Teaching vocabulary Flashcards
Commitment or attachment to a regimen
Affective domain
Includes emotional and social goals
The art and science of teaching adults
Behaviorist theory
Believes that attitude and responses respond to changes in the stimulus condition or what occurs after the response
Cognitive domain
Includes six intellectual abilities and thinking processes
Cognitive theory
Recognize the developmental level of the learner and acknowledge learner’s motivation and environment
Following through with appropriate behaviors that reflect learning
Process involved in helping older adults learn
Health literacy
The capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions
Humanistic learning theory
Learning is believed to be self-motivated, self-initiated, and self-evaluated
The process by which individuals copy or reproduce what they have observed
A change in human disposition or capability that persists and cannot be solely accounted for by growth
Learning need
A desire or requirement to know something that is presently unknown to the learner
The process by which a person learns by observing the behavior of others
The desire to do something
The discipline concerned with helping children learn
Positive reinforcement
Pleasant experience that fosters repetition of an action
Psychomotor domain
Includes fine and gross motor skills
Demonstration of behaviors or cues that reflect motivation at a specific time
A system of activities intended to produce learning