TCM Patterns Flashcards
Pallor, dizziness, blurring of vision, listlessness, lasstitude, SOB, unwillingness to speak, feeble voice, spontaneous perspiration, all aggregated on exertion, susceptible to cold, pale tongue, weak pulse
Qi Deficiency
Tiredness, dizziness, blurring of vision, SOB, bearing down and distending sensation in abdomen, frequent urination, chronic diarrhea, prolapsed uterus or rectum, gastroptosis (stomach prolapse), nephroptosis, pale tongue, white tongue coating, weak pulse
Sinking of Qi
Oppression and distending, unlocalized and fluctuating pain in chest, hypochondrium and abdomen which is subsided after eructation, fart and borborygmus, aggrevated when patient feels depressed
Stagnation of Qi
Cough, asthma, hiccup, eructation (belching), nausea, vomiting, dizziness, painful distension in head or even syncope (fainting), hematemesis in serious cases
Reversed flow of Qi
Pallor or sallow complexion, pale lips and nails, dizziness, blurring of vision, palpitation, insomnia, numbness of limbs, rough skin, hypomenorrhea with light color, delayed menstration, amenorrhea, pale tongue, thready weak pulse
Deficiency of Blood
Stabbing fixed pain at certain region, aggrevated with pressure or at night, hard and fixed masses in the abdomen, subcutaneous hemotoma and pelidnoma, bleeding of caked and dark purple blood, darkish complexion, squamous and dry skin, cyanotic lips and nails, amenorrhea in women, dark purple tongue or with ecchymoses and petechiae, thready unsmooth pulse
Blood Stasis
Hemoptysis, hematemesis, bleeding from eyes, ears, nose, mouth or subcutaneous tissues, hematuria, hematochezia, preceded menstral cycle, menorrhagia, mental restlessness or mania, coma, dryness of mouth with no desire to drink, feverish that is severe at night, crimson tongue, rapid pulse or slippery rapid pulse
Heat in Blood
Coldness and pain in the hands, feet and lower abdomen which is relieved by warmth, intolerance to cold and preference for warmth, cold and blueish purple hands and feet, delayed menstration, dark purple menstral flow with clots, dysmenorrhea, pale tongue, white coating, slow deep unsmooth pulse
Cold in Blood
Pallor or sallow complexion, SOB, unwillingness to speak, fatigue, dizziness, blurred vision, spontaneous perspiration, palpitation, insomnia, pale lips and nails, pale tongue, thready and weak pulse
Deficiency of both Qi and Blood
Fullness, distension and migratory pains in chest and hypochondrium, depression, irritability, abdominal mass, stabbing pain with reluctance to pressure, distending pain in breasts before menstration, dysmenorrhea, dark purple menstration with clots, amenorrhea in a serious case, dark purple tongue with petechiae, wiry unsmooth pulse
Stagnation of Blood due to Stagnation of Qi
Hemafecia (blood in stool), hematemesis, subcutaneous ecchymoses, teeth and gum bleeding, profuse menstration, metrorrhagia, metrostaxis, SOB, spontaneous perspiration, fatigue, pale tongue and complexion, thready weak pulse
Hemorrhage due to Deficiency of Qi
Heavy bleeding, pallor, cold limbs, profuse cold sweating, feeble breath, coma, pale tongue, floating scattered pulse
Exhaustion of Qi resulting from Hemorrhage
Dryness of mouth and throat, dry lips and tongue, dry skin, scanty urination, constipation, red tongue with little fluids, thready rapid pulse
Insufficiency of Body Fluids
Puffiness of eyelids which spreads to the four limbs and whole body, the attack is abrupt, soreness and heaviness of limbs, scanty urination, mostly accompanied by aversion to wind cold, fever, thin white tongue coating, superficial tense pulse, sore throat, red tongue, superficial rapid pulse, general edema which develops slowly and produces deep dents on pressure, heaviness of the body and limbs, fullness of the epigastrium, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, white sticky tongue coating, deep retarded pulse
Yang Edema
Edema worse in the lumbar region, dents on pressure, scanty urination, epigastric fullness, abdominal distension, loss of appetite, loose stools, pallor and sallow complexion, soreness and coldness of lumbar region and knee joints, cold limbs, intolerance to cold, lasstitude, pale and puffy tongue, white slippery tongue coating, deep slow forceful pulse
Yin Edema
Cough, asthma, expectoration, fullness of chest, stuffiness of epigastrium, loss of appetite, nausea, dizziness, coma, mania, rattle in the throat, numbness of body and limbs, hemiplegia, scrofula, goiter, subcutaneous nodules, nodules in breasts, obstructed feeling in throat, white and sticky or yellow and sticky tongue coating, smooth pulse
Phlegm Syndrome
Stuffiness and distension in the epigastrium and abdomen, rumbling sound in stomach and intestines, vomiting clear water, dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations, distension and fullness in chest and hypochondrium, cough, pain which occurs during respiration in turning the body laterally; or cough, asthma, fullness of chest that makes it impossible to lay flat, edema of body and limbs, heaviness and soreness, difficult urination, white smooth tongue coating, wiry pulse
Retained Fluids Syndrome
Fever, aversion to cold, sweats or slight sweats, headache, stuffy and running nose, itching throat, slight cough, superficial moderate pulse, white thin tongue coating
Invasion of Wind in the Exterior
Itching of skin, skin rashes, come and go regularily and quickly
Retention of Wind in the Skin
Numbness of limbs or face, clenched jaw, deviation of mouth and eye, stiff neck, convulsion, tic
Invasion of Wind in the Channels and Collaterals
Unbearable pain in the joints, limitation of movement, SOB, spontaneous perspiration, superficial wiry or deep weak pulse, white greasy tongue coating
Retention of Wind in the Joints
Acute onset, no fever at beginning but later on, aversion to cold, no sweats, stiff neck and back, body aching, superficial tight pulse, white thin tongue coat
Invasion of Cold in the Exterior
Abdominal pain, borborygmus, diarrhea, vomit, pale tongue with white coating or spasm of four limbs, extremely cold limbs, minute pulse
Attack of Cold in the Interior
Severe joint pain which is fixed and swollen, aggrevated by cold and alleviated by warmth, pale puffy skin, skin cold to the touch, pale puffy tongue with white greasy/slippery tongue coating, wiry tight pulse
Invasion of Cold in the Channels and Collaterals
Fever, thirst, cough without sputum, chest tightness, hypochondriac pain, soft rapid pulse, strong in Cun position, may be dizzy, fever and chills, sweats, cough, thin white slightly greasy coating, weak pulse
Invasion of Summer Heat in the Lungs
Dizziness, vertigo, headache, aversion to heat, restlessness, red face, rough breathing, dry mouth, thirst with preference for cold drinks, profuse sweats, slight aversion to cold on the back, flooding large pulse
Scorchung of Summer Heat in the Yangming Meridian
Fever, red face, deafness, chest tightness, epigastrium fullness, diarrhea,scanty yellow urine, cough with bloody sputum, slight thirst with no desire to drink, red tongue with yellow and slippery coating
Summer Heat with Damp Heat