Teaching Review Flashcards
Quantitative data HGIOS 4
Schools collect a wide range of
quantitative data for example
about attainment, attendance,
bullying and prejudice-based
discrimination and option
choices. Effective selfevaluation
rigorous interrogation
of this data by staff
who are data-literate
and use the data to
recognise emerging
issues and when
specific interventions
are necessary.
2.4 Personalised support - 3 themes
- Universal support
- Targeted support
- Removal of potential barriers to
sociometer theory
A theory that proposes that self-esteem is a gauge—an internal, psychological meter—that monitors the degree to which a person is being valued and accepted versus devalued and rejected by other people
Working Memory - Define
Site of Awareness and thinking
Deliberate Practice : 3 things to remember
- Many processes that can be easily done in one go by expert learners actually consisit of multiple sub-processes for novices.
- The five stage skill , define elseswhere
- Giving student access to the final answers during deliberate practice to ensure that they are practising the right things.
Long Term Memory - Define
Factual and Procedural knowledge
Independent Practice - Define
Independent practice produces ‘overlearning’ — a necessary process for new material to be recalled automatically. This ensures no overloading of students’ working memory
Problem Solving 3 things to remeber
- Problem solving is not a skill. In order to successfully solve problems , studetns need domain -specific knowledge.
- The three step procedure ; define other card
- Students can be struggling but not learning.
1.4 Leadership and management of staff - 3 themes
- Governance framework.
- Building and sustaining a professiona staff team.
- Staff wellbeing and pastoral support.
Triangulation of Evidence HGIOS 4
Focused thinking : 3 things to remember Barton
- We want students to be thiknig hard about the right things , so we should take steps to reduce extrabeous load.
- Students can be thinking hard but not learning if the experince cognitive overload.
- Sounds and images are processed and held in seperate channels in working memory, which we can use to our advantage via the careful presentation of information.
What had the 5 largest effect sizes in John Hattie’s Visible Learning
1) Self Reported Grades/ Student Expectations 1.44 2) Piagetian Programs 1.28 3) Response to Intervention 1.07 4) Teacher Credibility 0.90 5) Provide formative evaluation 0.90
What are second 5 principles of instruction ?
6) Check Student Understanding 7) Obtain High Success Rate 8) Scaffolds for difficult tasks 9) Independent Practice 10) Weekly and Monthly Review
(Barton)How students think and learn, 3 things to remember
1) Expert and Novice learners don’t just know different things , they think in a fundamentally different way from each other. 2) Students remember what they attend to , so we should plan lessons and evaluate activities using this principle. 3) Anyone can suffer from maths anxiety. It can be debilitating , but there are ways we can help.
Self reported grades / Student expectations - define
teachers should provide students with opportunity to predict their performance , having high expectations and providing feedback.
1.2 Leadership of learning 3 themes
- Professional engagement and
collegiate working - Impact of career-long professional
learning - Children and young people leading
Three step procedure problem solving
- Develop inflexible knowledge via explicit instruction.
- Carefully batch related problems together.
- Over time present those problems in isolation.
People’s View - HGIOS 4
Staff, pupils, parents/carers, partners
and other stakeholders such as the
local authority or governing body
should all have regular opportunities
to share their views about the
school. Examples of how
people’s views can be
gathered include through
surveys, focus groups,
ongoing professional
dialogue, learning
visits and minutes
of team meetings.
Explicit Instruction :4 things to remember Barton
1) Explicit instruction , when done well , is the most effective form of instruction for everyone apart from experts in a given domain.
2) Partial guidance during instruction could lead to the development of incomplete or erroneous knowledge
3) Inducing cognitive conflict can be an effective way to resolve lingering misconceptions, but students must have both the will and the ability to make the change , both of whic are intimatley related to domain- specific knowledge.
4) Its often appropriate to develop conceptual understanding alongside or after the development of procedural fluency.
2.7 Partnerships - 3 themes
- The development and promotion of
partnerships - Collaborative learning and
improvement - Impact on learners
2.1 Safeguarding and child protection : 3 themes
- Arrangements for safeguarding,
including child protection - Arrangements to ensure wellbeing
- National guidance and legislation
3.3 Increasing creativity and employability - 3 themes
- Creativity skills
- Digital innovation
- Digital literacy
- Increasing employability skills
Impact of career-long professional learning - effective practice
- Senior leaders build on the skills and talents of
individuals to build leadership capacity. - There is a very strong focus on improving learning
among staff across the school. - There is evidence of clear and measurable impact of
professional learning on outcomes for learners. - Staff work collaboratively to strengthen their
understanding and implementation of key national
policies including the Scottish Attainment Challenge,
Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce and
Learning for Sustainability. - Staff are confident in discussing how they have
improved their practice as a result of their
professional learning activities.
What are the first 5 principles of instruction ?
1) Daily review 2) New Material in Small Steps 3) Ask Questions 4) Provide models 5) Guide Student Practice.
Feedback should
Cause thinking
shared influence
An influence that is common to all children in a family.
Behaviorism - Define
A branch of psychology that claims that all behaviors and emotional responses are the result of learning
1.5 Management of resources to promote equity : 3 themes
- Management of finance for learning
- Management of resources and
environment for learning
Self Expplanation: 3 things Barton
- The self - explanation effect suggest that self explanation can be a powerful learning tool.
- There are several easy to implement steps we can take to make the most out of these self - explanations.
- Students are not natural self - explainers and hence may need to be prompted.
Obtain High Success Rate- Define
A success rate of around 80% has been found to be optimal, showing students are learning and also being challenged. Better teachers taught in small steps followed by practice
1.3 Leadership of change- 3 themes
- Developing a shared vision, values andaims relevant to the school and its community.
- Strategic planning for continuous improvement.
- Implementing improvement and change.