TC-U4.utf8 Flashcards
Indonesian (adj)
joint venture
Czech (n)
limousine (n)
cluttered (adj)
co-worker (n)
proposal (n)
brake (n)
racquetball (n)
boardroom (n)
neutral (adj)
tone (n)
tan (n)
raise (n)
reception (n)
breeze (n)
take off
preliminary (adj)
investigation (n)
indicate (vt)
accident (n)
fatigue (n)
village (n)
conservative (adj)
appearance (n)
sedan (n)
tournament (n)
first-rate (adj)
upturn (n)
economy (n)
skeptical (adj)
paperwork (n)
tension (n)
tendency (n)
tend (vi)
tendon (n)
overwork (vt)
studious (adj)
benefits package
be convenient to
inconvenience (vt)
convenience (n)
inconvenient (adj)
ratify (vt)
appointment with (n)
approach to (n)
cause of (n)
combination of (n)
contribution to (n)
cure for (n)
decrease in (n)
demand for (n)
development in (a field) (n)
development of (something) (n)
effect of (something that affects) (n)
effect on (the thing affected) (n)
example of (n)
exception to (n)
experience in (a field) (n)
experience with (something) (n)
idea for (n)
impact on (n)
improvement in (n)
increase in (n)
influence on (n)
interest in (n)
native of (n)
part of (n)
participation in (n)
price of (n)
probability of (n)
problem with (n)
process of (n)
quality of (n)
reliance on (n)
result of (n)
rules for (doing something) (n)
rules of (a game) (n)
satisfaction with (n)
search for (n)
solution to (n)
source of (n)
supply of (n)
variety of (n)
accustomed to (adj)
acquainted with (adj)
afraid of (adj)
angry at (something or someone) (adj)
angry with (someone) (adj)
attached to (adj)
aware of (adj)
based on (adj)
capable of (adj)
close to (adj)
dependent on (adj)
different from (adj)
disappointed with/by (adj)
eligible for (adj)
essential to/for (adj)
familiar with (adj)
free from (control) (adj)
free of (impurities) (adj)
identical to (adj)
inferior to (adj)
made of (material) (adj)
married to (someone) (adj)
native to (somewhere) (adj)
necessary for (adj)
next to (adj)
perfect for (adj)
pleased with (adj)
polite to (adj)
preferable to (adj)
related to (adj)
responsible for (something or someone) (adj)
responsible to (someone) (adj)
safe from (adj)
satisfied with (adj)
similar to (adj)
suitable for (adj)
superior to (adj)
surprised at/by (adj)
account for
agree to (a plan)
(vi)同意, 贊成…, 接受
agree with (someone)
approve of
(vi)贊許; 批准
arrive at (an airport, a train station, a building)
arrive in (a city or country)
到達, 來到
begin by (doing something)
begin with (something)
believe in
benefit from
caution against
chat with
compete with
concentrate on
consist of
consult with
contribute to
cooperate with
deal with
decide on
depend on
engage in
escape from
(vi)避免[(+from/out of)]
divide among (more than two people)
divide between (two people)
divide into (parts)
furnish with
grow into
interfere with
invest in
move to (a house or room)
move to (a city or country)
participate in
pay for
plan on
prepare for
prohibit from
recover from
rely on
(vi)依靠, 信賴
replace with
respond to
result in
subscribe to
substitute for
succeed in
talk about (a topic)
talk to (an audience or a person)
talk with (a person)
wait for (someone or something)
wait on (a customer)
withdraw from
(vt)收回;取回;提取[(+from/out of)]
according to
ahead of
along with
because of
by means of
due to
因為, 由於
in charge of
in favor of
支持; 有利於; 支付給
in spite of
instead of
代替; 寧願
on account of
on behalf of
代表, 為了…的利益
prior to
在…之前; 首要
regardless of
thanks to
由於; 託…福; 幸虧
together with