used an Anecdote in his speech.
Did Obama use a List of three in his speech?
Yes, Obama did use a List of three in his speech.
Did Obama use a Metaphor in his speech?
Yes, Obama did use a Metaphor in his speech.
Why did Obama use an Anecdote in his speech?
Obama used an Anecdote in his speech to connect with the people which voted and supported him his political career from the beginning.
Did Martin Luther King use an Alliteration in his speech?
Yes, Martin Luther King did use an Alliteration in his speech.
What was the imperative Obama used in his speech?
The imperative Obama used in his speech is “I am asking you..”
Why did Martin Luther King use Repatition in his speech?
Martin Luther King used Repatition in his speech to ingrain the fact that he really believes that it is is possible for black, yellow, white or any coloured skined people to get along with each other.
What is an example of Obama using short sentences?
Also were those examples his campaign slogan before his presidence?
Examples of Obama using short sentences include “Yes we can. Yes we did. Yes we did.”
Yes, these short sentences was his campaign slogan before his presidence.
Did Obama use a direct address in his speech?
Yes, Obama did use a direct address in his speech.
Did Obama use an Alliteration?
Yes, Obama did use an Alliteration.
Did Martin Luther King use a contrast in his speech?
Yes, Martin Luther King did use a contrast in his speech.
Did Martin Luther King use an Anaphora in his speech?
Martin Luther King did use an Anaphora is his speech.
What is an example of Obama using short sentences?
Examples of Obama using short sentences include “Yes we can. Yes we did. Yes we did”.
Did Martin Luther King use a long sentence in his speech?
Martin Luther King did use a long sentence in his speech.
Why did Martin Luther King used an Alliteration in his speech?
Martin Luther King used an Alliteration in his speech to repersent the cruel racisim that was very prevelant at that time.
Did Martin Luther King used Repatition in his speech?
Yes, Martin Luther King did use Repatition in his speech.
Did Martin Luther King use Short sentences in his speech? If so why?
Martin Luther King did use short sentences in his speech.
He used these short sentences to make his speech very memorable and impactful.
Why did Obama use a Metaphor in his speech?
Obama used a Metaphor in his speech to show that the American people are keeping America alive.
A stong and powerful message.
Did Martin Luther King use an Anecdote in his speech?
No, Martin Luther King did not use an Anecdote in his speech.
What is an example of Obama using Repatition in his speech?
An example of Obama using Repatition in his speech is “Get involved, get engaged…”