Technical Vocabulary Flashcards
Charges à payer
Le montant n’a pas été comptabilisé en charge à payer
The amount is not accrued
Produire des intérêts
To bear interests
Mettre au rebut
To scrap (scrapped, scrapped) To discard
Payable à terme échu
Payable in arrears
Dilapider, gaspiller, laisser passer (une opportunité)
To squander
You should not squander this opportunity
They squander natural resources
The layout
La disposition
La configuration
To set-off
To be set-off against the sum due to the other.
Déduit des sommes dues à l’autre partie
Qui lui est rattaché
To cease to (apply)
Cesser de (s’appliquer)
Throughout the period
Tout au long de la période
Football jersey
Maillot de foot
Période d’essai
Probationary/trial period
Être un travailleur
To be hard-working
Could you fill me in/brief me on that?
Pourriez-vous m’éclairer/me dire ce qu’il en est sur ça ?
Tout en faisant
Whilst doing
Aller de pair avec
Go hand in hand with
Go along with
Agree with
Être d’accord avec
Convenir avec
Will of steel
Strong determination
Volonté d’acier
Positive momentum
Growth momentum
the type of bad decisions we make when we are in a group, which may be contrary to what we really think
Social media encourages groupthink
aches and pains
general body pains that aren’t serious
Do you suffer from aches and pains?
To be sick and tired
To be fed up and bored with
En avoir marre
I’m sick and tired of commuting
To be black and blue
Être meurtri
Avoir un bleu, une contusion
To have a bruise
Une erreur de débutant
A rookie mistake
cheap and cheerful simple, basic and often inexpensive
short and sweet quick and simple
quick and dirty short, simple and basic
Quick and simple
Going forward
‘Going forward’ is another way of saying ‘in the future’.
You’ll hear ‘going forward’ used at business meetings when a person wants someone to change the way they do something in the future.
Examples A: Did you get the files I emailed over? B: Yes I did, but going forward can you send hard copies in the post? We need them for our records.
A recipe for disaster
Means a combination of things that will, at some point, go wrong and cause harm, damage or in this case, humiliation – in other words it will end in trouble
My doctor says drinking too much, not exercising enough, and having a stressful job are a recipe for disaster
Apprendre à connaître quelqu’un
Get to know someone
Beef up
Jeter l’éponge
Throw in the towel
Quelle belle vue
What a beautiful sight
Schéma, description, plan, présentation
Décrire, présenter
Set out
As set out
Something set out in…
Tel qu’énoncé, prévu
Selon laquelle
Titled document
Document intitulé
Conclusions, constatations, observations