Technical Sample Questions Flashcards
Write a calender system which can show scheduled meetings (from - to) and attendees. Sort the meetings according to some rules (ex: starting time in ascending order). Find out how many meetings are overlapped.
Given a ‘friendship’ graph, how would you generate friend suggestions for people, and how would you distribute the data across machines?
Compress a list of two letter country codes for transmission across the internet
Given a series of words written using a scrambled alphabet, figure out what order the letters of the alphabet are in
a runlength decoder, call a function iterate and write this function.
“how to count the letters in this string:” “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”
Given a grid of points, give an algorithm to minimize the distance between two points.
Implement a data structure with constraints on insert/remove and a magic method.
Given X number of search terms, write an algorithm that will return the smallest substring from an article that contains all of the search terms
bit manipulation
how to find the pivot element in a rotated array of integers
How to find the nearest parent of any two nodes in a given tree. Tree has mother and father nodes