TBL 5 Flashcards
bodily sensation of touch, pain, temperature, vibration, and proprioception
Posterior Column-Medial Lemniscal Pathway (PCML)
Conveys proprioception, vibration, and fine touch
- First Order: enters spinal cord via the dorsal root and ascends ipsilaterally within the dorsal column
- Second Order:
Anterolateral Pathways (Spinothalamic Tracts)
Convey temperature, pain, and crude touch
- Archispinothalamic Tract
- Paleoepinothalamic Tract
- Neospinothalamic Tract
Receptor and Fxn
Receptor: muscle spindles and golgi tendon organ
Fxn: senses change in muscle length and tension
Fine Touch
Receptor and Fxn
Receptor: meissner’s corpuscles and merkel’s receptor
Fxn: sensitive to mechanical deformation of the skin
Deep Touch and Vibration
Receptor and Fxn
Receptor: pacinian corpuscle, ruffini ending, an hair receptor
Fxn: sensitive to mechanical deformation of the skin and movement of hairs
Receptor and Fxn
Receptor: bare nerve ending
Fxn: sensitive to changes in temperature
Receptor and Fxn
Receptor: bare nerve endings
Fxn: sensitive to high levels of mechanical, temperature, or chemical stress
Secondary Somatosensory Association Cortex
- located within the Sylvian fissure along its superior border
Parietal Association Cortex
- caudal to the primary somatosensory cortex in the superior parietal lobe
Fasciculus Gracilis
- located medially
- conveys sensory information from the periphery of dermatomes below T5 (legs and lower trunk)
Fasciculus Cuneatus
- located laterally
- conveys sensory information from the periphery of dermatomes above T5 and above
Archispinothalamic Tract
- C fibers
- not somatotopically mapped
- stimulate the brainstem reticular formation (increase alertness), periaqueductal gray matter (endogenous pain modulating system), hypothalamus (visceral and autonomic response to pain), and limbic system (emotional responses to pain)
Paleospinothalamic Tract
- C fibers
- not somatotopically mapped
- stimulates the brainstem reticular formation (increase alertness), periaqueductal gray matter (endogenous pain modulating system), and intralaminar thalamic nuclei (projects to the frontal, cingulate cortex, and insular cortex)
Neospinothalamic Tract
- A delta fibers
- somatotopically mapped
- conveys pain, temperature, and crude touch sensations to the cortex