Techincal Flashcards
what would happen when the temp/dp get close?
Clouds forms when temp and dew point are equal. As the temp decrease to the DP the cloud base drops lower
How to circumnavigate TS
Upwind by at least 20nm
What WX do you expect when updrafts go into stratisphere?
SuperCell/Steady State TS Updrafts up to 9,000 fpm Large hail Damaging winds Tornadoes
W/ All TS LAD MM HR SET Lightning Adverse winds Downburst Mod to Severe Turb Mod to Severe Icing Hail Rapid altimeter changes Static Electricity Engine water ingestion Tornadoes
What is the characteristics of moisture travel INSIDE a thunderstorm.
Initial/cumulus stage: warm air moves upward cools and condenses. The water vapor condenses into water droplets or ice.
Mature stage: The water droplets become heavy enough and fall to the ground creating downdrafts. The downdraft hits the ground and begins to spread out.
Dissipating stage: the downdraft overtakes updraft.
What’s the difference between an Airmass thunderstorm and a Steady State thunderstorm?
Airmass TS
generally Last 1 hour or less
Generally weak
SuperCell/Steady State TS Last for hours Updrafts up to 9,000 fpm Large hail Damaging winds Tornadoes
What power setting would you use to get out of a microburst?
What is the most hazardous type of precipitation?
Freezing Rain
What does freezing rain at lower altitudes indicate?
warmer air above
Convert 12 Celsius to Fahrenheit
F to C calculation
Cx2 + 30 = F
(F - 32)/2 = C
Whats an inverter?
DC to AC
Describe the anti-ice system on your current aircraft.
Pneumatic a/i for the engine cowls and wing slats
Airborne: Ice detectors detected ice and automatically
turn on eng and wing a/i
Ground: selected based on the temperatures and Icing conditions ON: ENG After Engine Start, WING 40kts OFF: 1700' agl or 2 min
Pitots, Static Ports, windshied and water lines are electrically heated
What if there is no TAF at the airport, how will you know if you need an alternate?
use area forecast
what are the speed limits for holding
6,000 and blw - 200 - 1 min
6,001 to 14,000 - 230 - 1 min
14,001 and abv - 265 - 1.5 min
Seating Capacity of EMB 145 and how many CC are reqd.
50 seats
1 CC
An aft CG will bring rise to what characteristic?
Higher Cruise speed
Lower Stall speed
less stable, more maneuverable
Due to less tail down force and decreased AOA
How far do the white and red lights extend down the end of the runway?
last 1,000’ - red lights
3,000’ - 1,000’ - alt red and white lights
When do runway edge lights change to Amber?
last 2,000’
How far do the touchdown markings extend?
3,000’ or half the runway whichever is less
Markings are spaced at 500-foot increments
Where do taxiway lead off lights end?
The taxiway lights run from the runway centerline to one centerline light position beyond the runway.
What are taxiway light colors?
What color are taxiway centerline lights?
What color lights flash if you are low on approach on a PAPI?
What is an LDA?
Non Prec. app
Localizer-type Direction Aid: comparable to a localizer Not aligned with the runway straight-in min if w/in 30 deg. Circling min if more than 30 deg.
What does the asterisk on Jepp mean above the frequency?
part time tower
On an ILS approach plate how is the final approach POINT displayed
the final approach POINT is defined as the glide slope intercept at the published altitude while on the localizer
Walk me through how to circle on this approach?
1.5 nm downwind, gear down, flaps 3
30 sec after threshold turn final, set landing flaps
adjust descent based on distance vs alt
Adjust time
1 sec less per 10kt tailwind
1 sec more per 10kt headwind
What happens when you lose one engine?
lose 50%, 80% performance
Control the airplane with rudder
Advance TL to Toga
Set Driftdown Alt
Set Green Dot Speed
FLCH when on Speed
ID, Memory Items, QRH
Advise ATC
where can you find the MVA
published for controllers
calculate a VDP
what is wind-shear and how does it affect an a/c
any change in speed or direction.
HW to TW - Loss of performance, nose pitches down, IAS decreases, GS increases
TW to HW - increase in performance, nose pitches up, IAS increases, GS Decreases
WWYD if captain wanted to go below minimums on an approach.
call GA on radio
What would you do if after being cleared to land on the runway and realizing that you lost comms?
land. exit the runway, stop after exiting and look for light gun signals.
Back up radio
QRH - Lost Comm
Call ground on cell phone, request follow me.
How much space do you give a TS, wake, Windshear
TS - 20nm upwind
Windshear - 15 min
Wake Behind super – 7 Behind heavy – 5 Behind 757 – 4 Behind Large – MRS Behind small – MRS
2 min or appropriate radar separation behind larger aircraft 3 min from intersection or in opposite direction 3 min appropriate radar separation behind super 4 min from intersection or in opposite direction
What color are runway leadoff lights?
alt green and white
What are hotspots?
Locations on an airport that are particularly conducive to incursions
If you intercept from above the published glide slope, where is the final approach POINT
the final approach fix is defined as the glide slope intercept at the published altitude, lower if directed by ATC, while on the localizer
When do you have to hold short of the ILS Critical Area even when not instructed to do so
800’ and 2sm
What do you do if you take off and you think the weather is not good
Fly the airplane
Call dispatch and ask for company alternates airports: wx, notams, app, performance
Advise Dispatch, ATC, CC, Pax
What would you experience if you flew through a microburst?
Increase in performance followed by a decrease in performance and downdrafts up to 6,000 fpm
What color are runway edge lights?
white until the last 2,000’ they are amber
What is MSA on an approach plate?
Minimum Sector Altitude/Minimum Safe Altitude: provide at least 1000ft obstacle clearance within a 25NM (sometimes 30NM)
How do you pick up your clearance in uncontrolled field?
calling clearance delivery on the phone, or contacting approach on the ground if the reception is good enough
what is hypoxia, types, symptoms and resolution
a lack of oxygen
hypoxic, hypemic, stagnant, and histotoxic
anxiety, confusion, restlessness, blue nails/lips
don oxygen mask, descend
What is load factor. how is it calcuated
is the stress on an aircraft
Which phase of flight has the most accidents and which phase has the most fatal?
Most accidents are on landing, however most fatal T/O
What is CRM?
a tool used to enhance safety where a Crew manages all resources available
What are SOPs
a tool used to enhance safety by allowing all crew-members to fly together and know what to expect from each other, it also allows us quickly id mistakes
What do you have to do upon reaching FL 180?
How much landing distance do we have if we’re using the glide slope on runway
Distance beyond Threshold
Would you ever break an SOP?
yes in an emergency
What ways can you identify the missed approach point on a non-precision approach?
Navaid, fix, DME, timing
How can you tell if the runway has a slope?
What is defined as the runway environment?
Approach lights Threshold, markings, lights Runway end identifier lights Visual glide slope indicator Touchdown zone, markings, lights Runway, markings, lights
What are microburst hazards and cockpit indications?
severe downdrafts
HW - increase in perf
TW - decrease in Per
WSHR alerts
1 dot GS 5 deg pitch 500 fp, 15 kts TL unusual setting
What stage of a thunderstorm is it likely to have wind shear and microburst?
What is the maximum airspeed below 10,000ft?
What side of an anvil on? what side should you fly on?
Anvil downwind
Fly upwind
Why do you stay away from under the anvil top?
Turbulence, downdraft, hail
How long does a typical microburst last?
15 min
What is EMAS?
Engineered materials arrestor system.
helps quickly stop a/c that overrun the runway
What is a displaced threshold?
Used for takeoff but not landing. Not for landing due to potential obstacles but obviously will increase your available takeoff distance
How many clicks on the mic would you do for low intensity pilot controlled lighting?
When does frost form on wings?
on clear nights when temp is at or below freezing
Types of TS
Air Mass or Single Cell TS
Multi Cell Cluster TS
Multi Cell Line TS
Super Cell TS
Explain Air Mass TS/ Single Cell TS
Occur during the summer Localized convection, uneven heating Last 1 hour or less DownDrafts overtake Updrafts Generally weak
Explain Orographic TS
Air forced up by terrain, mountains, hills
Heavy Rain on windward side
Explain Frontal TS
Associated with cold fronts
Steady State TS
Embedded TS
Squall Lines form ahead of cold front
Explain Multi Cell TS
Made up of multiple single cell TS at different stages in a line or cluster
Last for hours
Generally more severe
Explain a Steady State or Super Cell TS
Rain falls outside of the updraft and last for several hours Most Severe type of TS Up to 50,000’ Updrafts up to 9,000 fpm Large hail Damaging winds Tornadoes Forms over large land mass in summer Associated with cold fronts
Explain a Squall Line TS
Group of storms arranged in a line
High wind and heavy rain.
Downburst and Microburst
What is needed to create a TS
Unstable Air
Air parcel is lifted and is warmer than surrounding and
continues to rise
Converging winds around lows, troughs, terrain,
uneven heating: sea breeze, lake, land, valley
Explain/Draw the stages of a TS
Updrafts, Cumulus clouds are growing vertically
Mature stage Starts when precip. reaches the ground Strong Up and Down drafts, strong shear Virga increases downdrafts Gust Fronts Microburst Macroburst
Dissipating Stage approx.
Starts when anvil is fully formed
Downdrafts over take updrafts
Hazards in and around TS
Lightning Adverse winds Downburst Mod to Severe Turb Mod to Severe Icing Hail Rapid altimeter changes Static Electricity Engine water ingestion Tornadoes
Most lighting occurs between
+/- 5C
blind pilots
damage a/c, navigation, communication equipment
Severe Icing due to TS occurs because
abundant Amounts of Super-cooled Large Droplets lead to severe clear icing.
what type of adverse winds associated with TS
Crosswinds, gusts, variable, windshifts
where can Hail w/ TS be found
In and/or around CB
Under Anvil
Explain the dangers of pressure change associated with a TS
Rapid changes of pressure within 15 minutes, false readings of Altimeter
what hazard does Static Electricity w/TS present
Radio static noise
at what stage of a TS do we expect Microburst?
What are the visual signs
Virga, dust devils, variable winds
Explain/Draw a Microburst
Lasting up to 15 min
6,000 fpm downdraft
windshear up to 90kts
diameter up to 2.5nm
what can happen due to Engine Water Ingestion associated with heavy rain in a TS
Types of Icing
Clear Ice
Worst Type of Ice and why
Clear Icing
large water droplets
Runs back, doesn’t freeze on contact, distorting more of
the wing
Forms very fast
Hard to see, clear and glossy
More difficult for deicing equipment to remove
Can form horns on the upper and lower surface
Explain Super cooled liquid droplets and why they are so dangerous
Water droplets which exist at temperatures below 0
large water droplets
Runs back, doesn’t freeze on contact, distorting more of
the wing
Forms very fast
Hard to see, clear and glossy
More difficult for deicing equipment to remove
Can form horns on the upper and lower surface
what is Rime Ice
most forms between -20c to -40c in visible moisture
Small water droplets
Freeze instantly on leading edge and grows forward
Looks rough and milky
what is Clear Ice
Most dangerous to aviation
most forms between 0 to -20 in visible moisture
large water droplets
Runs back, doesn’t freeze on contact, distorting more of
the wing
Forms very fast
Hard to see, clear and glossy
More difficult for deicing equipment to remove
Can form horns on the upper and lower surface
Freezing Drizzle and Freezing rain are types of clear ice
what is Mixed icing
May form horns
explain Freezing Rain
Warmer air above/temperature inversion due to cold front
Most hazardous to A/C
Abundant amount of SLD
explain Hoar Frost
Only type that can develop with no clouds
Dust and particles act as nucleic for the water vapor to
turn into ice
Cold Soaked Fuel Frost
Cool, clear evenings temperatures close to freezing
Factors affecting Severity of icing
Cloud Type and Vertical lift
Mountains increase vertical lift and severity of icing
Mod – Sev 0 to -20c
Light -20 to -40c
More vertical updrafts therefore more severe icing
SLD exist up to -40
Nimbo Stratus
Moderate to severe icing
Cloud base Temp
Warmer air holds more water therefore more SLD
what are the Dangers of icing
Changes shape of airfoil Reduces lift Increase in parasite drag Increases weight Increase stall speed
Reduces stability
Ice no thicker than a piece of coarse sandpaper
reduces lift by as much as 30%
increases drag by 40%
How to escape icing
Leave area of visible moisture
Descend below cloud base
Climb above tops
Turn to a different course Climb or descend to altitude where temperature is above freezing
Draw and explain an Aircraft in a Microburst
Headwind with increasing performanceGS Decreases, IAS increases,Decreasing headwind and a downdraft
Strong Tailwind with decreasing performance GS increases, IAS decreases
Destination Alt is required when
FAR 121.619
1 hour before to 1 hour after the ceiling is less than 2,000 or less than 3sm
weather Required at ALTERNATE airport
FAR 121.625
Wehater at the ETA is at or above:
1 Navaid – 1sm + 400’
2 naviadi – 1/2 sm + 200’ added to the higher of the 2
when is a 2nd Alternate is required
Rule 3585
FAR 121.619(a)
Dest. + Alt wx are marginal at eta
explain Rule 3585
2 Alternates required when:
Destination - 1 hour before to 1 hour after if wx is below min, not less than ½
min due to a conditional phrase(BCMG, PROB, TEMPO)
1st Alt – at ETA wx can be below planning min, not less than ½, due to
conditional phrase
2nd Alt – not less than Planning min at ETA
Destination Airport weather at time of dispatch needs to be _________
FAR 121.613
Wx reports or forecast or combination must be at or above min at ETA to dispatch
what are the Standard airport takeoff minimums
FAR 91.175
2 engines or less – 1SM,
3 engines or more – ½ SM
when is Alternate Airport for departure required
FAR 121.617
If weather at the airport of takeoff are below the landing minimums unless
an alternate is listed on flight release
wx at alternate is at or above required wx at ETA
2 engines - alternate airport not more than 1 hour at normal cruising speed
in still air with one engine inoperative
3 engines or more - alternate airport not more than 2 hours at normal
cruising speed in still air with one engine inoperative
if the Weather drops below min BEFORE or AFTER FAF
FAR 121.651(e)
If weather drops below minimums before FAF discontinue
If weather drops below minimum after FAF continue
what are ILC Cat 1 Mins
AIM 1-1-9(i)
DH 200’
RVR 2,400 or RVR 1,800 with TDZ and centerline lights or with AP, FD or HUD
When can you continue below DA/DH
FAR 121.651
In a position to continue a normal descent using normal maneuvers
Land within the touchdown zone
Flight visibility is not less than required
1 of the following visual references
Approach lights, not below 100’ unless the red
terminating or red side bars are visible
Threshold, markings, lights
Runway end identifier lights
Visual glide slope indicator
Touchdown zone, markings, lights
Runway, markings, lights
Convert RVR to SM
FAR 91.175 6,000 – 1 ¼ 5,000 – 1 4,500 – 7/8 4,000 – ¾ 3,200 – 5/8 2,400 – ½ 1,600 – 1/4
what are the Wake turbulence aircraft weight classes
FAA AC-90-23G Super – A380, Antonov 225 Heavy – abv 300,000 lbs Large – abv 41,000 lbs Small – blw 41,000 lbs
B757 is considered large but has additional seperation
what is the Wake Turbulence TIME separation
AIM 7-3-9
Departing or landing after low/missed approach, touch-n-go, landing from the same threshold or parallel runway less than 2,500’ away and less than
500’ threshold stagger crossing runway and the projected flight paths will cross
2 min or appropriate radar separation behind larger
3 min from intersection or in opposite direction
3 min appropriate radar separation behind super
4 min from intersection or in opposite direction
Wake Turbulence DISTANCE separation Large a/c behind ________
FAA AC-90-23G Behind super – 7 Behind heavy – 5 Behind 757 – 4 Behind Large – MRS Behind small – MRS
On Ground Steady Green Light Gun signal
Cleared for Takeoff
On Ground Flashing Green Light Gun signal
Cleared for Taxi
On Ground Steady Red Light Gun signal
On Ground Flashing Red Light Gun signal
Taxi clear of runway
On Ground Flashing white Light Gun signal
Return to starting point
On Ground Alt. Red and Green Light Gun signal
Exercise extreme caution
In Flight Steady Green Light Gun signal
Cleared to land
In Flight Flashing Green Light Gun signal
Return for landing
In Flight Steady Red Light Gun signal
Yield to other traffic, continue circling
In Flight Flashing Red Light Gun signal
Airport unsafe, do not land
In Flight Flashing white Light Gun signal
In Flight Alt. Red and Green Light Gun signal
Exercise extreme caution
Lost comm procedures: Route, Alt, Clearance Limit
Lost comm procedures: Route, Alt, Clearance Limit
if VFR – stay VFR land ASAP
Route – Assigned, Vectored, Expected, Filed
Highest – MEA, Expected, Assigned
Leave Clearance limit
FAF – at EFC or flight plan ETA
If not FAF – at EFC, or proceed to IAF, at ETA descend for approach
What is TAA
Terminal Aera Altitude provides 1,000 of obstacle
clearance within 30nm
Found on RNAV approaches
C on approach chart
indicates that landing minimums are based on the latest Terminal Instrument Procedures
Circle to land are based on the latest Terminal Instrument Procedures