Tech People You Should Know Flashcards
Do you know who Reid Hoffman is? What about Marc Andreesen? You should. This deck will help you memorize the peeps you should know.
Who is:
Steve Jobs
- Co-Founder & CEO, Apple
- CEO, Pixar
- Founder, NeXT
Who is:
Jack Dorsey
- Creator & CEO, Twitter
- (Spun Twitter off from Obvious Corp. in 2007, with Evan Williams & Biz Stone.)
- Founder & CEO, Square
Who is:
Keith Rabois
- COO, Square
- Angel investor in LinkedIn, YouTube, and Yelp
- Former exec at PayPal and LinkedIn
Who is:
Mark Pincus
- Co-Founder & CEO, Zynga
- Founder, Freeloader, SupportSoft, Tribe Networks
- Former venture capitalist
Who is:
Drew Houston
- Founder & CEO, Dropbox
- (Started at MIT, funded by Y Combinator)
- Previous work at Bit9, Accolade and Hubspot
Who is:
Eric Schmidt
- Long-time CEO of Google
- Former CEO of Novell, and Apple board member
- Angel investor in Citizen Effect, CX, iShake, PublishOne, Sendmail
Who is:
Marc Andreessen
- Founding Partner, Andreessen-Horowitz (VC firm)
- Investor in Business Insider, Digg, LinkedIn, Qik, Scribd, Twitter
- Co-founder, Netscape.
Who is:
Sheryl Sandberg
- COO, Facebook
- VP of Global Online Sales at Google
- Chief of staff for the United States Department of the Treasury
Who is:
Jason Fried
- Founder of 37 Signals (a well-known web application development company that created Ruby on Rails)
- Pioneer in agile development movement
- Co-author of “Re-Work” (with David Heinemeier Hansson, the original Rails developer)
Who is:
Steve Case
- Co-Founder & former CEO, America Online (AOL)
- Founder, Revolution (an investment fund)
- Chairman, Startup America Partnership
Who is:
Paul Graham
- Co-Founder, Y Combinator
- Investments include Bump Technologies, FanChatter, Heyzap,, Scribd, Reddit, Loopt
Who is:
Owen Davis
- Managing Director, NYC Seed
- Co-Founder, Sonata and Petal Computing
Who is:
Kai Fu Li
- Founder, Innovation Works (China’s top startup accelerator)
- Founding president of Google China
- Previously an exec at Microsoft, Silicon Graphics, and Apple.
Who is:
Larry Ellison
- Founder & CEO, Oracle
- Third wealthiest American, worth about $33 billion (as of 2011)
Who is:
Tim Berners-Lee
- Inventor, World Wide Web
- (Created first communication between an HTTP client & server)
- Director, World Wide Web Consortium
Who is:
Tony Hsieh
- CEO, Zappos
- Co-Founder, Link Exchange (sold to Microsoft for $265m in 1998)
Who is:
Brad Feld
- Co-Founder, Foundry Group (VC)
- Co-Founder & CEO of TechStars
- Co-author, “Venture Deals” and “Do More Faster”
Who is:
Ashton Kutcher
- Investor in Foursquare, AirBnB, Path, Flipboard, Skype, and others
- Many still-undisclosed startup investments
- Also a prominent actor, model, and early adopter of Twitter @aplusk
Who is:
Tom Anderson
- Founder, MySpace (with co-founder Chris DeWolfe)
- Often referred to as “MySpace Tom”, as he was listed as the “default friend” for all new MySpace users
- Sold MySpace to NewsCorp for $580m in 2005
Who is:
Reid Hoffman
- Co-Founder & CEO, LinkedIn
- VC at Greylock Partners
- Angel investor in Digg, Facebook, Flickr, Friendster, Ning, Zynga,
Who is described below:
- Co-Founder & CEO, Apple
- CEO, Pixar
- Founder, NeXT
Steve Jobs
Who is described below:
- Creator & CEO, Twitter
- (Spun Twitter off from Obvious Corp. in 2007, with Evan Williams & Biz Stone.)
- Founder & CEO, Square
Jack Dorsey
Who is described below:
- COO, Square
- Angel investor in LinkedIn, YouTube, and Yelp
- Former exec at PayPal and LinkedIn
Keith Rabois
Who is described below:
- Co-Founder & CEO, Zynga
- Founder, Freeloader, SupportSoft, Tribe Networks
- Former venture capitalist
Mark Pincus
Who is described below:
- Founder & CEO, Dropbox
- (Started at MIT, funded by Y Combinator)
- Previous work at Bit9, Accolade and Hubspot
Drew Houston
Who is described below:
- Long-time CEO of Google
- Former CEO of Novell, and Apple board member
- Angel investor in Citizen Effect, CX, iShake, PublishOne, Sendmail
Eric Schmidt
Who is described below:
- Founding Partner, Andreessen-Horowitz (VC firm)
- Investor in Business Insider, Digg, LinkedIn, Qik, Scribd, Twitter
- Co-founder, Netscape.
Marc Andreessen
Who is described below:
- COO, Facebook
- VP of Global Online Sales at Google
- Chief of staff for the United States Department of the Treasury
Sheryl Sandberg
Who is described below:
- Founder of 37 Signals (a well-known web application development company that created Ruby on Rails)
- Pioneer in agile development movement
- Co-author of “Re-Work” (with David Heinemeier Hansson, the original Rails developer)
Jason Fried
Who is described below:
- Co-Founder & former CEO, America Online (AOL)
- Founder, Revolution (an investment fund)
- Chairman, Startup America Partnership
Steve Case
Who is described below:
- Co-Founder, Y Combinator
- Investments include Bump Technologies, FanChatter, Heyzap,, Scribd, Reddit, Loopt
Paul Graham
Who is described below:
- Managing Director, NYC Seed
- Co-Founder, Sonata and Petal Computing
Owen Davis
Who is described below:
- Founder, Innovation Works (China’s top startup accelerator)
- Founding president of Google China
- Previously an exec at Microsoft, Silicon Graphics, and Apple.
Kai Fu Li
Who is described below:
- Founder & CEO, Oracle
- Third wealthiest American, worth about $33 billion (as of 2011)
Larry Ellison
Who is described below:
- Inventor, World Wide Web
- (Created first communication between an HTTP client & server)
- Director, World Wide Web Consortium
Tim Berners-Lee
Who is described below:
- CEO, Zappos
- Co-Founder, Link Exchange (sold to Microsoft for $265m in 1998)
Tony Hsieh
Who is described below:
- Co-Founder, Foundry Group (VC)
- Co-Founder & CEO of TechStars
- Co-author, “Venture Deals” and “Do More Faster”
Brad Feld