TCP/UDP Ports Flashcards
TCP Port 1
TCP Port Service Multiplexer (tcpmux)
TCP Port 5
Remote Job Entry (RJE)
TCP Port 7
TCP Port 9
TCP Port 11
system/active users information (systat)
TCP Port 15
TCP Port 18
message send protocol (msp)
TCP Port 21
file transfer protocol (FTP)
TCP Port 22
secure shell protocol (SSH)
TCP Port 23
TCP Port 25
simple mail transfer protocol (smtp)
TCP Port 42
windows internet naming service (wins)
TCP Port 43
TCP Port 53
domain name service (dns)
TCP Port 67
dynamic host configuration protocol (dhcp)
TCP Port 69
trivial file transfer protocol (tftp)
TCP Port 79
TCP Port 80
hyper text transfer protocol (HTTP)
TCP Port 88
kerberos key distribution server
TCP Port 98
TCP Port 109
post office protocol 2 (pop2)
TCP Port 110
post office protocol 3 (pop3)
TCP Port 111
sun remote procedure call (sunrpc)
TCP Port 113
ident tap authentication service (auth)
TCP Port 119
network news transfer protocol (nntp)
TCP Port 135
remote procedure call (loc-srv)
TCP Port 139
netbios session service (netbios-ssn)
TCP Port 143
internet mail access protocol (imap)
TCP Port 161
simple network management protocol (snmp)
TCP Port 179
border gateway protocol (bgp)
TCP Port 264
Checkpoint Securemote VPN Service (fw1-sremote)
TCP Port 389
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
TCP Port 443
hypertext transfer protocol over SSL
TCP Port 445
common internet file system (cifs)
TCP Port 464
kerberos distributed authentication mechanism
TCP Port 465
simple mail transfer protocol over SSL
TCP Port 512
remote execution service (exec)
TCP Port 513
remote login service (login)
TCP Port 514
remote shell service (shell)
TCP Port 515
line printer daemon
TCP Port 540
unix to unix copy service (uucp)
TCP Port 554
real time streaming protocol (rtsp)
TCP Port 593
microsoft remote procedure call over http (http-rpc)
TCP Port 636
lightweight directory access protocol over SSL (ldaps)
TCP Port 706
secure internet live conferencing (silc)
TCP Port 873
linux rsync service (rsync)
TCP Port 990
file transfer protocol over SSL (FTPS)
TCP Port 993
internet mail access protocol over SSL (imaps)
TCP Port 994
internet relay chat over SSL (ircs)
TCP Port 995
post office protocol 3 over SSL (pop3s)
TCP Port 1080
SOCKS proxy
TCP Port 1352
IBM Lotus Notes/Domino Remote RPC (lotusnote)
TCP Port 1433
Microsoft SQL Server (ms-sql)
TCP Port 1494
Critrix XenApp Independent Computing Architecture thin client protcol (citrix-ica)
TCP Port 1521
Oracle Transparent Network Substrate Listener (oracle-tns)
TCP Port 1526
Oracle database common alternative for listener
TCP Port 1541
Oracle database common alternative for listener
TCP Port 1720
Microsoft NetMeeting (videoconf)
TCP Port 1723
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol Virtual Private Networking (pptp)
TCP Port 1999
CIsco identification port (cisco-disc)
TCP Port 2301
Compaq Web-based Management Software (compaq-dq)
TCP Port 2401
CVS network server (cvspserver)
TCP Port 2433
Microsoft SQL Server (ms-sql)
TCP Port 2638
Sybase database (sybase)
TCP Port 3128
squid proxy (squid)
TCP Port 3268
global catalog (globalcat)
TCP Port 3269
global catalog over SSL (globalcats)
TCP Port 3306
MySQL database server
TCP Port 3372
microsoft distributed transaction coordinator (msdtc)
TCP Port 3389
remote desktop protocol (ms-rdp)
TCP Port 4110
watchguard VPN (wg-vpn)
TCP Port 4321
remote WHOIS
TCP Port 4480
proxyplus proxy (proxy+)
TCP Port 5000
universal plug and play (upnp)
TCP Port 5432
PostgreSQL database
TCP Port 5631
TCP Port 5632
TCP Port 5800
virtual network computing RDP over HTTP (vnc-http)
TCP Port 5900
virtual network computing RDP (vnc)
TCP Port 6000
X Window System (x11)
TCP Port 6103
Veritas Backup Exec Remote Agent (backupexec)
TCP Port 6112
Desktop Subprocess Control Daemon (dtspcd)
TCP Port 6588
AnalogX Proxy Server (analogx)
TCP Port 7100
X Font Service (font-service)
TCP Port 8890
Microsoft Source Safe Service (sourcesafe)
TCP Port 9100
jetdirect (for printing)
UDP Port 53
domain name service
UDP Port 67
bootstrap protocol server
UDP Port 68
bootstrap protocol client
UDP Port 69
trivial file transfer protocol
UDP Port 111
sun remote procedure call
UDP Port 123
network time protocol
UDP Port 135
remote procedure call (loc-srv)
UDP Port 137
netbios name service (netbios-ns)
UDP Port 138
netbios datagram service (netbios-dgm)
UDP Port 161
Simple Network Management Protocol
UDP Port 445
common internet file system
UDP Port 500
Internet key exchange (IKE)
UDP Port 513
remote who (rwho)
UDP Port 514
system log (syslog)
UDP Port 520
routing information protocol
UDP Port 1434
SQL server resolution service [Microsoft SQL Service] (ms-sql-ssrs)
UDP Port 1900
universal plug and play
UDP Port 2049
network file system (nfs)
UDP Port 4045
UDP Port 540
unix to unix copy service (uucp)