Technical Capabilities Flashcards
Produced work to a high standard
S - social media presentation
T - present findings of research
A - delegate tasks, ask for feedback, quiz each other
R - gained a 1st
Work to a deadline
S - black line
T - deliver cands in 48 hours
A - did it in 24 hours
Learnt something new
S - taking a spec
T - learn requirements and importance
A - gain insight into requirement and importance knowing where to spend time
Solved a complex problem
S - needed a new market
T - decide on new market
A - spoke to new office manager, did BD and set task of going to client meetings in Amsterdam
R - met with 5/6 and gained new roles
Over achieved a goal
S - set up debating society
T - get people’s interest
A - circulated emails and asked people what they want to see
R - got 350/400 people to a debate
Stuck to a budget
DofE and flat hunting
Bad project
Key schools of thought on the Cold War
Worst qualities
Bring issues home with me
Biggest challenge at the moment
Making a career change
Being prepared as it’s for the long term
Went the extra mile
Business trip to Amsterdam