Teachers Dip Theory Flashcards
Name the 33 vertebrae and describe what is in between each one.
7 Cervical (forms the neck) 12 Thoracic (with the ribcage forms the chest cavity) 5 Lumbar (forms the hollow of the back) 5 Sacryl (fused into 1 bone forms sacrum) 4 Coccygeal (fused into 1 bone forms the coccyx or tail bone)
There is an Intervertebrale disc between each Vertebra, which acts as a shock absorber to prevent chipping or damage to the spine.
Name the fundamentals or principles of limbering
bending, stretching, tensing and relaxing
Name the 9 Kicks in the A.A.D syllabus
front, side, round, hitch, back, controlled, spring, in and knee kicks
Where does a front kick finish and from what position does it leave the floor
in line with your shoulder and leaves the floor from 4th position
Where does a side kick commence and finish
commences in 2nd position and finished behind the little finger at the side
Through what positions does a round kick pass
through all open positions
Where does a back kick finish
behind in line with the shoulder
What is a hitch kick
It is 2 kicks to the count of one. The weight is slightly forward in the preparation and slightly back in the hitch kick
What is a controlled kick
a kick with 2 or more counts
What kicks can be sprung
all kicks can be sprung
What is rhythm
rhythm is expressive time, which can be developed by splitting counts and accenting them
What is time
the number of beats in a bar of music
What is tempo
The speed in which music is played
How many times are there and describe each one
There are 2 - simple and compound. Simple time is: 2/4 (2 crotchet beats to the bar) 3/4 (3 crotchet beats to the bar) 4/4 (4 crotchet beats to the bar) Compound time is: 6/8 (6 quaver beats to the bar) 9/8 (9 quaver beats to the bar) 12/8 (12 quaver beats to the bar)
How do you get the compound of a simple time
Treble the top number and double the bottom number (e.g. 2/4 becomes 6/8)
What can you dance to these times
2/4 - slow foxtrot, tango and polka 3/4 - waltz, mazurka, and minuet 4/4 - quickstep or speed 6/8 - march 9/8 - used mostly for ballet, symphonic or orchestral music 12/8 - tarantella
What beat is accented in Waltz rhythm, mazurka and minuet
Waltz - the 1st beat
Mazurka - the 2nd beat
Minuet - all 3 beats, as each beat has the same value
What is a good remedial exercise for flat feet
Pick up marbles with bare feet, and then throw them down e.g. on floor, in bucket
What is a good exercise for a poke neck
lie on floor, keep shoulders down, and try to look at your toes
What is a good exercise for sickled feet
give an exercise at the Barre that forces the inside heel to front
What is a good exercise for bad posture
Walk with a book on head, keep the head erect. Or stand against the wall and slowly plié down to the floor and stretch up again
What is simple rhythm
Simple rhythm is on the beat
What is syncopated rhythm
Syncopated rhythm is off the beat
What is the construction of a routine
First select your music (usually a 32 bar chorus), then break it up into 4-8 bar phrases. Each 8-bar phrase has 32 counts. Put a step to each phrase and name them - A, B, C, D or 1, 2, 3, 4 and mix them up in any order to form a routine
What is pattern and direction
Doing a step on the spot, in a circle, forward and backward, side to side, on the diagonal, or zig-zag
What arms are used in tapping
Horizontal, opposition, oblique, and coordination
How would you break up a step
Break it into crotchets, quavers, semi-quavers, and demi-semi quavers. Counted 1, &1, &A1, &&A1
What is the mechanism of a walk
It is based on pendulum and leverage. Place the heel on the ground on count 1, transfer your weight to the flat of the foot on 2 (this is leverage), relax the knee on the other leg on count 3 and swing it through on count 4 (this is pendulum)
How do you teach wings
Teach the student the wing exercise and practice them at the Barre or on a chair. Once the student is able to do the exercise correctly then practice them in the centre of the room, emphasising that elevation is most important to get the correct beats and sound.
Why do we teach time steps
to teach time and rhythm