Teaching Profession (Quiz) Flashcards
focuses on the ideal that teachers serve as positive & powerful
role models of the values of the pursuit of learning & of the effort to learn, & that the teachers actions,
statements, & different types of social interactions with students exemplify this ideal.
domain of Social Regard for Learning
focuses on importance of providing for a social and physical
environment within which all students, regardless of their individual differences in learning, can engage the
different learning activities and work towards attaining high standards of learning.
domain of Learning Environment
emphasizes the ideal that teachers can facilitate the learning process
in diverse types of learners, by first recognizing and respecting individual differences, then using knowledge
about students’ differences to design diverse sets of learning activities to ensure that all students can attain
appropriate learning goals.
domain of Diversity of Learners
refers to all elements of the teaching-learning process that work in convergence
to help students attain high standards of learning and understanding of the curricular goals and objectives.
These elements include the teacher’s knowledge of subject matter, teaching-learning approaches and
activities, instructional materials and learning resources including ICT.
domain of Curriculum
Assessing & Reporting refers to the aligned use of assessment and planning
activities to ensure that the teaching-learning activities are maximally appropriate to the students’ current
knowledge and learning levels. In particular, the domain focuses on the use of assessment data to plan &
revise teaching-learning plans, as well as the integration of formative assessment procedures in the plan
and implementation of teaching-learning activities.
domain of Planning
focuses on the ideal that school activities are meaningfully linked to
the experiences and aspirations of the students in their homes and communities. Thus, the domain focuses
on teachers’ efforts directed at strengthening the links between school and community activities as these
help in the attainment of the curricular objectives.
domain of Community Linkages
emphasizes the ideal that teachers value
having a high personal regard, concern for professional development, and continuous improvement as
domain of Personal Growth and Professional Development
defines effective teaching as being able to help all types of students learn the different learning
goals in the curriculum.
was implemented by ched and deped, 2007
and 2009
NCBTS or National Competency-Based teacher Standards
When NCBTS or National Competency-Based teacher Standards is implemented by Ched and Deped
2007 and 2009
National Competency-Based teacher Standards
This was prior to the implementation because of ?
K-12 in 2013
provides a single framework
that defines teaching in all aspects of a teacher’s professional life and in all phases of teacher development.
It includes the integration of assessment procedures in the planning and implementation of teaching learning activities, and reporting on learner’s actual achievement and behavior.
Seven Domains of NCBTS or National Competency-Based teacher Standards
Domain 1: Social Regard for Learning
Domain 2: Learning Environment
Domain 3: Diversity of Learners
Domain 4: Curriculum
Domain 5: Planning, Assessingand Reporting
Domain 6: Community Linkages
Domain 7: Personal Growth and Professional Development
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) were released to the field through …?
Order 42, s2017
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
was developed to
strengthen the former National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS).
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
It enunciates what
comprises teacher quality in the implementation of the K-12 education system. It includes seven (7) well-defined domains and 37 strands that provide measures of professional learning, competent practice and
effective engagement for everyone who wish to be a part of the teaching profession.
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
that defines teacher quality in the Philippines
The ______ become a
public statement of professional accountability that can help teachers on and assess their own practices as
they aspire for personal growth and professional development.
professional standards
Legal Bases of PPST
CHED Memorandum No. 52, s2007
DepEd Order No. 32 s.2009
DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2017
(7) Domains in the PPST
- Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
- Domain 2 - Learning Environment
- Domain 3 – Diversity of Learners
- Domain 4 – Curriculum and Planning
- Domain 5 – Assessment and Reporting
- Domain 6 – Community Linkages and Professional Engagement
- Domain 7 - Personal Growth and Professional Development
The PPST give four (4) career stages for teachers, namely:
Career Stage 1:
Beginning Teachers
Career Stage 2:
Proficient Teachers
Career Stage 3:
Highly Proficient Teachers
This refers to the teachers’ mastery if the content in the subjects and courses that they are assigned to
each. It encompasses teachers’ ability to apply developmentally appropriate and meaningful pedagogy
grounded on content knowledge and current research.
- Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy strands
Strand 1
: Content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas
Strand 2
: Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning
Strand 3
: Positive use of ICT
Strand 4
: Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracyStrand 5
: Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher order
thinking skills
Strand 6
: Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English in teaching and learning
Strand 7
: Classroom communication strategies
includes not only the physical environment of the school or classroom but also
the emotional environment of the school and the classroom that creates positive and conducive learning
atmosphere for all learners.
Domain 2 - Learning Environment
Strand Domain 2
Strand 1
: Learner safety and security
Strand 2
: Fair learning environment
Strand 3
: Management of classroom structure and activities
Strand 4
: Support for learner participation
Strand 5
: Promotion of purposive learning
Strand 6
: Management of learner behavior
emphasizes the central role of teachers in establishing learning environments that are responsive
to learner diversity. It also includes understanding the different interests, abilities, talents and learning
styles of the students.
Domain 3 – Diversity of Learners
Five strands domain 3
Strand 1
: Learners’ gender, needs, strength, interests and experiences
Strand 2
:Learners’ linguistic, cultural, socioeconomic, and religious backgrounds
Strand 3
: Learners’ with disabilities, giftedness and talents
Strand 4
: Learners’ in difficult circumstances
Strand 5
: Learners from indigenous group
This addresses teachers’ knowledge of and interaction with the national and local curriculum requirements.
Domain 4 – Curriculum and Planning
This includes the subjects and learning experiences planned for all students. It includes the learning
competencies and instructional activities designed for the students. Teachers as curriculum and
instructional leaders need to plan for the implementation of the curriculum.
Strand 1
: Planning and management of the teaching and learning process
Strand 2
: Planning and management of the teaching and learning process
Strand 3
: Relevance and responsiveness of learning programs
Strand 4
: Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice
Strand 5
: Teaching and learning resources including ICT
This relates to processes associated with a variety of assessment tools and strategies used by teachers in
monitoring, evaluating, documenting and reporting learners’ needs, progress and achievement.
Domain 5 – Assessment and Reporting
5 strands of Domain 5
Strand 1
Design, selection, organization and utilization of assessment strategies
Strand 2
Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement
Strand 3
Feedback to improve learning
Strand 4
Communication of learner needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholders
Strand 5
Use of assessment data to enhance teaching and learning practices and programs
School and community partnership is essential in ensuring quality learning; a strong and positive
partnership can guarantee success and excellence in learning among students. This affirms the role of
teachers in establishing school-community partnerships aimed at enriching the learning environment, as
well as the community’s engagement in the educative process
Domain 6 – Community Linkages and Professional Engagement
Strand of Domain 6:
Strand 1
Establishment of learning environments that are responsive to community context
Strand 2
Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the educative process
Strand 3
Professional ethics
Strand 4
School policies and procedures
This domain focuses on teachers’ personal growth and professional development. It accentuates teachers’
proper and high personal regard for the profession by maintaining qualities that uphold the dignity of
teaching such as caring attitude, respect and integrity. This domain values personal and professional
reflection and learning to improve practice
Domain 7 - Personal Growth and Professional Development
5 Strand of Domain 7:
Strand 1
Philosophy of Teaching
Strand 2
Dignity of Teaching as a Profession
Strand 3
Professional links with colleagues
Strand 4
Professional reflection and learning to improve practice
Strand 5
Professional development goals
PPST state that professional teachers must have
mastery of
subject matter and teaching methodology.
is a common reference framework that enables
comparisons of education qualifications across participating ASEAN Member States (AMS).
ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF)
2 Domains of the AQRF;
- Knowledge and Skills
- Application and Responsibility
Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) was established through an ___________ and
it was passed into a law through the Republic Act No. 10968 entitled “An Act Institutionalizing the Philippine
Qualifications Framework (PQF), Establishing the PQF-National Coordinating Council (NCC) and
Appropriating Funds Therefor.”
Executive Order No. 83 in 2012
entitled “An Act Institutionalizing the Philippine
Qualifications Framework (PQF), Establishing the PQF-National Coordinating Council (NCC) and
Appropriating Funds Therefor.”
Republic Act No. 10968
Reasons why the NCBTS was changed to PPST
- The K to 12 Education Reform Program (RA No. 10533) in the Philippines has shifted teacher quality
requirements, necessitating alignment with professional standards for Filipino teachers. - The country’s ASEAN integration aims to promote regional growth and cooperation, requiring curriculum
attunement with the ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF). This raises professional
standards for Filipino teachers in the PPST, the K to 12 Program, internationalization of curricula, and
synchronization of ASEAN schools’ academic calendars.
3.The PPST provides a global framework for teachers to prepare their learners for individual needs and
national development, preparing them to conquer the world and be responsive to its needs.
4.The PPST also addresses the diverse nature of 21st-century learners through a learner-centered
approach, focusing on differentiated instruction, contextualization, localization, and indigenousization to
make teachers more responsive to their diverse needs
is based on the principle of lifelong learning of teachers which is part of their continuing
professional development and advancement. It outlines the required skills and competencies of quality
teachers, enabling them to cope with the emerging global frameworks
The PPST basically aims to:
- Set the clear expectations of teachers along well-defined career stages of professional development
from beginning to distinguished practice - Engage teachers to actively embrace a continuing effort in attaining proficiency
- Apply a uniform measure to assess teacher performance, identify needs, and provide support for
professional development Sec. Briones pointed out that the PPST will be the basis for all learning and
development programs for teachers to ensure that they are properly equipped to effectively implement the
K to 12.
She pointed out that the PPST will be the basis for all learning and
development programs for teachers to ensure that they are properly equipped to effectively implement the
K to 12.
Sec. Briones
The PPST is a framework of teacher quality and it shall be used in the following purposes:
- It shall be the basis for all learning and development programs for teachers to ensure that teachers are
properly equipped to effectively implement the K to 12 program; - It
used for
and promotion
teachers; - It shall be used as basis for evaluating performance of teachers
Gained the qualifications recognized for entry into the teaching profession
Career Stage 1:
Beginning Teachers
Have a strong understanding of the subject/areas in which they are trained in terms of content
knowledge and pedagogy
Career Stage 1:
Beginning Teachers
Possess the requisite knowledge, skills and values that support the teaching and learning process
Career Stage 1:
Beginning Teachers
Manage learning programs and have strategies that promote learning based on the learning needs of
their students
Career Stage 1:
Beginning Teachers
Seek advised from experienced colleagues to consolidate their teaching practice
Career Stage 1:
Beginning Teachers
Are professionally independent in the application of skills vital to the teaching and
learning process
Career Stage 2:
Proficient Teachers
Provide focused teaching programs that meet curriculum and assessment
Career Stage 2:
Proficient Teachers
Display skills in planning, implementing and managing learning programs
Career Stage 2:
Proficient Teachers
Actively engage
Career Stage 2:
Proficient Teachers
Collaborative learning with the professional community and other stakeholders for
mutual growth and advancement
Career Stage 2:
Proficient Teachers
Are reflective practitioners who continually consolidate the knowledge, skills and practices of Career Stage 1 teachers
Career Stage 2:
Proficient Teachers
Consistently display a high level of performance in their teaching practice
Career Stage 3:
Highly Proficient Teachers
Manifest an in-depth and sophisticated understanding of the teaching and learning
Career Stage 3:
Highly Proficient Teachers
The framework was agreed upon by
the Minister of Education of the
Southeast Asian countries including
the Philippines. It will be used as a
guide to determine teacher quality
across the region.
It has sub-frameworks in separate subsystems of the education and training system. For example, the
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) subsystem covers National Certificates
(NC) I through IV corresponding to the first four levels while the Commission on Higher Education
Subsystem covers Baccalaureate, Postgraduate Diploma, Masters, and Doctorate that correspond to
Levels 6 to 8. The two Sub-systems interface in the provision of diploma programs at level 5.
The PQF has eight Levels of qualifications differentiated by descriptors of expected learning outcomes
along the three domains:
knowledge, skills and values; application; and degree of independence.
Graduates possess a broad level of coherent
knowledge and skills in their field of study for
professional work (teaching) and lifelong learning
Knowledge, Skills and Values
Application of professional work (teaching) in a
broad range of discipline and/or for further study
Application (of Knowledge, Skills and Values)
Independent (as a teacher) and/ or in teams of
related field.
Degree of Independence)
is a legal document that adopts national standards and levels for outcomes of education in the
It assists individuals to move easily between different education and training sectors and the labor
market. Further, the ____ aligns the international qualifications for full recognition of the value of Philippine
Qualifications. Also, the _____ will be used as the basis for accrediting certificates and licenses recognized
by the government
will be used as the basis for accrediting certificates and licenses recognized
by the government