Technical Questions Flashcards
How fast do you have to fly from HNL-SYD to never see the sun set?
The earth spins at 1,000 mph west to east. So traveling 1,000 mph east to west would leave the sun in the same position in the sky.
When do VOR’s switch from magnetic to true north.
Descending into LGA, pass the final approach fix and braking reported nil captain won’t go missed, what do you do?
State clearly that the runway is not suitable for landing…against regulation and take aircraft if necessary
What would you do if you turned off the runway onto a closed taxiway?
Stop, notify atc and coordinate the best course of action for getting back onto the correct taxiway with atc and my crew. Fill out asap and make use of threat and error management.
The Captain wants to land on a short runway and the performance numbers say unable, what will you do?
Slowly escalate. Hey capt, showing the landing distance assessment is going to allow us to land. Hey capt, maybe we can try this runway/ this field instead, the overnight there is awesome and let’s get dinner. Hey capt, this is making me uncomfortable. Hey capt, I’ll calling ATC/DX with our intentions- this is clearly dangerous…
Memory Items for an RA
A320 Autopilot and FD off
Can you tell me a memory item of the plane you currently fly?
Emerg. Descent
Emergency Descent
Cabin Crew NOTIFY FSTN Belts. ON Thrust Levers. IDLE Speed Brakes. Open Airspeed. MAX 250 kias Landing Gear. Down Descent. Initiate Altitude. MEA or 10,000ft Whichever is higher
What happens if the weather drops below minimums outside the FAF?
You may not continue the approach under Part 121. You go missed.
What happens if the weather drops below minimums inside the FAF?
You may continue the approach. You may land if you meet the required flight visibility by minimums.
What is the difference between transition level and transition altitude?
Level= set local alt in descend. Transition= set standard on climb.
What is the max flap extension altitude for your current plane?
FL 200
What is the definition of Flight Into Known Icing?
Temperature below freezing and visible moisture
How far from the US coastline is 250kt restriction below 10,000’ valid?
If you’re on a departure and a controller gives you “climb maintain FL190” do you have to comply with the previous published crossing altitudes? What about the previous airspeed restrictions?
No longer required to comply with Altitude restrictions, however, must comply with speeds till advised
What is a dihedral?
upward angle of an aircraft’s wing, from the wing root to the wing tip
the angle between an aircraft supporting surface (such as a wing) and a horizontal transverse line.
Can you explain a dutch roll?
a series of out-of-phase turns, when the aircraft rolls in one direction and yaws in the other.
Dutch roll is a type of aircraft motion, consisting of an out-of-phase combination of “tail-wagging” and rocking from side to side.
What are RVSM altitude airspace?
FL 290-FL410. Reduced Vertical Separation Minima
What altitude is used for fuel burn to your alternate?
45 minutes at normal cruising speed. Altitude will very based on planning, location and ATC. Minimum would have to be MSA to clear all terrain
What part of the approach plate is the final segment?
FAF to the MAP
Where is the touchdown zone on a runway?
First 3000 ft
Where do the numbers come from that are on a holdover chart?
Appendix B: Testing Labs in the FAA holdover times guidelines manual.
Look at approach chart - ATC leaves you high and fast. What can you do to get slow and low?
Ask for relief, or slow down then go down drop the flaps. I would shallow my descent rate to get below Vfe and drop the flaps one or two notches and steepen up my descent rate. That will slow the plane down and help it lose altitude fast, as long as I was stable by 1000 ft
What does the maltese cross on the approach plate mean?
Final Approach Fix for a non-precision approach - it may or may not coincide with the GS intercept
Where is the FAF on an ILS?
Glide slope intercept