Tech Terms Flashcards
Practicing Terms
What is a blog?
Blogs are an abbreviation of web log. Blogs are one of the personal broadcasting tools. These technologies are useful to instructors for bringing diverse elements into a course to help with several learning styles. Students’ current actives and projects can be updated using these technologies.
Define: Collaboration
The action of working with people to produce or create something.
Define: Online
Online is defined as being controlled by or connected to another computer or to a network.
What are Learning Management Systems?
Learning Management Systems deploy and track online training initiatives. A learning management system is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, and delivery of educational courses, training programs, or learning and development programs. The learning management system concept emerged directly from e-Learning.
What are wikis?
Wikis are open-access informational websites that allow anyone to view their content, as well as add, subtract, or edit their content. While wikis are convenient and useful, the accuracy of their information can be questionable since anyone can create and edit the information on these sites. Wikis can be helpful to students when they are searching for specifics on certain subjects and makes it easy for them to share and compare their own knowledge.
What is E-learning 2.0?
E-learning 2.0 applies the principals of Web 2.0. While utilizing collaboration and creation E-learning enables student-centered, constructivist, and social learning while integrating the use of blogs, wikis, and other social networking tools.
Define: Multimedia
Using more than one medium for expression or communication.
What are static content/web pages?
“A static Web page is a page that is built using HTML code and features the same presentation and content, regardless of user identity or other factors. Static Web pages are easier to code and assemble than dynamic Web pages, which may feature customizable content according to a user’s identity or other factors. Static Web pages are also known as static websites.”
- Technopedia
What are dynamic content/Web pages?
“Dynamic content in the context of HTML and the World Wide Web refers to website content that constantly or regularly changes based on user interactions, timing and other parameters that determine what content is delivered to the user. This means that the content of the site may differ for every user because of different parameters. Facebook is an excellent example of a site that delivers dynamic content, as every user gets different content based on their friends and social interactions, although the layout stays generally the same.”
- Technopedia
What are podcasts?
Podcasts are a form of widely accessible broadcasting. Podcasts are downloadable audio files that can be downloaded to computers and personal audio players. Often, podcasts require subscriptions (which are sometimes free) that will then automatically download new content from a particular service.
What are vodcasts/vlogs?
Vodcasts are podcasts that broadcast video over the internet and a vlog is a blog built on video content.
What is an RSS feed?
An RSS feed, or “really simple syndication,” is a set of XML-based specifications for syndicating news and other website content and making it machine-readable. People who use websites that feature RSS feeds are presented with new content automatically based on the user’s guidelines that they have provided regarding what they want to see and their specific interests. The information presented in RSS feeds is usually gathered by RSS-aware applications called aggregators or newsreaders.
What is social networking?
Social networking is the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interests to oneself.
Define: Instructor-centered
“In teacher-centered education, students put all of their focus on the teacher. You talk, and the students exclusively listen. During activities, students work alone, and collaboration is discouraged.”
- Concordia University - Portland
Define: Student-centered
“When a classroom operates with student-centered instruction, students and instructors share the focus. Instead of listening to the teacher exclusively, students and teachers interact equally. Group work is encouraged, and students learn to collaborate and communicate with one another.”
- Concordia University - Portland