Technical aspects Flashcards
What is the formula for standard VAR?
1/(T-1) * ((r1 - rbar)^2 + (r2-rbar)^2 …
What is VAR for multiple economic states?
probA(rA - rbar) + probB(rB - rbar) …
What is the covariance formula?
SUM: probability(e) * (rA,e -rbarA)(rB,e -rbarB)
How do we get correlation from covariance?
Correlation = Cov(A,B) / SDA * SDB
How do we get Beta from covariance?
B = Cov(Ri,Rm) / Varm
How do we get Beta from correlation?
B = (P(i,M) SDi) / SDm
With no taxes (MM), what is the cost of equity formula?
RE = RA + (D/E)(RA - RD)
Under MM with corporate taxes, and non perpetual returns, what is the formula for the unlevered and levered firm value?
VU = EBIT * (1-Tc) VL = VU + (RD*D*Tc)
Under MM with corporate taxes, and perpetual earnings, how is unlevered and levered firm value calculated?
VU = EBIT(1-Tc)/RA VL = VU + ((RD * D * Tc)/RD)
What is the formula for the value of a call option?
Share price - Exercise price/(1+rf)^T
What is the formula for the value of a put option?
Exercise price/(1+rf)^T - Share price