Team Poli Sci WEEK ONE & TWO LECTURE NOTES Flashcards
Sylvester’s favorite definition of Politics
Politics is the authoritative allocation of values - David Easton
What Is Political Science?
The set of techniques, concepts, and approaches used to evaluate political information with the goal of increasing the accuracy of our understanding of the political world.
What are 5 Major Schools of Political Enquiry
- Political theory – Plato etc – Ideology
- Comparative Politics
- Canadian (or.. American… French..)
- Public policy
- International Relations
What is Government and what is Politics?
Government is the process that makes and enforces rules and decisions for society; politics is the activity of reconciling conflicts and gathering support that makes government possible…
- Both arise from the need for people to live in societies
- For Society to succeed, people must settle conflicts and abide by common rules in such a way that that community is not endangered
- And one way is through a formal government
Name 7 things that Revolutionaries and Protestors do
- Undertake political violence against the political order
- Engage in civil disobedience
- Riot
- Join in public protest demonstrations
- Attend protest meetings
- Refuse to obey unjust laws
- Protest verbally if government does something unacceptable
What are Government Activists?
Candidates for/hold public office
What are Partisan Activists?
- Contribute money to party/candidate/ issues
- Attend meetings, rallies
- Actively work for party/candidate/issues
- Persuade others how to vote
- Join and support a party
What are Community Activists
- Active in Community organizations
- Form groups to work on local issues
- Contact officials on social issues
- Work with others on local problems
What are Communicators?
- Write letters to media
- Send support or protest messages to political leaders
- Engage in political discussions
- Keep informed about politics
What are Contact Specialists?
- Contact local or national officials on particular problems
What are Supporters and Patriots?
- Show patriotism by flying flags, attending parades etc
- Express love of country
- Pay all taxes
What are Inactives?
- No voting
- No other political activities
- No patriotic inputs
Magstadt’s Typology of legal
- Conventional (attending a political rally, responding to a poll, watching a debate on tv, putting a bumper sticker on your car, voting, writing letters)
- Professional participation (party officials, lobbyists, political appointees and candidates…very rare)
- Unconventional: (depends on political culture as to what is conventional and what isn’t; protests, demonstrations, signing petitions, boycotts….)
Magstadt’s Typology of Illegal
(Again depends on the type of government)
Civil disobedience (Gandhi)
Subversion (attempt to undermine a government)
Sedition (inciting antigovernment acts)
What are the Types of Political Actors
The simplest answer: There are two types of Political Actors – Leaders and followers
Sometimes called Political Gladiators and Political Observers
Examples of Political Gladiators
- Craig Kielburger
- Severn Cullis - Suzuki
- Deng Xioping
- Wangari Maathai and Jody Williams
- Simon Jackson
- Ben West
What makes political Gladiators tick?
- Only 5% of the population
- Take Leadership positions in the Formal and Informal Political institutions
- Formal = in the constitution
- Informal = not in constitution
What are Wocshinsky’s 7 incentives for Political Leaders ?
- Urge to solve public problems
- Need to be accepted by others
- Search for fame and glory
- Desire to follow their conscience serving society
- Pleasure from competition and the manipulation of others
- Satisfaction from commitments to a transcendental mission
- Desire for praise and admiration
What are 5 Characteristics of Influential People?
- The ability to understand issues
- Have what others need or fear
- Know how to use resources
- Can access institutions
- Know how to set objectives