Technical questions Flashcards
to be smart
What altitude does the O2 mask deploy in back?
14,000 ft.
What does TH57 stand for on a DEN ils plate?
threshold crossing height is 57 feet
What are the different types of structural icing?
Rime, clear, mixed
What is definition of “min fuel”?
When you can accept little or no delay, not an emergency situation, just an advisory to atc
When do you need an alternate?
+/- 1 hour, 2000’ Ceiling, 3sm visibility
Can you shoot the ILS if the missed app is based on a navaid that is Notam’d out of service?
Can you list 5 items that can be counted as runway environment in sight?
FAR 91.175 (C)
What is required to descend below the publish MDA/DA?
What are the different types of anti-ie/de-ice?
anti-icing systems prevent the formation of ice (aircraft surfaces) while the de-icing systems remove the ice after it is formed.
What is the longest flight you would accept with all the LAV’s MEL’d?
60 minutes
Walk me through a V1 cut?
Just go through a V1 cut scenario from your current airline
You’re at FL 390, told to descend to 9000 by 30nm north of the fix. When do you descend?
30*3=90 nm needed. So 90 30 = 120nm from fix
What is the difference between light chop and light turbulence?
Chop causes a jolt or disturbance but not much change in altitude/ attitude and turbulence has jolt or bumps that do change altitude / attitude. Chop is can be labeled light or moderate and turbulence can be light, moderate, sever or extreme
What is an emergency procedure on your current airplane?
Just pick a memory item
What defines runway environment?
What would you do if it was Christmas Eve and the LAV was MEL’d. The flight is about 1:40. Would you go or not, and how would you make that decision ?
First review the MEL, if the airplane have at least 1 LAV operative I go, if the airplane don’t have any LAV operative unfortunately we can’t go, the airplane have 155 pax and with different conditions
What is clear ice?
a collection of large close to freezing water droplets that flow back across the wing as they freeze. i.e.: freezing rain.
What is MSA?
Minimum sector altitude is the lowest altitude which may be used which will provide a minimum clearance of 300 m (1 000 ft) above all objects located in the area contained within a sector of a circle of 46 km (25 NM) radius centered on a radio navigation aid
What obstacle clearance does MSA on approach plate provide?
1000ft of obstacle clearance within a 25NM radius from the navigational facility upon which the MSA is predicated
What is a VDP?
A defined point on the final approach course of a nonprecision straight-in approach from which normal descent from the MDA to the runway touch-down zone may commence, provided the runway or approach lights, etc., are clearly visible to the pilot
What color is type four deice fluid?
Type I is orange and Type IV is green
What are your considerations when landing with RCC codes of 2?
Runway length, our weight, braking ability, surface condition, weather, aircraft condition. Basically, can we stop on a poor surface with our numbers with working equipment.
What does seeing the approach lights allow you to do?
Continue down to 100’ above TDZE
Define a stabilized approach?
My companies stable criteria
gear down, flaps in landing position, thrust stable, speed +20/-5 from VAPP, Localizer 1/2 dot, V/S less than or equal to 1000fpm, checklist complete.
Below 1000’ +10/-5 kts
What is the highest obstacle on a Jepp Plate?
Large, black shaded arrow indicates the highest of the portrayed high points within the planview area.
If the WX drops below minimums inside/outside the FAF can you continue?
Before FAF you CANNOT continue. After FAF you CAN continue. (FAR 121.651)
What would you do if you lost an engine in cruise over the mountains?
There are two primary methods of ensuring enroute, engine inoperative performance. One method requires an aircraft to be capable of maintaining at least 1,000 feet above all obstructions (within 5 NM either side of course) between the departure airport and the destination should an engine fail any time after V1 to the destination. If the aircraft is unable to meet this basic terrain clearance requirement, a second method can be used to meet enroute performance requirements—designating alternate airports along the route that the aircraft could divert to (while maintaining 2,000 feet of terrain clearance within 5 NM either side of course) should an engine failure occur.
Tell me what your Go - around procedure is at your current A/C.
Go around flaps
positive rate gear up
flaps 0 after take off checklist.