TDIH Flashcards
Carmen opera
George Bizet
Last and greatest
Premiered in france
Born into slaverly woman became a well known journalist exposed the horrors of lynching
Pamphlet southern whores lynch law in all its phases
Ida B wells
Brought net centered game feom betmuda in 1974 by way of beitish colonization
Mary ewing outerbridge
Pioneer amd activist Part of the vanguard at the stonewall uprising and a subject of andy warholl
Marsha P johnson
Mysterious circumstances ariumd her death
Slyvia plath semiauto biographacial movel
Bell jar
Orignally published under rhrbname vixtoria lucas
Regan took oath for 2nd term
Live aid concerts
Challwnger space abuttle exploded
Oprah show debuted
MTV launched
Sandra day iconnor nominatee to SP
First video videokilledthrradiostar
Exon valdez disaster
Rain man won beat oicture
NWA releqsed boyz in th hood
200th anniversary of US constitution
Mario bros debuted
IRA bomb exploded in London
Tylenol capaules laced with cynaide jill 7
Time mag man of thr year is computer
Winter olynoics
Presiwntal election
Olymoics in clagary
W bush
Movie vice sam rockwell portrays W
Gorelick is the last name of what famius person
Kenny G
What country is rhr onky monarchy in thr Pacific
In thr Mid 80s what guitarist stole his iconic hat feom a store called
Retail slut
The italian word lasagna comes from a latin word foe
Chamber pot
Who would probably use a devixe called a sling psychrometer
What no doubt singer became a coach
Gwen stefani
What pipular infant carrier company wqs founded in sweeden in 1961
Baby bjorn
What tv star won his first tony for hedwig and the angry inch in 2014
Astroturf was reportedly named after a baseball stadium in what US state
The walls of what type of blood vessel are only one cell thick
In what 2011 matt Damon film does the mee family take over an animal park
We bought a zoo
What did prince William and Kate name their first royal baby
What actor played newmann on Seinfeld
Wayne knight
What’s the first word of the robert burns poem auld lang syne
robert burns poem
Popular in Japanese cuisine matcha is a powdered
Green Tea
What country currently has the largest population in the world
In 1946 mobster opened a Las Vegas hotel
Bugsy siegel opened the flamingo
What late night host made his directorial debut with the movie rosewater in 2014
Jon stewart
In 1949 what aviation first was credited to aplane called lucky lady II
1st to Fly nonstop around the world
As of 2014 what tennis player holds the World for the most men’s grand slam singles titles
What will you findnon a zipper
Vodka is named after the russian word for
Which if these animals has a tail
Macaque muh cack
Monkeys have a tail
Anothwr name for the pig me chimpanzee
Gibbon is an
No tail
Who stars in taken
Liam nesson palys foemwr cia operative bryan mills
Animal vegetqble mineral is another name for what porlar game
20 questions
Sacha baron cohen title character wears a lime green bikini in what 2006 film
The word sauna originates in what Country
Kate hudson longtime love
Matthew bellamy
Lead singer of muse
In 1872 chemist robert cheesebrough patented what substwnce which he repordely ate a spoonful of daily until his death at 96
Cheese bro
Called rhe toughest foootrace on earth the marathon spans over 150 miles in what inhospitable place
Des sables da sab
Sahara desert
Awarded annually the abel prize is often called rhe
Nobel of mathematics
Awarded by king of norway
What Spanish city shares its name with the spanish word for pomegranate
Having some fun explaining the etymology of taradiddle MW offers what trio of synonyms
Balderdash , poppycock
Which of rhese broadway songs does andy sing once he has loat his virginity at the end of the 40 year old virgin
Grenade named after
French for pomegranate because of thr resemblance
In greek mythology iris
Personification and goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods