Team Dynamix Glossary Flashcards
Account Attribute Sections
A section used to organize Account Attributes into one section, likely because the attributes are related in some form.
Account Attributes
A version of Custom Attributes specific to Acct/Depts
The Acct/Dept field represents the Department for which the project is being requested.
Project wide communications to the project resources, stakeholders, and/or contacts.
Application Menu
The route to opening applications in TDNext, often referred to as “the waffle”.
A singular entry within the Knowledge Base.
Article Owner
The individual who manages a Knowledge Base article and is notified of feedback (depending on the Notify Owner of Feedback setting).
Articles Awaiting Review
Articles that have been submitted to the Knowledge Base that are in need of review to be Approved and Published.
Hardware, software, or consumable within an environment. Assets of a service provider include anything that could contribute to the delivery of a service.
Asset Attributes
A version of Custom Attributes specific to Assets
Allows users to easily add and categorize assets, configuration items, vendors, contracts, and locations allowing an institution to track and maintain hardware and software assets, in addition to other configuration items, cost-effectively.
Blackout Windows
Times during which changes cannot be scheduled or performed
Repository of files related to the project, organized into folders.
A user whom can authenticate to TDClient and access areas such as the Service Catalog, Knowledge Base, and their requests.
TeamDynamix centric website where clients can:
-connect with one another
-discover helpful industry content
-access downloads, articles, webinars and discussion forums
Configuration Item Attributes
A version of Custom Attributes specific to Configuration Items/Assets.
Configuration Items
Components of an infrastructure that currently is, or soon will be underconfigurationmanagement. CIs include both Assets of the environment and Services that are provided.
Contact information record (name, phone, email…) of an individual.
Nothing can be associated to a Contact nor can they authenticate to the environment.
A TDX term use to describe the group of people associated with a given ticket.
Contract Attributes
A version of Custom Attributes specific to Contracts
Documentation of the contract or warranty that is provided for an asset.
The individual whom created the request. Depending on the point of entry it is possible for the requestor to also be the creator.
Custom Attributes
Custom attributes provide you the ability to create fields for data capture
A TDX term use to describe a People record for a requestor. A customer can be staff, faculty, student, affiliate, IT Pro, or not affiliated with the university.
The full details of a request, including any appropriate circumstances or supplementary information that may aid in completing it.
A collection of delivered modules and custom reports to give a snapshot view of current activity in the environment.
The individual person to review, process, and analyze the project request.
An activity that occurs within a specific project on a certain time and date, this is much like a calendar entry.
Expense Account (Expense Type)
The classification of an expense entry, this can range from very high level (i.e, hotel expense) to a very granular configuration (i.e., Holiday Inn Expense).
An audit trail, with time and date, of all activity on the entry (ticket, project, issue, etc.). The Feed also supports comments to communicate with resources on the entry.
File Cabinet
Allows users to post and access project knowledge cataloged in the File Cabinet database. Users may search the File Cabinet according to custom file classifications as defined by your institution. In addition to posting and accessing data, the dashboard gives users a profile of user activity within the File Cabinet.
File Cabinet Attributes
A version of Custom Attributes specific to the File Cabinet
Generate invoices based upon billable time and expenses tracked in Time & Expenses. The Finance application allows managers to create invoices and integrate them with an accounting system.
Functional Roles
define the primary and secondary job duties that a user performs. After defining a set of Functional Roles, users will need to be assigned these values as this will help project managers assign users to projects based on his or her capabilities.
A collection of users
Groups serve the purpose of assigning responsibility, content sharing, and content visibility/permissions.
Uniqueidentifier of an item that is anumeric ID, i.e. “12345.” This number does not change as modifications are made to the item.
A factor in on determining the priority of a ticket. It is the measure of the effect of an incident on business processes. Criteria to calculate impact include, amount of potential financial losses and amount of affected users.
Industries are tied to accounts to help distinguish between types of Acct/Dept. Also used for to form a grouping of Acct/Dept, for example by institution division.
Issues are problems, gaps, inconsistencies, or conflicts that occur unexpectedly in the lifecycle of a project.
Issue Attribute
A version of Custom Attributes specific to project issues
Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base is the TeamDynamix solution for Knowledge Management. According to ITIL Knowledge Management aims to gather, analyze, store, and share knowledge and information within an organization. The primary purpose of Knowledge Management is to improve efficiency by reducing the need to rediscover knowledge.
Knowledge Base Category
In the Knowledge Base, acategoryis a grouping that organizes articles.
Licensed User
A licensed user refers to a TeamDynamix user whom has a paid license associated to their account. These users can access TDNext.
Reference to a place, often a building, where an incident or asset is located.
Location Room
The reference to the specific room within a Location of which is where an incident or asset is located.
Long Description
A comprehensive description of a service.
Maintenance Schedules
Period of time designated in advance by the technical staff, during whichpreventive maintenancethat could cause disruption of service, may be performed.
My Accomplishments
Section within My Work application that lists the authenticated user’s completed tasks, tickets, and issues.
My Approvals
Section within My Work application that lists approvals for resource requests, time reports, project requests, and service requests assigned to the authenticated user.
My Articles
An area within Knowledge Base dedicated to all articles the authenticated used is the owner of.
My Assignments
Section within My Work application that lists what has been assigned to the authenticated user.
My Schedule
Section within My Work application that lists the hours the authenticated user is scheduled for on a project or workspace.