Tech Interview Questions RUNWAY Flashcards
What does alternate red and white edge centerline lights on a runway mean?
The last 2000’ or 600m of the runway for US ALSF runway lights
What does red only red edge centerline lights on a runway indicate?
The last 1000’ or 300m of the runway.
What are the two types of taxiway lighting systems?
One line of green taxiway centerline lights
Two lines of blue taxiway center lights
What does a runway holding marker look like?
Two close parallel yellow lines across a taxiway, or one continuous line and one broken line.
Some hold markings may have 2 continuous lines and 2 broken parallel lines.
What are some examples of hazardous flight conditions to report to ATC?
Mod or sever turb, Windshear,volcanic ash, and rapidly deteriorating visibility, icing, or birds…
How do you use weather radar information?
WX radar is used to avoid or circumnavigate storms by turning upwind where possible around a storm.
What is the rule of thumb to avoid weather or storm cell buildups?
Below 30,000’ avoid cells by 10 to 15NMs
Above 30,000’ avoid cells by 15 to 20 NMs
DONT USE RADAR TO PENETRATE STORMS…sever Windshear can be found between cells.
What effect does Windshear have on an approach to landing?
If headwind increases then aircraft will have a increase in performance and indicated airspeed and may overshoot.
If headwind decreases then aircraft will have a decrease in performance and decrease of indicated airspeed and may undershoot and increase ROD.
How would you fly an approach if you suspect Windshear?
You would increase the approach speed to compensate for the loss of energy that is common with low level Windshear.
This will guard against a stall when you attempt to maintain the flight path by increasing the aircrafts attitude.
What is the recovery technique for severe Windshear?
Autopilot disconnect
Apply full power to mechanical forward limit
Rotate to 3 to 4 degrees per second to 25 degrees
Retract sped brake
Reduce pitch to 20 degrees at stick shaker or V2/ref
Don’t retract flaps or landing gear until safe climb out is assured
What do you need to see to continue at the MDA for a non-precision or a DH precision approach?
Element of the approach light system The threshold The threshold markings The threshold lights He VASI Touchdown zone lights Touchdown zone or its markings Runway edge lights
How do you control an acquaplane?
Acquaplane is controlled by using the anti skid braking systems.
The antiskid brakes allows the wheels to rotateand push thru the water layer making contact with the runway again.
What is the most effective means of stopping on a wet runway?
Thrust Reversers
What speed will a g550 start to acquaplane?
9 times the square root of the tire pressure
What are the 2 main types of anti-icing fluids used for de-icing on the ground?
Type 1 fluids ( unthickened)
The deicing performance is good but they provide only limited protection against refreezing due to no thickening agent.
Type 2 fluids ( thickened)
These fluids have an additional thickening agent that enables the fluids to remain on the aircraft surfaces…known as “Holdover time”.
What do you expect to hear from the de-icer?
The de-icing fluid applied will be described as:
Type of fluid, type 1 or 2, percent of fluid to water mixture, and holdover time expected.
How does ice influence aircraft performance?
Reduced stalling angle of attack AOA
Increased stalling speed
Reduced maximum lift capability
Reduced amount of lift at a given AOA
When will icing occur on the ground and in flight?
Ground: in visible moisture and OAT is 10 decrees or lower
Flight: In the climb or at cruise between OAT of 10 degrees and -40 degrees with visible moisture present. Ice crystals form colder than -40
In the descent….turn the engine anti-icing on in visible moisture colder than 10 degrees C due to the warming air at lower levels causing super cooled water droplet icing to form.
What are the hazards associated with flying in a region of Volcanic Ash?
Engine flameout due to it being starved of air.
If you fly into volcanic ash:
Make an immediate 180 degree turn
Select all engine high bleed sys on to reduce volume of ash to ENG
APU on in case it is needed for a re-light
What causes fatigue?
What are the consequences of fatigue?
Fatigue is caused by lack of sleep and overwork and stress.
An increase in pilots response time
Impaired judgement
Increase in the possibility of human error