TBL Kidney-Cremo Flashcards
What are some common clinical causes of respiratory acidosis?
-CNS depression (drug overdose or anesthesia) -Severe asthma attack -COPD -Severe pneumonia -Upper airway obstruction -Severe pulmonary edema (anything that you cant breath out)
What are some common clinical causes of respiratory alkalosis?
-Voluntary hyperventilation
-Liver failure
-Anxiety hyperventilation system
-Any acute pulmonary problem
(acute pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, mild asthma attack, mild pulmonary edema)
(breathing out too much!)
If you add a strong acid to your blood what happens to PaCo2? What happens to your bicarb?
PaCo2 will go unchanged but bicarb will go down
If you add a strong base to your blood what happens to PaCO2?
What happens to your bicarb?
You PaCO2 will go unchanged but bicarb will go up!
What is another name for metabolic acidosis?
What is hypobicarbonatemia and what causes it?
an increase in EAP
- derangements in gut function
- derangements in metabolism
- due to exogenous intoxicants
- reduced net acid excretion due to renal defects
What does diarrhea cause and why?
metabolic acidosis
secrete bicarb in stool and get blood reabsorption of H
What are the causes of metabolic acidosis?
- Diarrhea or laxative
- imbalance between organic acid production and consumption
- hypoxia
- lactic acidosis (strenuous exercise with volume depletion)
- ketoacidosis (diabetes)
- methanol and ethylene glycol (alcohol)
What are the causes of gap metabolic acidosis?
- Ketoacidosis (acetoacetate, B-hydroxybutyrate)
- Lactic acidosis
- Renal failure (sulfate, urea, phosphate, hippurate)
- Methanol (formate)
- Ethylene glycol
What causes metabolic alkalosis?
-vomiting or nasogastric drainage
What 2 things does metabolic alkalosis require?
both a generation mechanism (vomiting) and a maintenance mechanism
what are the three maintence mechanisms for metabolic alkalosis?
volume depletion
aldosterone excess
How do you check for acute respiratory acidosis compensation?
For respiratory alkalosis compensation?
for every 10 mm Hg increase in CO2 there is a .07 decrease in pH
For every 10mm Hg decrease in CO2 there is a .08 increase in pH
How does HCO3 look in acute respiratory acidosis?
In acute respiratory alkalosis?
increase by 1mM
decrease by 2mM
how long does it take for equilibration of body buffers after respiratory acidosis?
how long does it take for the kidney to compenste?
10 min
4 days
Whats a quick and dirty way to predict metabolic alkalosis compensation?
PaCO2 up by .5-1 mm Hg for each 1 mM rise in [HCO3-]