TCi Lesson 7 Vocab Flashcards
a hilly region at the base of a mountain range
deep enough and wide enough for ships to use
an imaginary line, marked by rapids and waterfalls, where rivers start to drop from higher land to lower land
fall line
a material found in nature that is useful to people
natural resource
an organized economic activity connected with the production, manufacture, or construction of a particular product or range of products
the business of growing crops and raising animals
the low, flat land along a river that may be underwater during a flood
a violent and powerful windstorm that is shaped like a funnel
What does successful agriculture require?
Good soil, plenty of rain, a long growing season
What do people who live in the Southeast highlands experience that people in the lowlands do not?
Cooler weather
Why is the fall line important?
It tells us how far rivers are nagivable
What are the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains called?
The Piedmont
Why did people want to build mills and factories near the fall line?
The waterfalls provided water power
What do people who live in the Southeast lowlands experience that people in the highlands do not?
Warmer weather
How do floods cause damage?
They cover areas in muddy water
Where have many port cities in the Southeast developed?
Where rivers meet the ocean
What is a natural resource?
A material or substance found in nature
How did Hurricane Andrew change people’s lives?
It destroyed many homes and businesses
Cotton is…
a product of agriculture