Teamwork in Health Care Flashcards
Why is effective teamwork important in the healthcare context?
- Improved communication and partnership among health providers
- Clarity on the role of all health providers
- Better response processes in addressing health determinants
- Improved coordination of health care services
- High levels of satisfaction on the delivery of services
- Effective use of health resources
What are some barriers to collaborative practice in health care?
- A lack of time to communicate and reflect
- Insufficient inter-professional education
- Systems of payment that do not reward collaboration
- Few links between collaborative practice and individual goals
- Absence of efforts to capture evidence for success
- Inconsistency in team membership
- Varying communication styles
- Lack of role clarity
- Presence of conflict
- Hierachy
What are the four teachable components of TeamSTEPPS?
- Communication
- Leadership
- Situation monitoring
- Mutual support
What does SBAR stand for?
- Situation
- Background
- Assessment
- Recommendation and request
What is the STEP component of TeamSTEPPS concerned with and what are the elements?
Situation monitoring
- Status of the patient
- Team members
- Environment
- Progress toward goal
Outline a constructive approach for managing and resolving conflict?
DECS Script
- Describe the specific situation or behaviour, provide concrete data
- Express how the situation makes you feel/what your concerns are
- Suggest other alternatives and seek agreement
- Consequences should be stated in terms of impact on established team goals, strive for consensus
Outline common derailers in critical conversations
- Apologising
- Denial
- Rationalising
- Blame shifting
- Score keeping
- Negotiating
What things should you not do in critical conversations?
- Feedback sandwiches
- Multiple issues at once
- Being overfriendly to compensate for your negative message
- Lose control
- Rush or talk incessantly
- Make it all about you
What is an appropriate response to apologising deraling?
“I appreciate your apology. I still want to discuss [x] to make sure it does not happen again.”
What is an appropriate response to denial derailing?
“I’m surprised to hear you say that. The feedback from other staff has been…”
What is an appropriate response to rationising?
“But I’ve already clearly explained my expectations of what you need to do. Your approach is not acceptable here.”
What is an appropriate response to the blame shifter?
“This is not about the other nurse. This is about your behaviour/action/decision.”
What is an appropriate response to ‘score keeping’?
“This is not about the other assistants. This is about your work on this ward.”
What is an appropriate response to negotiating?
“This is not negotiable. If you cannot accept this then the consequence will be…”
What are the five points of planning a critical conversation?
- Anticipate derailers
- Plan your responses to these
- Make sure your message is clear
- Focus on the behaviour, not the person
- How will you know they have understood?