TBL 5 Flashcards
What portion of the body do the pectoral muscles cover?
The pectoral muscles cover the anterolateral wall.
Where do the sternocostal and clavicular heads of the pectoralis major attach to proximally and distally?
The attachments of the sternocostal and clavicular heads of the pectoralis major are as follows:
Proximal: Sternum, superior six costal cartilages, and clavicle.
Distal: Anteromedial aspect of the proximal humerus.
What does simultaneous contraction of the sternocostal and clavicular heads of the pectoralis major result in? What are the innervations of these two heads?
The simultaneous contraction of the sternocostal and clavicular head results in adduction and medial rotation of the upper limb.
The innervations of these two heads are the Lateral and Medial Pectoral Nerves (C5-C8, T1)
For the Pectoralis Minor:
1) Where is it found?
2) What innervates it?
3) What is its proximal attachment?
4) What is its distal attachment?
5) What is its function?
The Pectoralis Minor:
1) is found beneath the pectoralis major
2) is innervated by the medial pectoral nerve (C8, T1)
3) is proximally attached to the 3rd and 5th ribs near their costal cartilages
4) is distally attached to the medial border and superior surface of the coracoid process of the scapula
5) stabilizes the scapula by drawing it inferiorly and anteriorly against the thoracic wall
For the Serratus Anterior:
1) Where does it attach proximally?
2) Where does it attach distally?
3) What innervates it?
4) What is its function?
The Serratus Anterior:
1) attaches proximally to the lateral portions of the first 8 ribs
2) attaches distally to the medial border of the scapula
3) is innervated by the long thoracic nerve
4) protracts the scapula when stretching to reach for something
What muscle stabilizes the scapula during protraction and what muscle retracts the scapula from the protracted position?
The pectoralis minor stabilizes the scapula during protration and the trapezius subsequently retracts the scapula from the protracted position.
Which muscles abduct the upper limb to 90 degrees? What muscle allows for abduction above 90 degrees?
The supraspinatus and deltoid muscles abduct the upper limb up to 90 degrees, and the serratus anterior works synergystically with these muscles to further abduct the upper limb beyond 90 degrees.
Why is the long thoracic nerve vulnerable to injury and how are abduction and rotation at the glenohumeral joint hindered after its injury? How does the winged scapula deformation occur?
The thoracic nerve is vulnerable to injury because it is located on the superficial aspect of the serratus anterior which lies directly beneath the limbs when they are normally at your side. When the limbs are raised this leaves the thoracic nerve unshielded from injury as commonly seen in a knife fight.
Since the thoracic nerve innervates the serratus anterior, if this nerve is damaged the serratus anterior no longer has muscle tone necessary to keep the scapula pulled tightly against the posterior thoracic wall (winged scapula).
Also, a damaged serratus anterior will not rotate the glenoid cavity superiorly, is is needed for full abduction of the upper limb.
From which myoblasts do the pectoral muscles derive from?
The pectora muscles are derived from the myoblasts of the parietal layer of lateral plate mesoderm.
What is the Poland Sequence?
The Poland Sequence is a rare serious defect resulting in the absence of the pectoralis minor and some of the pectoralis major (usually the sternal head).
Typical characteristics are absence or displacement of nipple and areola, along with syndactyly (fused fingers) and brachydactyly (short fingers) on the affected side.
What essentially are mammary glands and how are nipples formed?
Mammary glands are essentially highly specialized apocrine sweat glands.
At 6 weeks, the embryo develops two ridge-like thickenings of epidermis called mammary (milk) lines. These lines each start on one side of the ventral side of the body beginning at the axilla (armpit) and travelling down the ventral side of the body ending at the inguinal (groin) area, [see below]. Most of this ridge quickly disappears on both sides except for one very small portion in the pectoral region, which forms the primitive nipple.
What can be found within the breasts?
Inside the breasts, the functional substance (parenchyma of mammary gland, which is 15-25 rudimentary lactiferous ducts) can be found which open up onto the surface of the nipple.
Nipple Image Key
BV = Blood Vessel
De = Dermis
EP = Stratified Squamous Epithelium
SM = Smooth muscle
* = Lactiferous Duct
What is the effect of ovarian hormones on lacteriferous ducts in the breasts, and what are the names of these hormones?
Estrogen and Progesterone induce budding of multiple, small terminal ducts from the distal end of each lactiferous duct. They also induce white fat accumulation between these newly budding ducts.
What happens to the distal ends of the terminal lacteriferous ducts during pregnancy, and what is responsible for this occurance?
During pregnancy, the ovarian hormones (estrogen/progesterone) and prolactin (from the pituitary gland) do two things:
1) stimulate secretory acini formation at the distal ends of terminal lacteriferous ducts.
2) induce milk secretion into the lumens of acini during lactation.
Image of Lactating Mammary Gland (Key)
Du = Ducts
* * = acini filled with milk
* = empty acini
What happens to the breasts after breast-feeding?
The terminal lactiferous ducts regress but remaining lactiferous ducts can transform into fluid-filled cysts.
What anchors the breasts to the dermis, and what proportion of the breasts lie on the underlying muscles (which muscles)?
The breasts are firmly attached to the overlying dermis by suspensory ligaments.
Two-thirds of each breast lies on the pectoralis major muscle and one-third lies on the serratus anterior muscle.
Where does lymph from the lateral quadrants of the breast drain into? Where does lymph from the medial quadrants drain into?
Lymph from the lateral quadrants drains into the pectoral lymph nodes which is a consituent group of the axillary nodes.
Lymph from the medial quadrants drains into the parasternal lymph nodes.
Both axillary and parasternal lymph nodes ultimately drain into the supraclavicular lymph nodes.
Where do breast carcinomas typically arise and what is the most common site for metastasis?
Breast carcinomas typically arise in the epithelial cells of the lactiferous ducts in the mammary gland lobules.
The most common site for metastasis is the axillary lymph nodes since most of the lymph of the breasts drains here. (Metastatic cancerous cells travel through the lymph vessels)
What is fascia, how is it named and whichfascia sheaths the neurovascular contents of the axilla?
Fascia is a tough sheet of dense connective tissue that is
named according to the muscle beneath it.
The pectoral fascia leaves the lateral border of the pectoralis major to become the axillary fascia.
Which muscles form the following boundaries of the axilla:
1) posterior boundary
2) medial boundary
3) anterior boundary
The following muscles form the posterior, medial, and anterior boundaries, respectively:
1) the subscapularis
2) the serratus anterior
3) pectoralis major
What is the purpose of the axilla?
The axilla is a passageway for nerves and blood vessels from the root of the neck to the upper extremities.
Which vessel connects the axillary artery with the aorta?
The subclavian artery recieves blood from the aorta and is continous with the axillary artery at the lateral border of the first rib.
Where does the axillary artery end and what does it become at the point?
The axillary artery ends at the inferior border of the teres major where it continues as the brachial artery.
What is unique about the subscapular artery?
The subscapular artery is the branch of the axillary artery with the largest diameter and shortest length.
What are the two terminal branches of the subscapular artery?
The two branches of the subscapular artery are:
1) the circumflex scapular artery
2) the thoracodorsal arteries
What muscle does the thoracodorsal artery supply?
The thoracodorsal artery supplies the latissimus dorsi.
What is characteristic about the circumflex scapular artery?
The circumflex scapular artery curves around the lateral border of the scapula and anastomoses (reconnects) with the suprascapular artery.
Which arteries supply the deltoid, and where do these arteries arise from?
The deltoid is supplied by the posterior circumflex humeral artery and the anterior circumflex humeral artery which both anastomose (reconnect) after separately branching off from the axillary artery.
Where can the axillary artery be ligated without stopping blood flow into the upper limb?
The axillary artery can be ligated between the 1st rib and the subscapular artery because the direction of the blood flow becomes reversed following ligation and enables blood to still reach the third part of the axillary artery.
There are venous tributaries that correspond to the branches of the axillary artery, where do these tributaries flow into?
Venous tributaries enter into the axillary vein either directly or via the cephalic vein. The axillary vein then becomes the subclavian vein at the lateral border of the first rib.