Te Whānau o Rangi-nui rāua ko Papa-tū-ā-nuku Flashcards
1) Uru-te-Ngāngana
The eldest and First-born child of the Primordial parents Rangi & Papa. The Atua of Light and Head Guardian of the Celestial bodies and the spring of Mana Atua.
2) Rō-Iho
Atua of Space, A Guardian of the Celestial bodies and the spring of Mana Whenua. An instructor to Tāne in the formation of Hineahuone.
3) Rō-Ake
Atua of Time, A Guardian of the Celestial bodies and spring of Mana Moana. An instructor to Tāne alongside Rō-Iho. Is also an attendant to Io-Matua Kore.
4) Hae-Puru
Atua of Celestial Energy, A Guardian of the spring of Mana Tangata. The third and final instructor of Tāne in the formation of Hineahuone, the one who gifted stardust to Hineahuone.
5) Hae-Matua
Atua of Cosmic Energy and Gravity, A denizen of the Heavens, and instructor of Tohi-nui-ā-rangi.
6) Whiro-te-Tipua
Atua of Darkness and Foresight. Head and resident of Tū-te-Āniwaniwa alongside Uru-te-Ngāngana and then the house of higher learning Te-Taiwhētuki in Rarohenga. Whiro had the most love out of all children for the Primal parents, Rangi and Papa and opposed the actions of Tāne in both the seperation and creation of mankind. (Perhaps the foresight of Whiro foresaw the damage we are causing to Rangi and Papa).
7) Tāwhiri-mātea
Atua of the Weather, Parent of the Four winds. Also opposed to the seperation of the Primal Parents. Two offspring of this Tāwhirimātea helped Tāne ascend the Heavens. Ara-tiatia & Toi-huarewa Guardian of one of the four most sacred houses of learning, Tītoremāhutu.
8) Tangaroa
Atua of the Seas, Parent of all marine life. Guardian of the entrance ways to one of four most sacred houses of higher learning, Rarauātea.
9) Kiwa
Atua of the Oceans, Resident of Tahora-nui-ātea, Guardian of Hine-Moana with dominion of Te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa (The Indian Ocean).
10) Te Ihorangi
Atua of Heavenly Waters & Rain. One of three Guardians of the bounds of the Heavens.
11) Tū-mata-uenga
Atua of War and Human-kind resident of Whare Kura alongside Rongomaraeroa and Tūmatakaka.
12) Te Ika-Roa
Atua of the Milky Way, Guardian of the stars, the Ancient Atua, The Giant Celestial Fish of the Universe. Attendant to Rēhua and Guardian to the entrance way of one of the four most sacred houses of higher learning, Whakatangitangi.
13) Raka-Maomao
Atua of Direction and Change. Guardian to the entrance way to one of the four most sacred houses of higher learning, Makahau. (Often confused as an Atua of the wind as is invoked to cease harsh winds and rain. “Mao mao mao te ua, whiti mai te rā”).
14) Rongo-ma-rae-roa
Atua of Peace & Restoration. The Peacemaker. Made noa by Tū-mata-uenga in the form of the Kumara. Resident of Whare Kura.
15) Tāwhiri-rangi
Atua of Soft Winds. Guardian of the temple also named Tāwhirirangi. Purifier of the human soul upon being deemed worthy to ascend Ngā Rangi-tū-hāhā. Resident of Te Pū-motomoto, the outer bound of Te Toi o ngā Rangi.