Tech Terms Flashcards
Tech Terms
Not at the same time - Communication that happens when people are not together at the same time as they are in a traditional classroom. Examples include self-directed learning modules, email, and discussion groups. book p18
Augmented Reality
Combination of a real environment experienced by the user with virtual elements added by computer input that augment the scene with additional information.
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An abbreviation of web log, a blog is an online journal/commentary with simple automated content creating facilities, links, and response mechanisms. Blogs often use RSS feeds so that readers can subscribe and receive new content as it is published.
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According to MW - To work jointly with others especially in an intellectual endeavor.
Community of Practice
Groups of people with similar interests and goals who get together (physically or electronically) to share information about their common interest.
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Creative Commons
A licensing system developed by Lawrence Lessig and others at Stanford University. Creative Commons (CC) licenses allow a content creator to decide how published work may be copied, modified, and distributed.
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Dynamic Content / Web pages
Defined by Technopedia: “ Dynamic content in the context of HTML and the World Wide Web refers to website content that constantly or regularly changes based on user interactions, timing and other parameters that determine what content is delivered to the user. This means that the content of the site may differ for every user because of different parameters. Facebook is an excellent example of a site that delivers dynamic content, as every user gets different content based on their friends and social interactions, although the layout stays generally the same.”
E Learning 2.0
The application of the principles of Web 2.0 to learning, specifically the collaboration and creation aspects leading to more student-centered learning. book p19
Extended / Hybrid / Blended Learning
A mix of classroom, self-directed, synchronous, and asynchronous approaches designed to optimize the learning for the subject matter and learners.
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Global positioning system: a satellite-based location technology that can determine position down to a few metres. GPS modules are used for in-car navigation and in handheld navigation devices and can be added to PDAs and laptops. Location-based services that make use of the technology are being developed for education.
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Instructor Centered
Defined by Concordia University - Portland: “ In teacher-centered education, students put all of their focus on the teacher. You talk, and the students exclusively listen. During activities, students work alone, and collaboration is discouraged.”
Learning Management System
Computer software designed to manage the organization, delivery, and tracking of online courses and learner performance.
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M - Learning
Mobile learning: learning delivered through mobile devices such as wireless laptops, cell phones, PDAs, etc.
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“A mashup is a website or web application that seamlessly combines content from more than one source into an integrated experience” (Wikipedia, 2006a, para. 1).
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MMOG - Massively Multiplayer Online Games
An online game that can be played simultaneously by many people.
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According to MW - Using or involving or encompassing several different medias.
Combining sound, video, and text.
According to MW - Connected to, served by, or available through a system and especially a computer or telecommunications system. Such as the internet.
Podcasts are audio files that can be easily distributed via the Web and downloaded to computers and personal audio players. Podcasts are often syndicated so that users can subscribe (usually for free) to a particular service and download new content automatically.
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RSS Feed
Really simple syndication: a set of XML-based specifications for syndicating news and other website content and making it machine-readable. Users who subscribe to RSS-enabled websites can have new content automatically ‘pushed’ to them.
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Simulations in e-learning are attempts to create a level of reality in a computer environment so that learners can practice skills, solve problems, operate expensive machinery, or conduct interactions in a safe situation.
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Short messaging service (SMS) is a technical standard that provides the capability for text messaging via cell phones.
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Social Computing
Social networking software is “a category of Internet applications to help connect friends, business partners, or other individuals together” (Wikipedia, 2006c, para. 4).
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Social Networking
According to MW - The creation and maintenance of personal and business relationships especially online.
Static Content / Web Pages
Defined by Technopedia: “A static Web page is a page that is built using HTML code and features the same presentation and content, regardless of user identity or other factors. Static Web pages are easier to code and assemble than dynamic Web pages, which may feature customizable content according to a user’s identity or other factors. Static Web pages are also known as static websites.”
Student Centered
Defined by Concordia University - Portland: “When a classroom operates with student-centered instruction, students and instructors share the focus. Instead of listening to the teacher exclusively, students and teachers interact equally. Group work is encouraged, and students learn to collaborate and communicate with one another.”
“At the same time” - In a learning context this refers to events that occur with all participants present, such as classrooms, chat sessions, and web conferencing. It is the opposite of asynchronous.
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Video podcasts broadcast video over the Internet.
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Web 1.0
Google defined - Static websites that were not yet providing interactive content. End users are the recipients of information.
Web 2.0
“Web 2.0 refers to an emerging network centric platform to support distributed, collaborative and cumulative creation by its users” (Hagel, 2005, para. 6). It is about using the World Wide Web to create, as well as access content through social computing tools.
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A webcam is a live video camera that is either integrated into the hardware of a computer, is a separate piece of hardware that attaches to a computer, or stands to the side of a computer. Webcams are used for synchronous online meetings and videoconferencing.
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Web Conferencing / Virtual Classroom
Software applications that enable meetings over the Internet. They add presentation, visual, audio, and group interaction tools to chat functions.
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Collaborative Web pages that can be viewed and modified by anyone with a Web browser and Internet access.
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