TC 4-02.1 First Aid Flashcards
What is TCCC?
Tactical Combat Casualty Care
What are the steps in TCCC?
- Care under fire 2. Tactical field care 3. Combat casualty evacuation care
What is a CCP?
Casualty collection point
What is a CASEVAC?
Casualty Evacuation in Non-Medical Vehicle or Aircraft
When would you not render first aid to a casualty?
If doing so would put your life in danger or the casualty shows no signs of life
In combat, what is the biggest threat to a casualty’s life?
How do you determine a casualty’s level of consciousness?
A – Alert, V – Responds to voice, P – Responds to pain, U – unconscious
What is CPR?
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation – used to restore heartbeat
What is a FMC?
Field Medical Card
When would you not loosen clothing?
chemical environment or clothing is stuck to the wound
What are the four types of burns?
C-Chemical, E-Electric, L-Laser, T-Thermal
What are the three categories of heat injury?
Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heatstroke
What are the two methods for opening the airway?
Head tilt/chin lift method and Jaw thrust
When would you not use the head tilt/chin lift method?
Suspected neck or spinal injury
What is self aid?
Emergency treatment applied to one’s self
What publication covers first aid?
TC 4-02.1
What is first aid?
Care rendered to a casualty prior to the arrival of medical personnel
What is the unique feature of type “O” blood?
Universal donor
How high above an injury should you apply a tourniquet?
2-4 inches
What are the three types of bleeding?
Arterial, Venous, Capillary
Name 4 common points for checking pulse.
side of neck (carotid), ankle (dorsalis pedis), wrist (radial), groin (femoral)
What are the eight steps for evaluating a casualty?
Responsiveness, Breathing, Pulse, Bleeding, Shock, Fractures, Burns, Head injury
What is the best medicine on the battlefield?
fire superiority
What is a DD Form 1380 and what is it used for?
Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Card, to record injuries and treatments performed on a patient as they move through the roles of medical care